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Geoinformatics at the Department of Geosciences and Geograpy 2012 - 2013 31.8.2012 Department of Geosciences and Geography forest fires in southern Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "Geoinformatics at the Department of Geosciences and Geograpy 2012 - 2013 31.8.2012 Department of Geosciences and Geography forest fires in southern Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoinformatics at the Department of Geosciences and Geograpy 2012 - 2013 31.8.2012 Department of Geosciences and Geography forest fires in southern Greece (August 26 2007) detected with MODIS TERRA satellite

2 Geoinformatics personnel Tuuli Toivonen: Senior lecturer in GI (research leave until July 2014) Mika Siljander: Senior lecturer in GI (until July 2014) Petri Pellikka: Professor Pekka Hurskainen: -PhD Student -CHIESA project coordinator -- GI-teaching Jari-Pekka Mäkiaho: PhD. Student Xiaochen Zou : PhD. Student Tuure Takala: PhD. Student Matti Mõttus : -Postdoc researcher, - docent Johanna Hohental: PhD. Student Maria Salonen: PhD. Student – moving to Copenhagen Janne Heiskanen: -Postdoc researcher, Maeda, Eduardo Eiji: -CHIESA project -Postdoc researcher,

3 Geoinformatics courses in English 2012- 2013 – suitable for exchange students 2012 – period 1 562820 Raster GIS in Environmental Studies (5 cr.) (course is full – but it is possible to make this course independently if you are experienced GIS user – course material can be downloaded from the Internet – University of Helsinki Moodle platform - Email to for more information 560411, Basics of GIS for English-speaking students, 3 cr. (ArcGIS 10 software) This is a new Web GIS basic course that will be implemented in Moodle platform Students will use Esri Virtual Campus Web training material and report to University of Helsinki Moodle page. Email to for more information. Starting date 11.9.2012 – sign in using WebOodi – available on the next week ! 562830, Applied Spatial Statistics, (3 cr.) More info: Athanasios Votsis 04.09.-16.10.12 Tuesdays 12.15-15.00 at A113, Physicum building (course is full but email to Athanasios Votsis if it is possible to make it independently)

4 Geoinformatics courses in English 2012- 2013 – suitable for exchange students 562830, Applied Spatial Statistics, (3 cr.) More info: Athanasios Votsis 04.09.-16.10.12 Tuesdays 12.15-15.00 at A113, Physicum building Objectives: This is a hands-on course, aimed at introducing to the student basic concepts and methods in applied spatial statistics and spatial analysis. We will be focusing on environmental and economic research problems, and use ArcGIS, R, and GeoDa. The course is relevant to students of geography, environmental science, and economics. Some familiarity with basic concepts of multivariate statistics and GIS is desired. By the end of the course students will be familiar and able to work with spatial dependence and heterogeneity, global and local spatial autocorrelation, spatial regressions, and the corresponding statistical tests for arriving at the optimal regression specification. Evaluation Attend the 6 practicals and prepare a final report combining the individual work of each practical. Credits: 3 2012 – period 1

5 Geoinformatics courses in English 2012- 2013 – suitable for exchange students 56301 Remote Sensing Methods (5 cr.) - Kaukokartoitusmenetelmät (56301) 31.10.-22.11.12 Wednesdays 16.15-20.00 and Fridays 15.15-19.00 at A113, Physicum building. (responsible teacher: prof. Petri Pellikka. Email: Lectures – in Finnish (English PowerPoint slides exists) Practicals: normally we have one english group Practicals themes: (from the last year – might be some changes this year) Practical 1: Introduction to ERDAS IMAGINE and optical remote sensing data sets Practical 2: Importing, geometric corrections and error assessment Practical 3: Radiometric corrections and profiles Practical 4: Spectral and spatial image enhancements Practical 5: Ground reference test data collection for image classification Practical 6: Unsupervised classification of a Landsat 7 image, and image subsetting Practical 7: Supervised classification of a Landsat 7 image and accuracy assessment Practical 8: Draping images over DEMs and using Virtual GIS Practical 9: Creating graphical models in ERDAS IMAGINE Model Maker Practical 10: Free Practical time for questions & report writing. 2012 – period 2

6 2013 – period 3 No planned GI course given in English 2013 – period 4 56455 Advanced remote sensing (5 cr.) (Janne Heiskanen ) 08.04.13-23.04.13 (10.15-12.00) and 15.04.13-30.04.13 (12.15-16.00) Lectures Mon - Tue 10-12 o'clock, practicals Mon - Tue 12-16 'o'clock 562827 Imaging spectroscopy (4 cr.) (responsible teacher and dates – not known yet – check from WebOodi) Geoinformatics courses in English 2012- 2013 – suitable for exchange students

7 562820 Raster GIS in environmental studies (5 cr.) – advanced GIS course Teacher: Dr. Mika Siljander 05.09.-17.10.12 Practicals: Wednesday’s 12.15-16.00 GIS lab A113-A114, Physicum building Course is already full but it is possible to make it independently – detailed instructions and GIS data is available from Moodle e- learning platform at the University of Helsinki. GIS lab can be used when there is no other course – at the period 1 there should be some available time in GIS lab. See the schedule found at the GIS lab door. If you have a fairly good GIS skills and you are interested to make the course independently - email: 2012 – Period 1

8 562820 Raster GIS in environmental studies (5 cr.) PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE: fairly good GIS skills. Basic knowledge in Excel, Access and SPSS are appreciated. REGISTRATION for EXCHANGE students: email to COURSE DESCRIPTION: The aim of Raster GIS course is to learn how GIS and Remote sensing techniques are used in environmental studies. Software used in this course: ArcGIS 10, MS Excel and Access; SPSS (PASW Statistics) 18; Maxent COURSE AIMS AND MAIN THEMES: Students should achieve knowledge how to process and use Raster GIS and Remote sensing data in environmental studies and how to create and handle GIS-databases. Basics of spatial statistics and spatial modeling are also learned. TO PASS THE COURSE: No exam; write a final report Grading: 1 to 5

9 562820 Raster GIS in environmental studies (5 cr.) Practical 1: ArcGIS ModelBuilder and creating GTOPO30 1 km pixel size digital elevation model for Africa. Practical 2: Creating and analyzing environmental raster GIS data using GTOPO30 DEM and land cover data for Africa Practical 3: GIS analysis of wildfires in Russia Practical 4: Raster GIS operators, map algebra and conditional processing Practical 5 and 6: Image georeferencing and creating digitital elevation model (DEM) by on-screen digitizing; grassland fire analysis using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived remote sensed fire data; introduction to Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 90 m pixel size elevation data. Practical 7: Basics in species distribution modeling (SDM) using Maxent software and ArcGIS

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