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The International Experience Europe Developing Road maps for Conventional Fuels in Asia Axel Friedrich Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "The International Experience Europe Developing Road maps for Conventional Fuels in Asia Axel Friedrich Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International Experience Europe Developing Road maps for Conventional Fuels in Asia Axel Friedrich Umweltbundesamt (UBA) Germany

2 Fuel specifications Mandatory fuel specifications for gasoline and diesel in two stages - 2000 and 2005: From 2009 sulphur limit is 10 ppm; it has to be available on stations 2005; tax incentives can be used to introduce this quality earlier

3 Vehicle Fuels Specification Gasoline, Diesel sulfur at 50 ppm today, 10 ppm being progressively introduced Low sulfur is a key enabling property for advanced low-emission vehicles Benefits of low sulfur diesel fuel will continuously improve as next generation vehicles enter the market.

4 Fuel Taxation in Germany  Higher fuel tax (+ 1.5 €ct/Litre) for low sulphur gasoline and diesel fuel with more than 50 ppm Sulphur from the 1.1.2001  Higher fuel tax (+ 1,5 € ct/Litre) for gasoline and diesel with more than 10 ppm Sulphur from the 1.1.2003 (< 10ppm = sulphur free)  additionally the so called Eco tax reform from 1999 to 2003 was imposed. Every year the fuel tax was raised by 1.5 €ct/litre

5 Sulphur “Free” Fuel From 1st of January 2003 1.5 €ct per litre tax incentive for sulphur content less than 10 ppm for both gasoline and diesel fuel ( Onroad and offroad ! ). Market changed completely in a short period

6 New Catalysts for Lower Sulfur Fuels Increasing ultra-low sulfur diesel producibility –proprietary catalyst technology –activity level tripled –rapid development / deployment Meeting gasoline sulfur specifications with minimal octane loss –Proprietary catalyst technology –clear octane advantage –lower operating cost ‘55‘65‘75‘85‘95‘05 Nebula-20™ for Diesel New Generation Catalysts Early Commercial Catalysts Activity Cumulative On-Line Capacity KBD SCANfining™ for Gasoline Source:

7 Emission Development in Germany Benzene and Diesel Particles


9 Effect of Fuel Sulphur Content on Emissions of Gasoline Passenger Cars with Three Way Catalyst at 50 000 Miles

10 Effect of Fuel Sulphur Content on Benzene Emissions of Gasoline Passenger Cars with Three Way Catalyst at 50 000 km

11 Impact of Fuel S Level on PM Emissions

12 UBA 8 th september 99 - G. BELOT

13 Development potentials of diesel engines Catalyst start-off behaviour Test precedure: Engine test bench, part load, 1,9 l TDI engine CO conversion % Sweden Diesel (<10 ppm S) Exhaust gas temperature before catalyst [°C] 0 20 40 60 80 100 80120160200240 Regular Diesel (350 ppm S) Fresh catalyst

14 Effect of diesel sulphur content on an oxidation catalytic converter -35 -25 -15 -5 5 15 25 CONOx HC+NOx PM Basis EU IV [%] S < 10 ppmS = 50 ppmS = 350 ppm Compliance with all EU IV limits only possible with S < 10 ppm! A4 V6 TDI

15 UBA proposal for HDV EuroV VI 1999/96/EG 2008/2009 As of 2010 ESC ETC 1) 2) ESC ETC 1) 2) g / kWh CO 1,5 4,0 1,5 4,0 HC 0,46 NMHC 0,55 Methan 1,1 3) 3) NO x 1,0 0,5 Partikel 0,005 0 0,005 1) Additonal transient test for diesel with after treatment- 2) For gas engines only transient test- 3) For CNG engines only

16 Strategies for Euro 5+(?) with After Treatment EURO 3 (Base line) EURO IV EURO V EURO V+ ? SCR (95%) EGR + DPF EGR + DPF + LNT (USA-Proposal) SCR (95%) SCR – Catatalyst (60%) SCR (80%) opt. combustion

17 HSO V Exhaust Gas Hydrolysis Catalyst (H) (NH 2 ) 2 CO + H 2 O  2NH 3 + CO 2 SCR Catalyst (S) 4NH 3 + 4NO + O 2  4N 2 + 6H 2 O 2NH 3 + NO + NO 2  2N 2 + 3H 2 O 8NH 3 + 6NO 2  7N 2 + 12H 2 O Oxidation Catalyst (O) 4NH 3 + 3O 2  2N 2 + 6H 2 O Oxidation Catalyst (V) 2NO + O 2  2NO 2 4HC + 3O 2  2CO 2 + 2H 2 O 2CO + O 2  2CO 2 urea (NH 2 ) 2 CO SCR-urea Source - AECC

18 conversion: 85% SCR- System im ETC- Test

19 Source: ACEA, June 2003

20 NOx Emissions - ETC Source: Concawe

21 Maritime Shipping Fuel: Waste incineration at Sea

22 The Bottom of the Barrel Increasing demand for low S HFO MARPOL Annex VI entered into force May 19, 2005 which has no impact to the average S- content in the HFO EU Sulfur in Marine Fuels Directive 1.5% S max for Special Areas like Baltic Sea and in the future North Sea More action is needed!


24 Member of ICCT New Address: 068440 Dessau POB 1406 Tel: +49 340 2103 2562

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