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Exploring Online Academic Coaching for Adult Students: A Collaborative, Multi-Institution Grant-Funded Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Online Academic Coaching for Adult Students: A Collaborative, Multi-Institution Grant-Funded Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Online Academic Coaching for Adult Students: A Collaborative, Multi-Institution Grant-Funded Project

2 Federal Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education Grant (FIPSE) Innovative Strategies in Community Colleges for Working Adults and Displaced Workers. FIPSE Grant Period: 3 years -- 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2012 Institutional Partners: Manchester CC (CT); Middlesex CC (MA); Northwestern CT CC (CT); Passaic County CC (NJ) Initial Pilot: Began 9/1/2010 AdultSuccessCoach.Org

3 Additional funding Year Two from the DAVIS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION  Develop same service for adults in baccalaureate granting institutions  Added resources for help with transfer from Community Colleges  New Institutional Partners  Central CT State University  University of Hartford AdultSuccessCoach.Org

4 PROJECT GOALS Increase persistence via a virtual network of Coaches who help students articulate their academic, career and personal goals in an online “Success Plan” Identify best practices in delivering coaching online Provide virtual access to resources specifically designed to help adult learners understand the culture of post-secondary education AdultSuccessCoach.Org

5 Replicating a Successful Collaborative Model

6 Cost effective Flexible coaching schedule allows evening & weekend sessions More coaching time available for students Shared resources Pool of expertise for planning, training and troubleshooting Support network for coaches Collaboration Advantages

7 CTDLC Institutions Coordinators Meet R egul arly Set Policy Collectively Choose Subjects Supervise Tutors Market, Hire, Pay Director Facilitates Monitors Schedules Trains Create & Enhance Platform Technical Support Host Collaborative Model

8 eTutoring Collaborations 2 Countries 14 states 4 Consortia 4 Campus-Based Programs 130+ Campuses

9 New Canadian Consortium A New Multi-Institution Collaborative Online Writing Program

10 eTutoring for One Institution Use eTutoring Platform to supplement existing programs Synchronous and Asynchronous tutoring options Fully hosted and supported technology Administrative Support and Consultation Customize Program to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Students

11 Research Says… Adult Student Retention – Horn & Weko, 2009: 49% of students who enrolled for the first time had been retained at or graduated from the institution – For students over 25, that percentage drops to 38%

12 Research Says… Student Retention Enhanced by: – Articulating clear degree attainment goals – Attending at least half time during their first year – Enrolling in a formal degree program

13 Research Says… Adults approach higher education in ways that are unlike younger students, including: – How they allocate their time amongst competing priorities, – How they approach their academic work in terms of their past experiences. (Kasworm, 2000)

14 Program Goals Increase Persistence via Online Coaching – Help students create Success Plans, identifying academic and career goals; clarifying avenues to achieve goals – Help adult learners navigate the world of Higher Education

15 Framework for coaching The Model of Strategic Learning (WEINSTEIN, C.E.) – Skill – Will – Self Regulation  ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT Based on sound theory and research to ensure consistent service

16 Essential component Goal setting must come first! S.M.A.R.T. Goals (Students must begin articulating their OWN goals in order for coaching sessions to cultivate committed actions vs. compliance.)

17 Coaching strategy One process that generates committed action toward goal achievement: G.R.O.W. (Alan Fine with Rebecca R. Merrill, You Already Know How to Be Great) “The best way to give advice is to find out what someone intends to do and then advise them to do it.” Harry Truman

18 On-ground TLC 001-01) I would really appreciate having my own Academic Coach who could help me make a plan for raising my grade point average. I work best when I have someone to check in with periodically to stay on track. I would like to explore all of my options and have a personalized approach to reaching my academic goals. I do well when I’m made aware of supports and services that will enhance my success. It would be nice to have someone who can teach me new strategies when I need extra help. I would prefer working one on one. Best choice: TLC 001-Academic Coaching (Option 1-In person)

19 On-line TLC 001-C01) The description above is true for me too, but spending extra time on campus is extremely difficult. I have so many other responsibilities at home and at work that adding one more trip to meet with an Academic Coach in person would be too much. I would like to have the one on one support to do well in college and reach my goals. Best choice: TLC 001-Academic Coaching (Option 2- On-line Success Coaching)

20 Student populations that have found success with on-line coaching at CCSU: Adult and Returning Students (The original target) Commuter Students Part-Time Students Transfer Students Traditional age students with “adult-like” responsibilities

21 On-ground vs On-line

22 ASC WEB SITE AdultSuccessCoach.Org


24 The Success Plan


26 AdultSuccessCoach.Org

27 Campus Specific Resources for each Student General Resources Across the Program

28 AdultSuccessCoach.Org Scheduled 1:1 Coaching Sessions via web conferencing

29 AdultSuccessCoach.Org Greatest Challenge!! Student Engagement If we build it, they WON’T necessarily come

30 CCCSE* report: High Impact Practices are successful in engaging students Voluntary vs. Mandatory Implementation “Students don’t do optional.” See Houston CC System’s Education 1300 *Center for Community College Engagement

31 AdultSuccessCoach.Org Different Institutional Implementations Replicating online an existing face-to-face Academic Coaching service Providing coaching as a component of an Adult Student Orientation course Targeting students at risk through student support programs Value-added component of registration in an online program All out, cross-campus Marketing efforts

32 AdultSuccessCoach.Org Lessons Learned Replicating an existing on campus program was most effective Acquire and Maintain Support from Leadership Ownership and Alignment with Existing Programs Provide Coaching as a Targeted Solution Coaching must be clearly defined

33 Future Considerations Pairing Coaching with other on-line offerings  E-tutoring, on-line courses, online advising, on-line financial aid processes Coaching prior to start of a semester  Orientation, summer bridge programs, post advising of predicted high risk students Other?

34 Carolyn Rogers Director of Academic Services CT Distance Learning Consortium 860.515.3727 Meg Leake Director of The Learning Center Central Connecticut State University 860-832-1901 AdultSuccessCoach.Org

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