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The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education HE-ness.

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Presentation on theme: "The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education HE-ness."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education HE-ness

2 Key elements of Higher Education Review peer review management of standards, quality, information and enhancement evidence-based reference to UK Quality Code for Higher Education scope and coverage: programmes of study leading to awards at levels 4-8 of the FHEQ involvement of students core and theme

3 Basic review process

4 What Higher Education has told us about Colleges.

5 IQER: 94% success rate

6 IRENI outcomes compared to RCHE outcomes

7 HER: Academic Standards Judgements

8 HER: Quality of Learning Opportunities Judgements

9 HER: Information Judgements

10 HER: Enhancement Judgements

11 Some common issues in Higher Education Review recommendations

12 The potential for confusing Enhancement with Enrichment and the subsequent need to be clear about the definition of Enhancement The participation of students in contributing to information that informs Enhancement strategy and in directly shaping Enhancement activity The strategic implementation of Enhancement initiatives as part of an effective and informed overview of HE provision

13 The ineffectiveness of the overview of HE programmes The absence of good information, informed by the Quality code, to facilitate good decision making The need to acknowledge their particular responsibilities to HE students A lack of general engagement with the Quality Code

14 Themes from HER that might contribute to an HE ‘ethos’

15 Strong oversight of HE programmes facilitated by good information and informed by the Quality Code Use of good information to enhance HE provision An approach to teaching, learning and resourcing that recognises the needs of all HE students

16 Effective relationships with Awarding bodies Mechanisms to engage and respond to student voice and the involvement of students in decision making Strong support for staff and students to improve teaching, learning and assessment, including the use of the Quality Code 16

17 Employability used to contextualise teaching and learning leading to the enhanced engagement of students Support for staff development for professional updating and scholarly activity which is strengthened by strong relationships with awarding bodies

18 HE that is delivered in partnership with all HE staff, all HE students A clear and accurate overview of HE The Identification and addressing of HE student needs

19 The use of the Quality Code as a tool for management

20 Task: What are the specific needs of HE students? What can you do to address these needs?

21 +44 (0) 1452 557000 © The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education 2014 Registered charity numbers 1062746 and SC037786

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