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CS 6190 Finding a Research Topic. The Thesis Equation Topic + Advisor = Dissertation.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 6190 Finding a Research Topic. The Thesis Equation Topic + Advisor = Dissertation."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 6190 Finding a Research Topic

2 The Thesis Equation Topic + Advisor = Dissertation

3 Area vs Topic Area = subfield E.g., architecture, theory, programming languages, high performance computing, or multidisciplinary, e.g., computational science Is it important? Timely? Jobs in the area? Topic = specific open problems in subfield Theory: faster algorithm AI: Improving a machine learning algorithm SE: Introducing a new way to test programs

4 Topic Scale and Scope Scale Should have more than one open problem, or solving one should lead to another Should lead to more than one result/finding, some big, some smaller Scope Too narrow, e.g., just analysis no experiment, many not leave enough room Too broad, e.g., data mining, for what? why? too open ended

5 Selecting a Topic Moving from coursework to finding a topic is often a low point Even for the most successful students Why? Going from what you know-coursework, to something new-research! It is very important! There is no *one* ideal way, but many good ways

6 Selecting a Topic Is Important! It sets the course for the next two (or three) years of your life It will define the area for your job search You may be working in the same area (or a derivative) for years after It is uncommon to completely switch areas It is common to extend and add nearby areas

7 Things to Consider What kind of job are you interested in? research univ, teaching univ, gov’t lab, or industry What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Programming, design, data analysis, proofs? Key insights vs. long/detailed system building, verification/simulation A combination? Narrow, broad, multidisciplinary ?

8 Topic vs Advisor Topic?= Advisor They are distinct but related choices At times hard to separate topic from advisor Multidisciplinary topic may need co-advisors, etc.

9 Things to Consider Do you have a “preassigned” research advisor or do you have to find one? Does your advisor know anything about the topic? What is your advisor’s style? Are you more comfortable working as part of a team or alone?

10 Some Ways to Find a Topic

11 1) A Flash of Brilliance You wake up one day with a new insight/idea New approach to solve an important open problem Warnings: This rarely happens if at all Even if it does, you may not be able to find an advisor who agrees

12 2) The Term Project + You take a project course that gives you a new perspective E.g., theory for systems and vice versa The project/paper combines your research project with the course project Warnings: This may be too incremental

13 3) Re-do & Re-invent You work on some projects Re-implement or re-do Identify an improvement, algorithm, proof You have now discovered a topic Warnings: You may be without “a topic” for a long time It may not be a topic worthy of a doctoral thesis

14 4) The Apprentice Your advisor has a list of topics Suggests one (or more!) that you can work on or helps you find one Can save you a lot of time/anxiety Warnings: Don’t work on something you find boring, badly-motivated,… Several students may be working on the same/related problem

15 5) papers = Thesis You work on a number of small topics that turn into a series of conference papers E.g., you figure out how to apply a technique (e.g., branch and bound) to optimize performance tradeoffs Warnings: May be hard to tie into a thesis May not have enough impact

16 6) Idea From A B You read some papers from other subfields/fields Apply this insight to your (sub)field to your own E.g., graph partitioning to compiler optimizations Warnings: You can read a lot of papers and not find a connection Or realize someone has done it already!

17 * … Combine, compose Try any combination of these ideas But, focus on tangible progress, milestones Warnings: It can take a lot of time without any results!

18 Some Tips Research topic and advisor are both important Keep an ‘ideas’ notebook; these could turn into research papers later Follow your interests and passion Key driver for success and impact Are you eager to get to work, continue working? If not really interested, correct and adapt But, differentiate between tedium versus real lack of interest and motivation

19 Set Goals/Take Stock Set goals for a topic-finding-semester E.g. Selecting and trying 2 of 6 strategies Assess your progress Are you converging to an area? Or have you ruled out an area? Have you got a workshop paper or term project+ done? Adapt your strategy

20 When You’re Stuck …. Serve as an apprentice to a senior PhD student in your group Keep working on something Get feedback and ideas from others Attend a really good conference in an area of interest Do a industry/government lab internship

21 Good things to do … Read papers in your area of interest Write an annotated bibliography Present possible extensions/improvements to each Read a PhD thesis or two (or three) Attend oral exams, thesis defense of others students Read your advisor’s grant proposal(s)

22 Take Risks ! Switching areas/advisors can be risky May move you outside your advisor’s area of expertise You don’t know the related work You are starting from scratch But it can be very refreshing! Recognize when your project isn’t working It is hard to publish negative results

23 Take Risks ! Take some risks in your research Choose problems that are significant Higher risk to solution Higher reward for solution But, balance High risk ---may not have solution, negative results cannot be published

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