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Craig Elias Founder & Chief Catalyst Selling, Inc. SHiFT! Train the Trainer Session #1.

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Presentation on theme: "Craig Elias Founder & Chief Catalyst Selling, Inc. SHiFT! Train the Trainer Session #1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Craig Elias Founder & Chief Catalyst Selling, Inc. SHiFT! Train the Trainer Session #1

2 Craig Elias Almost 20 years as a top sales performer –WorldCom: #1 within 6 months Founder of InnerSell, Inc. –Won Billion Dollar Idea contest –Dow Jones’ 50 most promising Creator of Trigger-Based Selling™ Chief Catalyst, SHiFT Selling, Inc. Director, SHiFT Selling International (Dublin)

3 Press Coverage

4 Today … Extrovert? “Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It is measured by the opposition you encounter and the courage with which you maintain your struggle against the odds” – Jerry Frenz Where could you be in 10 years?

5 Objectives Provide genuine insights –Differently not just better Make the complicated simple –What, how, and why Get you to take action –Those who act may make many mistakes but to not act is the greatest mistake of all

6 Agenda Identify the best opportunities

7 Write your signature with your wrong hand Write it with your usual hand? “If you will do what most will not do for just the next few years, then you can do what they can not do for the rest of your life” – Wade Cook

8 Testimonials “… we have grown the business by more than 50% from the previous year.” Donato Polignone, MSDS a Division of NuGeneration Technologies - Rohnert Park, California “ I went from closing one sale in twenty to closing two out of three …” Jess Harding, Independent Consultant - Banff, Alberta “ We gained sales almost immediately …” Rodd Stubbs, Owner, International Security & Protection Co., Ltd. - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam “… Craig will save us 100’s of hours of wasted time and effort while increasing our conversion rates.” J.P. Obbagy, President, Good Earth Travel Adventures LTD. - Vancouver, British Columbia


10 Window of Dissatisfaction SM

11 The Window of Dissatisfaction Buyer knows what they have does not meet their needs but they are too busy to search for alternatives

12 Three Keys to Sales Success Position More Viable Opportunities Higher Close Ratio Raise Value of Average Sale

13 The Silver Bullet in Sales… Timing: Getting in front of the right buyer at EXACTLY the right time !

14 Timing & Buying Buyers are always in one of three buying modes Current solution meets the buyer’s needs Buyer too busy to search for alternatives Buyer actively searching for alternatives Window of Dissatisfaction SM Searching Alternatives Status Quo

15 Timing & Close Ratios Status Quo Window Of Dissatisfaction SM Searching Alternatives Close Ratio You are five times more likely to close a sale when you have timing - are the first viable seller in front of a buyer in the Window of Dissatisfaction Average, cross industry, close ratios 0% 60 – 90% 10 - 20%

16 Timing & Value Status Quo Searching Alternatives Window of Dissatisfaction A buyer’s perception of value is the difference between what you offer and what they already have… Value … or what you offer and your next nearest competitor offers.

17 Window of Dissatisfaction Searching Alternatives Price Sales Cycle Close Ratio HighLow Short Long LowHigh Timing and Sales Value

18 Window of Dissatisfaction Searching Alternatives Type Loyalty Profitable Demanding References Referrals CorePeripheral Loyal 80% of Profit Likely Disloyal 80% of Headaches Unlikely 20% of Headaches 20% of Profit Timing and Customers

19 Timing & Selling The sooner you get in front of motivated buyers … Shape ideal solution –On a scale of 1 to 10 New Status Quo Will not switch, unless …

20 Value Proposition Status Quo Searching Alternatives Increased Margins Higher Close Ratios Shorter Sales Cycles Core Customers Loyal Customers 80% of Profit References & Referrals Grow Faster: You don’t have to replace customers and make up for lost revenues before you grow! Window of Dissatisfaction

21 How To Know? Status Quo Not interested Don’t need it right now Window of Dissatisfaction SM We’ll be looking at that in a few months Call me back in ? when we’ll be looking Searching Alternatives Currently looking Send me a quote Searching Alternatives Window of Dissatisfaction Status Quo

22 Questions ?

23 Trigger-Based Selling TM

24 What is Your Competition? Status Quo –Buyers doing what they have in the past AKA Path Dependency

25 Your Competition Buyers have selective perception Too busy to look at what you have You can’t get their attention, unless…

26 Trigger-Based Selling Remember the buying modes Window of Dissatisfaction Searching Alternatives Status Quo A Window of Dissatisfaction is triggered by a particular event, or a series of events.

27 Three Keys to Sales Success Position Timing More Viable Opportunities Higher Close Ratio Raise Value of Average Sale

28 What Kind of Events Experiences –People, products, providers Change / Transition –People, places, priorities Awareness –Legal, risk avoidance, economics

29 Questions ?

30 Exercise What changes/transitions create the Window of Dissatisfaction for Trigger-Based Selling™ 1. 2. 3.

31 Commitment Based on what you have learned what is the one thing, about identifying the best opportunities, you will do differently, starting next week.

32 Summary If you only take away three things about Trigger-Based Selling™ please take away the following: 1.Importance of being first 2.Window of Dissatisfaction 3.Three types of trigger events

33 Objectives Provide insights Make the complicated, simple Get you to take action

34 Taking Action What is the one thing you will do differently from today forward?

35 10 Years Later…


37 Phone: 403.313.0412 Email: Web: Contact Information


39 Today Go out and make today the best day of your life EVERYDAY!

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