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Photospheric X-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron Stars Frits Paerels Columbia University, NY, and SRON National Institute for Space Research, The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Photospheric X-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron Stars Frits Paerels Columbia University, NY, and SRON National Institute for Space Research, The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photospheric X-ray Spectroscopy of Neutron Stars Frits Paerels Columbia University, NY, and SRON National Institute for Space Research, The Netherlands Санкт-Петербург, 23-5-2008

2 Neutron Star Masses and Radii, 1932 - … “M = 1.5 M O, R = 10 km”

3 Mass Measurements From: Lattimer & Prakash, 2007, Physics Reports, 442, 109

4 Masses and Radii; Equation of State From: Lattimer & Prakash, 2007 Limits from fundamental considerations (c s < c, etc.); Spin rate; soon: moment of inertia from precession of S in binary

5 Attempts to use photospheric (X-ray) emission Example: photospheric emission from PSR B0656+14 (from Finley, Ögelman, Kızıloğlu, 1992, Ap. J. (Letters), 394, L21)

6 To measure radius: need distance ! At low resolution and/or S/N: cannot measure intrinsic spectral shape (everything looks like black body!) Data from TENMA (proportional counter) (from Waki et al., 1984, PASJ, 36, 819)

7 Potential of stellar photospheric spectroscopy atomic absorption: T eff, abundances, B, rotation; NS: gravitational redshift! X-ray burst spectrum: bright, probably low B, freshly accreting metals complements study of INS (high B, probably pure H or He)

8 Stark spectroscopy in Neutron Stars Pressure broadening should be observable! Hydrogenic ion (for simplicity): linear Stark effect: ΔE = 3a 0 |E|/Z (E perturbing electric field, Z nuclear charge, a 0 : Bohr radius dimensionally: ΔE ~ p  E ) so characteristic density: from integrating hydrostatic eq. down to τ T = 1:

9 The Stark width is not small! So for O VIII Ly  (853 eV): ΔE/E = 1/40! Higher order series members even more broadened: absorption spectrum strongly density-sensitive Stark broadening dominates over wide range of conditions: thermal Doppler: rotation: ΔE/E ≤ 1/40 for P rot ≥ 8 msec (R = 10 km) B-fields: ΔE Zeeman < ΔE Stark : ΔE Zeeman = μ B |B| < 20 eV: |B| < 3 x 10 9 G STARK WIDTH IS SENSITIVE TO DENSITY, HENCE TO g = GM/R 2 ; COMBINE WITH REDSHIFT (M/R): GET MASS AND RADIUS!

10 But will there be any bound electrons? Saha/Boltzmann for NS densities at high temperature:

11 High Resolution Photospheric Spectroscopy: the grating spectrometers on Chandra and XMM-Newton

12 Resolving powers: Chandra HETGS: 0.5-8 keV, E/ΔE up to ~ 1000 (Chandra LETGS:0.08-2 keV, E/ΔE up to ~ 2000) XMM-Newton RGS: 0.3-2 keV, E/ΔE up to ~ 700

13 PSR B0656+14/ Chandra LETGS (Marshall & Schulz, 2002, ApJ, 574, 377) RX J1856.5-3754/ Chandra LETGS (Drake et al., 2002, ApJ, 572, 996) nearly 500 ksec exposure! EW: λ/Δλ up to ~3500!

14 How about the X-ray Burst Spectrum ? LMXB EXO 0748-676 (Parmar et al. 1986, ApJ, 308, 199) P = 3.82 hr; dips; edge-on; frequent bursts EXO 0748-676/ EXOSAT ME 1985

15 Emission/absorption from accretion disk corona; He, H-like ions of N, O, Ne Direct disk emission blocked; ADC visible Disk shines through blocking material 30 X-ray bursts

16 Intermezzo: spectroscopy of the photoionized gas in the disk corona Gas is cool, photoionized: detect narrow RRC; OVII ‘triplet’: i + f > r i > f : collisional or radiative pumping to I : high density medium, or strong UV field from disk very unusual spectrum! He-like ion n=1,2

17 XMM/RGS: Cumulative spectrum of 30 X-ray bursts (Cottam, Paerels, & Mendez, 2002, Nature, 420, 51) If correct identification: gravitational redshift! z = 0.35

18 Irony: if z = 0.35 is correct, star is inside ISCO! accreting gas falls freely into atmosphere- resulting spallation may have observable effects (e.g. appearance of elements Z = 25, 24, 23, … )

19 Also: slow spin (fortuitous)! ν = 45 Hz, Villareal & Strohmayer, 2004, ApJ, 614, L121 Curve of growth for Fe XXVI n=2-3 (absorbing layer approximation)

20 Attempt verification: reobservation of the Fe XVII Balmer band with XMM/RGS (Cottam et al., 2008, ApJ, 672, 504)

21 Compare to 2000 observation

22 Attempt verification: search the Fe XVII Lyman band 37 X-ray bursts with Chandra HETGS; Paerels et al., in preparation.



25 Need spectroscopically accurate models for the spectrum Improvements needed: Using TLUSTY NLTE model atmospheres code (Ivan Hubeny, Thierry Lanz) NLTE important: Fe XXVI Lyα: Need complete Fe atomic structure model; consider all transitions Need model for Stark effect, pressure ionization: plasma-ion interaction, probably very nonlinear (not a dilute plasma) Want to model Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen (spectra exist!)


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