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M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE The Managers’ role in the resilience of their teams Professor Derek Mowbray BA., MSc., MSc(Econ)., PhD., DipPsych.,

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2 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE The Managers’ role in the resilience of their teams Professor Derek Mowbray BA., MSc., MSc(Econ)., PhD., DipPsych., CPsychol., CSci., FIHM., FISMA.. S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

3 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Session 6 – Expectations self Establishing mutual expectations Exercise S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

4 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Expectations self Link to resilience: Establishing mutual expectations creates understanding between team members, builds trust and commitment, and produces high performance. S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

5 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Expectations self I know what each member of my team expects from me’ (Score: 1 = never…………..5 = always) ‘establishing mutual expectations is the basis of successful management’ Question: S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

6 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE My expectations of you are…. Your expectations of me are ….. Do we have mutual expectations? My expectations of you, and your expectations of me S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

7 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE You A My expectation of you are …………… A My expectation of you are …………… C What are your expectations of me?....... C What are your expectations of me?....... D My expectations of you are ….. And your expectations of me are … D My expectations of you are ….. And your expectations of me are … B What are your expectations of me? ….. B What are your expectations of me? ….. S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

8 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE You A A C C D D B B Identify 4 members of your team. Have you established mutual expectations between yourselves? S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

9 M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Thank you For more resources on resilience go to: S ECTION 6 - E XPECTATIONS

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