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2014 Network Evolution II 1 John Wright 1976 to ….

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Network Evolution II 1 John Wright 1976 to …."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Network Evolution II 1 John Wright 1976 to ….

2 2014 Network Evolution II 2 Canadian Scene Bell MTS SGT AGT BCT MT&T NT NBT QT IT Telus SaskTel BC Tel. Alberta Government Tel. Saskatchewan Govt. Tel. Manitoba Telephone System Bell Canada Quebec Tel. NB Tel. Maritime Tel. & Tel. Island Tel. Newoundland Tel.

3 2014 Network Evolution II 3 Add Cellular Bell MTS MT&T NT NBT QT IT R O G E R S Telus SaskTel

4 2014 Network Evolution II 4 Network Improvements Transmission –FOTS Switching –Electronic, digital Signalling –Common Channel (Data Network) Dynamic Routing

5 2014 Network Evolution II 5 Transmission Fibre –Most heavy route LD Redundancy designed in –To the home Heavy route microwave – gone Short and/or light route microwave – almost gone Microwave or cable (paired or co-ax) being replaced by FOTS

6 2014 Network Evolution II 6 Switching Electromechanical –Gone Electronic - Analogue –Look hard, you may find some Electronic – Digital –Almost universal Electronic – Optical –Coming ??

7 2014 Network Evolution II 7 Switching Hierarchy Class 2 Class 4 Class 1 Class 5 Class 3 Regional Centre Sectional Centre Primary Centre Toll Centre End Office Loops Trunks 613416, 519 705 514 819 Montreal

8 2014 Network Evolution II 8 Numbering Plan Country Code 1, 2 or 3 digits (Canada & US is 1, UK is 44, Taiwan is 886) (Canada & US is 1, UK is 44, Taiwan is 886) Area Code 3 digits, middle is 0 or 1 (Eastern Ontario is 613) (Eastern Ontario is 613) C. O. Code 3 digits, first one is not 0 or 1 (Carleton is 520) (Carleton is 520) Subscriber 4 digits (Halim Yanikomeroglu is 5734) (Halim Yanikomeroglu is 5734) 1 - 613 - 520 - 5734 is unique Problem – North America ran out of area codes Solution – remove the 0 or 1 restriction

9 2014 Network Evolution II 9 Signalling Common Channel Signalling –A data network –Computer access Separation between voice and signalling Signalling information for many voice channels on one signal channel Effectively a data network Before, after and during

10 2014 Network Evolution II 10 Based on the OSI model CCS Format 88617172816 8n ( n= 2 to 256) FCKSIFSIOLI FIBFIB FSN BIBBIB BSNF FFlag BSNBackward Sequence Number BIBBackward Indicator Bit FSNForward Sequence Number FIBForward Indicator Bit LILength Indicator SIOService Information Octet SIFSignalling Information Field CKCheck Bits

11 2014 Network Evolution II 11 OSI & CCS7 6 Presentation 7 Application 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical 6 Presentation 7 Application 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Data Link 1 Physical OSI Model TUPMAP CCS 7 TUP - Telephone User Part MAP – Mobile Application Part

12 2014 Network Evolution II 12 Sw. C CCS Basic Architecture Signal Transfer Point (STP) Sw. ASw. B Trunks Disassociated Associated

13 2014 Network Evolution II 13 CCS7 Network Architecture STP Links to Secondary STPs TOLL (Primary ) STPs

14 2014 Network Evolution II 14 Mobile Application Part Provides Services to Mobile Phone Users –Location management –Call handling RoutingRoaming Called party availability Etc. Originally used RADIUS – –Remote Authentication Dial In User Service Now ‘Diameter’ – –Internet Engineering Task Force

15 2014 Network Evolution II 15 HPR - Dynamic Routing HPR COMPUTER VANC (or CAL, EDM, etc) St. JOHNS (or HFX, etc.) TORONTOMONTREAL OT Trunks Control Monitoring Effective in big-city networks

16 2014 Network Evolution II 16 The Balance Shifts Long distance –Cost and price plummet –No longer the financial mainstay –Built-in to cellphone service Local service –New services with good revenues –BUT Competition from cellphones

17 2014 Network Evolution II 17 CLASS Services Call Forwarding Calling Line ID Calling Line ID Blocking Auto Recall Auto Call Back Call Waiting Ident-a-call Shipments20122016 Non-smart893m719m Smart695m1342m

18 2014 Network Evolution II 18 Intelligent Services 1 800 (888, 877, 866) Switch Database The 800 database can be programmed to return different numbers depending on the calling number, calling location and time-of-day Signalling links

19 2014 Network Evolution II 19 Intelligent Services 2 Calling Card Checking Switch Database Signalling links The Calling Card database fully automates the Q & A between an ‘operator’ and the customer

20 2014 Network Evolution II 20 Interconnection Issues Bell local Other local Bell LD Other LD Bell LD Other LD Bell local Other local Bell LD Bell local How do you connect? How do you share the revenue?

21 2014 Network Evolution II 21 1969 ARPAnet 1980s NSFnet (US), CA*net (Canada) 1991 HTML (CERN) WWW 1993 Mosaic Netscape Internet - Origins Academia Business Public

22 2014 Network Evolution II 22 100 years of control, growth and industrial stability Followed by 20 years of change Followed by tumult Leading to: - Anarchy? - Chaos? - Survival of the fittest The technology is digital Summary The key words are Change & Competition

23 2014 Network Evolution II 23 Is the Network Relevant? Yes –All voice traffic is carried on the network Including LD cellphone calls –All Internet traffic is carried on the network –All other data is carried on the network But –It is becoming a passive carrier –Services are provided at the ends

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