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English Pronunciation ~ Simple past of regular verbs and their final -ed sound.

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Presentation on theme: "English Pronunciation ~ Simple past of regular verbs and their final -ed sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Pronunciation ~ Simple past of regular verbs and their final -ed sound

2  There are three ways to pronounce the final -ed of regular verbs in the simple past tense.  This pronunciation is determined by the final sound of the verb in the infinitive: Is it a voiced consonant, an unvoiced consonant, or a vowel sound?

3  After unvoiced sounds such as p, k, f, s,, and the final -ed is pronounced like t as in the word cat. Note that the -e remains silent. IPAinfinitivepast tense phelphelped fStuff laugh Stuffed laughed sMiss Dice fix Missed Diced fixed klooklooked fishfished marchmarched

4  After voiced sounds such as b,, g, v, z,,, m, n, ŋ, l, and r the final -ed sound is pronounced like d as in good. Note that the -e remains silent.,

5 IPAinfinitivepast tense bgrabgrabbed ghughugged vsavesaved zOoze please Oozed pleased Massagemassaged rageraged Mresumeresumed nsignSigned ŋbangBanged lpeelPeeled rhonorHonored breathebreathed

6  The final -ed is also pronounced like the d in good after all vowel sounds. Note that the -e remains silent. Infinitivesimple past staystayed freefreed lielied hoehoed suesued skiskied snowsnowed trytried

7  For verbs ending in d and t the final -ed is pronounced Id as in the final two letters of the word did.  Note that here the -e is not silent and this final -ed sound adds another syllable to the end of the verb.

8 Infinitivesimple past add added gradegraded decidedecided exitexited tastetasted objectobjected

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