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Galaxy  A large collection of stars  Galaxies contain star groups  Galaxies only contain 1% of matter in the universe  The remaining 99% of matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Galaxy  A large collection of stars  Galaxies contain star groups  Galaxies only contain 1% of matter in the universe  The remaining 99% of matter."— Presentation transcript:


2 Galaxy  A large collection of stars  Galaxies contain star groups  Galaxies only contain 1% of matter in the universe  The remaining 99% of matter in the universe is “empty” space consisting of gases and dust

3 Milky Way Galaxy  The galaxy where we are located  Contains 100 to 200 billion stars  Also contains gas and dust clouds (nebulae)  Approximately 100,000 light years in diameter and about 15,000 light years thick  Solar system is located in the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way, about 30, 000 light years from the center of the galaxy

4 Milky Way Galaxy  Rotates about its center  It takes 200 million years for the solar system to revolve around the galaxy

5 The Milky Way Gaalaxy

6 Types of Galaxy

7 Elliptical Galaxies  Vary in shape from nearly spherical to resembling a flat disk  Contain very little dust  Have stars that are generally older than those in other types

8 Elliptical Galaxy

9 Spiral Galaxies  Made up of thick mass of material and flattened arms that spiral around the center  Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy are spiral galaxies

10 Spiral Galaxy (Andromeda)

11 Irregular Galaxies  Have no definite shape  Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are some examples

12 Irregular Galaxy

13 Star Clusters  Smaller groups of stars within a galaxy  They are gravitationally bound  There are two types of star clusters in the Milky Way galaxy  Most star clusters are far from the solar system and appear as fuzzy patches in the night sky  The open cluster and the globular cluster

14 Open Cluster  Contains large, loosely organized groups of stars  Pleiades, one of its examples, can be seen in the constellation of Taurus in winter

15 Open Cluster (Pleiades)

16 Globular Cluster  Group of stars in spherical shape  Many contain more than 100,000 stars  Example is the cluster in the constellation Hercules

17 Globular Cluster

18 Multiple Star System  Clusters that contain stars in much smaller groups  Binary stars are stars found in pairs  Eclipsing binary is a binary star system in which one star blocks out the light from its companion star

19 Binary Stars

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