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Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making.

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Presentation on theme: "Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making

2 - About this program - Core values and course objectives - Learning and cooperation are foundational - Simulation exercise Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making

3 Core Values People working together can solve problems in communities. When diverse people work together, they can build relationships that benefit the community. Community problem-solving should be inclusive, engaging people of different backgrounds & life experiences. Learning is a life-long experience. Everyone can learn new skills that will enhance their ability to participate in community problem-solving.

4 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Course Objectives Understand how decisions made by leaders can have both positive and negative effects on community development. Understand everyone has different leadership styles and skills. Recognize communities can utilize different leadership styles and skills.

5 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Let’s get started…

6 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Get acquainted activity Can you draw the perfect leader?

7 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Foundations… What is community development? What is economic development?

8 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making

9 Foundations… But, what is leadership?

10 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Key question: How does leadership affect community development? Answer: Leadership is the ability to influence the organization and use of community assets (capitals) to create or enhance economic and/or community development opportunities. Leaders make decisions to allocate scarce resources in communities and therefore affect both community and economic development opportunities.

11 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Simulation Exercise

12 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Debrief

13 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Questions 1. The Decision Making Process 2. The Planning Process 3. The Peer Learning Process 4. The Economic Development Process (dynamic shift)

14 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Lessons Learned What do you think?

15 Foundations of Economic Development: The Role of Leadership and Economic Decision Making Lessons Learned Recognize communities can utilize different leadership styles and skills; cooperation is the key No matter how many resources are available for economic development, leadership is what brings them together With shrinking resources, local governments must learn to share and learn together to leverage resources Inaction is not an option; local governments must be proactive planners

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