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6th ANZAMEMS Conference, Adelaide, 7-10 Feb 2007 Digital Resources for the Interdisciplinary Study of Post-Conquest Manuscripts Elzbieta Majocha

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Presentation on theme: "6th ANZAMEMS Conference, Adelaide, 7-10 Feb 2007 Digital Resources for the Interdisciplinary Study of Post-Conquest Manuscripts Elzbieta Majocha"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th ANZAMEMS Conference, Adelaide, 7-10 Feb 2007 Digital Resources for the Interdisciplinary Study of Post-Conquest Manuscripts Elzbieta Majocha

2 Imagine you could trace history of DB villages and localities count accurately female owners and their possessions in 12th, 13th, 14th c. answer questions about how many scribes/hands contributed to a MS examine interaction between languages: Latin, French and English

3 Resources you'd need digital facsimile copies, transcripts, translation notes: palaeographical, historical, contextual databases: exhaustive tagging, powerful search hyperlinks to related objects

4 Experts in history, also of culture, religion, social history, geography palaeography, also diplomatics, history of the book philology: specialists in Medieval Latin, Old French, Old and Middle English digital resources

5 First step The Domesday Book: a model Digital Domesday (Alecto edition with search engine) Domesday Explorer aka the Hull Database (sophisticated search and analysis engine) COEL database (Domesday personal names with related documentation up to 1166)

6 Continuation Series of governmental records: Assize Rolls from 1202 Lay Subsidy Rolls from 1238 Hundred Rolls from 1274 Poll Tax Rolls of 1377 and 1381

7 In the long run Hundreds of classes of sources central: series of documents from royal courts, the Exchequer, the Chancery local: records of everyday business, eg. disputes and litigations, land gains and losses lay and ecclesiastical

8 Enables evidence-based studies tracking changes complete coverage

9 What's in it for me Study 150 sources listed in the county volumes of the English Place- Name Society (EPNS) from which my PhD data came.

10 Map 40: Distribution of items in 12th and 13th c

11 13th c. Tally Sticks Image downloaded from http://www/nationalarchives. More details on confluence website, click on NEER Participants with Personal Spaces, click on Elzbieta Majocha and then on 6th ANZAMEMS Conference Talk.

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