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Welcome to Aalto University School of Engineering

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1 Welcome to Aalto University School of Engineering
Welcome to Aalto University School of Engineering! Saara Sokolnicki Börje Helenius Hannele Pietola International Student Services

2 Student Services Staff for You
Ms Hannele Pietola (incoming exchange students) Mr Börje Helenius (degree seeking students: Mechanical, Maritime and Energy Engineering) Ms Saara Sokolnicki (degree seeking students: Creative Sustainability, Geoinformatics, Managing Spatial Change, Minerals and Environmental Engineering, Real Estate Economics) Ms Riikka Jääskeläinen (outgoing exchange students) Ms Reeta Kalliomäki (School’s Student Service Desk) Ms Mirka Jalonen (School’s Student Service Desk)

3 Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Arabia)
School of Business (Töölö) School of Chemical Technology (Otaniemi) School of Engineering (Aalto ENG) (Otaniemi) School of Electrical Engineering (Otaniemi) School of Science (Otaniemi)

4 New International Students Autumn 2012 at Aalto ENG
54 new international degree seeking students to pursue MSc degree at Aalto ENG 117 new incoming exchange students for one semester or for one academic year 17 double degree students for one academic year 40 different nationalities!

5 School of Engineering in Figures 2011
Attending students Professors International BSc and MSc students (enrolled) International doctoral students (enrolled) 68 Incoming exchange students Outgoing exchange students BSc students start each year Master’s students start each year Doctoral students start each year

6 Degree Programmes at Aalto ENG
Energy Engineering and HVAC technology Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems Geomatics Mechanical Engineering Real Estate Economics Transportation and Environmental Engineering Structural Engineering and Building Technology Possibility to choose courses from School of Electrical Engineering, School of Chemical Technology and School of Science + Language courses free of charge

7 Teaching and evaluation periods 2012-2013
Autumn 2012 I Teaching period: Evaluation period: II Teaching period: Evaluation period: Spring 2013 III Teaching period: Evaluation period: IV Teaching period: Evaluation/Teaching period:

8 MSc (Tech) Degree Structure
Study module 20 cr Study module 20 cr Free elective studies 20 cr Methodolocigal studies 10 cr Master’s thesis 30 cr Master’s Programmes courses are in Into. Into is a portal for Aalto University students: Four year’s time to complete the MSc degree, recommendation two years

9 Exchange Students Learning Agreement updates when you know which courses you are taking and have registered for them Questions about the course, please contact teacher Course and exam registrations in webOodi If you decide to drop a course, please, inform the teacher Letter of Confirmation or a certificate of your student status from the Student Services OOP IT accounts activate the following date of your enrolment Housing agreement are binding and cannot be terminated before the end of the contract

10 Programme specific sessions for degree seeking students
Geoinformatics Thursday 6.9. at 15:00, Vaisalantie 8 (Gentti) Mechanical Engineering Thursday 6.9. at 15:00, Otakaari 4 (K1), room 202 Real Estate Investment and Finance, Monday at 12:00-14:00, Vaisalantie 8, Gentti 1 Managing Spatial Change, Monday at 13:15-15:00, Otakaari 3, room F158 Maritime Engineering Friday at 10:00-20:00, Tietotie 1 A SELECT and ISEE session will be informed later

11 Thank you for your attention. Good luck for your studies at Aalto. eng
Thank you for your attention! Good luck for your studies at Aalto!

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