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Montgomery County Division of Solid Waste Services COG Recycling Committee September 18, 2008 Expanded Plastics Recycling Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Montgomery County Division of Solid Waste Services COG Recycling Committee September 18, 2008 Expanded Plastics Recycling Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Montgomery County Division of Solid Waste Services COG Recycling Committee September 18, 2008 Expanded Plastics Recycling Program

2 County Statistics 497 square miles Almost 1,000,000 residents –210,000 households –700 multi-family properties –111,000 multi-family dwelling units Approximately 35,000 businesses –520,000 employees

3 Residential Curbside Collection County contractors collect from 210,000 households weekly Weekly recycling collection –Mixed paper –Commingled materials –Yard trim On request –Scrap metal Special –Christmas trees Weekly refuse collection is provided to approx. 87,000 households in the southern portion of the County

4 “What Types of Plastic Can I Recycle?”

5 Planning for Change In 2006, only one vendor showed interest in recycling plastic containers, tubs and lids –Limited market In early 2008, DSWS directed Maryland Environmental Service (MES) to research markets –Additional plastic recycling markets now interested in tubs and lids Vendor interest in receiving additional plastics and market prices remained strong in late winter/early spring Initiated discussions with interested vendors on material specifications In early spring, DSWS made decision to proceed with expanding curbside recycling program

6 “Pilot Program” Initiated in May 2008 at the Montgomery County Recycling Center –Sorting of materials already entering the system from residents –Bale materials –Select representative samples of materials for identification purposes and photograph to send to markets A significant amount of material was collected during the pilot (no education provided to residents from DSWS) Response from vendors was very positive

7 Planning for Change MES issued request for bids in June 2008 to recycle plastic tubs and lids and flower pots –Plastic containers, jars, lids, food-grade tubs, pails/buckets, and flower pots Received bid proposals from several vendors to recycle tubs and lids and flower pots –Best prices: $220/ton – plastic containers, tubs and lids $240/ton – flower pots

8 Planning for Change Minor modifications made to Recycling Center processes –Added two stations (flower pots and plastic containers, tubs and lids) –Additional sorter No change had to be made to collections contract –Educational materials were provided to contractors –Conducted training sessions for collection contractors to identify acceptable types of plastics Provided education to DSWS customer service staff, outreach staff, and recycling center staff Formally announced program on July 1, 2008 with the County Executive and County Council

9 Education Media Event with the County Executive/County Council at Recycling Center on July 1, 2008 Develop brochure to highlight change and list examples of acceptable and non-acceptable items Develop multi-media education campaign to educate residents –Cable television –Radio –Print notifications –Staff/volunteer participation at numerous community events to raise awareness Montgomery County Agricultural Fair Comcast Film Festival

10 Media Campaign Radio –July 1 – August 31 WASH-FM 97.1 WBIG-FM 100 FM Cable Television –July 7 – August 31 Comcast (A&E, ESPN2, Food Network, Fox News, Headline News, History Channel, The Weather Channel, TNT) Movie Theater Preview –July 15 – August 15 Print –June 24 – July 31 The Gazette, Express, Washington Examiner, Washington Hispanic Civic Loop Community and Civic Leader Newsletter

11 Kick-Off July 1: Media Event

12 July 1 Media Event Bale of flower pots ready for market

13 DSWS Website

14 Printed Materials New Brochure

15 Update Existing Materials Flyers and Labels

16 Print Ads English Spanish

17 Transit Ads

18 Cable Television Campaign

19 Educational Awareness Montgomery County Agricultural Fair and Comcast Film Festival

20 The Results? As of August 31, 2008, DSWS shipped one load (22.8 tons) of plastic containers, tubs and lids ~ 32 bales of plastic. A shipment of flower pots is not anticipated until after Spring 2009.

21 Questions? Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection Division of Solid Waste Services 101 Monroe Street, 6 th Floor Rockville, MD 20850 (240) 777-6400 phone; (240) 777-6465 fax Website: Email:

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