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Why Should i do this? Traditional Landline : Basic packages run around 10-15$ and don’t include national long distance calling Traditional phone service.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Should i do this? Traditional Landline : Basic packages run around 10-15$ and don’t include national long distance calling Traditional phone service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Should i do this? Traditional Landline : Basic packages run around 10-15$ and don’t include national long distance calling Traditional phone service includes a host of taxes,regulatory fees,and other service charges that can easily add significant money to your bill.

2 Why Should i do this? Cellphones:Bridging your cell phone plan to your home system-whether via special device or home with a home phone that supports bluetooth linking is also expensive,you generally need to purchase a second line or extra minutes.

3 Why Should i do this? Voice-over-IP Systems: Many of the ISP’s are supporting VoIP calling with their special packages. Depending on your provider VoIP may not collect taxes and regulatory fees. You can add emergency calling feature as well.

4 Wired VoIP Phone – Hard phone

5 Wired phone Perfect for replacing office and home landline phones. In office applications,caller id, who has called?,messages could be seen from the screen Most of the phones allowing to do “teleconference”

6 Wired phone Depending on your provider you can set welcome/greeting messages,online assistance services and routing. You can save calling logs(date,caller ID,called ID,duration) to server as well as the voice in 128bit mp3 format.

7 Wireless VoIP

8 Wireless VoIP Phone

9 You can make phone calls besides send text- messages Depending to your Wifi coverage you can use it as a cell phone. In the advanced models you can also join to the “teleconference”

10 Wireless VoIP Phone Instead of using VoIP phone we can easily get connected to the same network by simply using our smart phones.

11 VoIP Applications Small-Medium Scale Companies Call center,inbound call center,auto dialer Voice message services Call from web Assistant service

12 VoIP Applications Large Scale Companies IP PBX Call center,inbound call center,auto dialer Voice message services

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