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MNGT 5590 Organizational Behavior Week 1: Introduction/Chapter 1 Dr

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1 MNGT 5590 Organizational Behavior Week 1: Introduction/Chapter 1 Dr
MNGT 5590 Organizational Behavior Week 1: Introduction/Chapter 1 Dr. George Reid

2 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior
Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.

3 Why Study OB? Satisfy the need to understand and predict
Helps us to test personal theories Influence behavior – get things done OB improves an organization’s financial health (how?) OB is for everyone (but the buck stops with MANAGEMENT) 1-3

4 Organizational Behavior
Task Behaviors Relationship Behaviors Business Goals MNGT 5590 Dr. Reid

5 Ground Rules for Business
Begin on time Participate and share your ideas (points) Encourage others to learn and participate Ask questions if you do not understand (during class; in private only if private matter) Listen to others without being evaluative No sidebar conversations– share it No cell phone/texting in class (ring off/go outside) Other rules as may be necessary to maintain a productive learning environment!

6 Week Topics/Activities/Assignments (schedule subject to adjustment) Chapter in Text 1 Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior Major Case: Introduction 2 Case #1: Analysis Due (50 pts) Individual Behavior, Values, and Personality Perception and Learning in Organizations Workplace Emotions, Attitudes & Stress Major Case: Analysis in Teams 3 4 Foundations of Employee Motivation Applied Performance Practices Major Case: Planning for Data Collection Major Case: Analysis Paper Due (100 pts) 5 6 Case #2: Analysis Due (50 pts) Major Case: Data Collection/Discovery N/A Midterm Examination (Chapters 1-6) (200 pts) Major Case: Summarize Data Decision Making and Creativity Team Dynamics Communicating in Teams and Organizations 7 8 9 Case #3: Analysis Due (50 pts) Power and Influence in the Workplace Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace Leadership in Organizational Settings Major Case: Feedback/report planning 10 11 12 Case #4: Analysis Due (50 pts) Major Case: Feedback Presentations (100 pts) Organizational Structure Organizational Culture Organizational Change Major Case: Final Report Paper Due (100 pts) 13 14 15 Final Examination (Chapters 1 – 15) (200 pts)

7 Grading Attendance* and participation 100 points = 10%
Case Studies – Analysis (4 x 50 pts.) 200 points = 20% Major Case: (Participation: 100 pts., Analysis Paper: 100 pts., Final report: 100 pts. 300 points = 30% Midterm Exam Final Exam 200 points = 20 % TOTAL 1000 points =100% *One class only may be made-up, if missed for any reason.

8 Quicken Loans Quicken Loans has become one of America’s most successful companies through high involvement, a focus on creativity, a strong culture, and other effective organizational behavior practices.

9 Organizational Behavior and Organizations
The study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations Organizations Groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose Collective sense of purpose Various types of structures and communication systems

10 Why Study OB? To understand and predict
Helps us to test/improve personal theories Influence behavior – get things done OB improves an organization’s financial health OB is for everyone

11 Organizational Effectiveness
The ultimate dependent variable in OB Old approach – achieving limited goals Problem with goal attainment Could set easy goals Company might achieve wrong goals

12 Four Perspectives of Organizational Effectiveness
Open Systems Perspective Organizational Learning Perspective High-Performance WP Perspective Stakeholder Perspective NOTE: Need to consider all four perspectives when assessing a company’s effectiveness

13 Open Systems Perspective
Organizations are complex systems that “live” within, and depend on, the external environment Effective organizations Maintain a close “fit” with changing conditions Transform inputs to outputs efficiently and flexibly Foundation for the other three organizational effectiveness perspectives

14 Open Systems Perspective
External Environment subsystem Technological subsystem Accounting subsystem Raw materials Human resources Information Finances Equipment Products/services Shareholder dividends Community support Waste/pollution subsystem subsystem subsystem Engineering subsystem Transforming inputs to outputs Marketing /Sales subsystem subsystem Managerial subsystem Purchasing subsystem subsystem Production subsystem subsystem Cultural subsystem Socialization subsystem Feedback Feedback

15 Organizational Learning Perspective
An organization’s capacity to acquire, share, use, and store valuable knowledge Need to consider both stock and flow of knowledge Stock: intellectual capital Flow: org learning processes of acquisition, sharing, use, and storage

16 Intellectual Capital Human Capital Structural Capital
Knowledge that people possess and generate Structural Capital Knowledge captured in systems and structures Relationship Capital Value derived from satisfied customers, reliable suppliers, etc.

17 Organizational Learning Processes
Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Use Knowledge Storage Learning Scanning Grafting Experimenting Communicating Info systems Internal learning Training Observing Awareness of knowledge Sense making (locating knowledge) Autonomy to apply knowledge Human memory Documentation Practices/habits Databases

18 Organizational Memory
The storage and preservation of intellectual capital Retain intellectual capital by: Keeping knowledgeable employees Transferring knowledge to others Transferring human capital to structural capital Successful companies also unlearn

19 High-Performance Work Practices
Workplace practices that leverage the potential of human capital Four HPWPs (likely others) Employee involvement Job autonomy Develop competencies (training, selection) Performance-based rewards Need to “bundle” them – work best together

20 © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved
Case B1: Wood Art General Mgr. Mgr. Q & CS Supv Pat: Gen Manager Workers McShane/Von Glinow OB 5e © 2010 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved

21 Case Example: Analysis
What is What should be How to get there?

22 Current INPUTS: Current PROCESSES: Current OUTPUTS: Desired INPUTS: Desired PROCESSES: Desired OUTPUTS:

23 Describe the nature of communication between the supervisor, Pat, and her workers:
How would you describe Pat’s management style? What suggestions can the Supervisor of Quality and Customer Service make to assist Pat in achieving Productivity, Quality AND Safety goals?

24 Corporate Social Responsibility at MTN
At MTN Group, Africa’s largest mobile (cell) phone company, employees help the community and environment through the company’s award-winning “21 Days of Y’ello Care” program. This photo shows MTN employees painting schools during a recent Y’ello Care event.

25 Stakeholder Perspective
Stakeholders: entities who affect or are affected by the firm’s objectives and actions Personalizes the open systems perspective Challenges with stakeholder perspective: Stakeholders have conflicting interests, values, ethics Firms have limited resources to satisfy all stakeholder needs

26 Stakeholders and CSR Stakeholder perspective includes corporate social responsibility (CSR) Benefit society and environment beyond the firm’s immediate financial interests or legal obligations Organization’s contract with society Triple bottom line Economy, society, environment

27 Globalization Economic, social, and cultural connectivity with people in other parts of the world Driven by better communication and transportation systems Effects of globalization on organizations Larger markets, lower costs, more innovation Increasing diversity Increasing work intensification, less work-life balance (24/7 schedule)

28 Increasing Workforce Diversity
Surface-level vs deep-level diversity Implications Better knowledge, decisions, representation, financial returns Manage challenges of diversity (e.g. teams, conflict) Ethical imperative of diversity

29 Emerging Employment Relationships
Work/life balance Minimizing conflict between work and nonwork demands Virtual work Using information technology to perform one’s job away from the traditional physical workplace Telecommuting – issues of social isolation, emphasis on face time, employee self-motivated

30 Organizational Behavior Anchors
Systematic research anchor OB knowledge is built on systematic research Evidence-based management – rely on research evidence, not fads, untested assumptions Multidisciplinary anchor Many OB concepts adopted from other disciplines OB develops its own theories, but scans other fields

31 Organizational Behavior Anchors (con’t)
Contingency anchor A particular action may have different consequences in different situations Need to diagnose the situation and select best strategy under those conditions Multiple levels of analysis anchor Individual, team, organizational level of analysis OB topics usually relevant at all three levels of analysis

32 Preview: Case: S-Tech Global Security Systems
Fire & intrusion alarms, video surveillance Offices in 7 countries,1200 employees Founded 1990 in Italy; purchased by Chris Huang – moved HQ to Shanghai Wants to implement ERP System (integrated IT functions)

33 S-Tech Global Security Systems
Chris Huang, CEO Terry Chen, Director, Field Operations Pat Wang, Director, Scheduling & Planning Sandy Zhang, Director, Sales & Marketing Sam Wu, Director, Electronics Design & Development

34 Dates and my responsibilities:
Prelim Analysis_______Week 2 ________ Plan interviews: _______Week 3 _______ Conduct interviews: ____Week 4_______ Summarize data: _______Week 5_______ Plan for feedback ______Week 6_______ Feedback presentations: ____Week 7____ This case: Individual assignments due: Individual analysis paper: _____Week 3_____ Final report paper: _________Week 8______

35 For Next Week (Sunday 11th)
Chapters 2 – 3 – 4 Read S-Tech Case. You are the OB consultants helping with Readiness for ERP Take Notes to Analyze S-Tech Case. Complete IPO Table X 6 (Current>Future) Comment on communication and leadership. Do not make recommendations at this time. Instructor will review notes for accountability

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