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1 Haryana Energy Conservation Action Plan & Haryana’s Initiatives on Energy Conservation.

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1 1 Haryana Energy Conservation Action Plan & Haryana’s Initiatives on Energy Conservation

2 2 BACKGROUND The Energy Conservation Act-2001 (52 of 2001) became effective from 1 st March,2007 -provides for efficient use of energy and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Department of Renewable Energy, Haryana designated as the State Designated Agency on 2.7.2003 for implementing the Energy Conservation Act-2001.

3 3 HARYANA POWER SCENE  Total installed capacity available in the State is 4033 MW with an average daily power supply of 65 million units and has 15-17% power deficit during the peak load hours. The State Govt. has planned to add 3600 MW power by 2010 AD by conventional sources.  State Govt. has signed MoUs with IPPs for generation of about 700 MW power through renewable energy sources i.e. small hydro, wind & biomass by 2010 AD.


5 5 HARYANA – ENERGY SAVING POTENTIAL (Source: Haryana Power Utilities Report) 5653446.313780.6Total 1525.3154.21027.9Others5. 2024.8151.1755.4Commercial4. 25142.6869.93479.5Industrial3. 2093.2568.42841.9Domestic2. 30279.11702.75675.9Agriculture1. Saving potential in % In MWSaving potential (in units) Total consumption (million units) SectorSr. No.

6 6 ROLE OF SDA- Dept. of Renewable Energy As Development Agency: for database, Policy formulation, Awareness creation, Capacity building, annual reports As Facilitator: for Demo projects, Public People Partnership As Regulatory Agency: Notify various mandatory requirements for designated consumers( compulsory appointment of Energy Managers, Energy Audit, and submission of energy audit reports & energy management action plan), Star & Labeling Programmes etc. As coordinator: with various stakeholders

7 7 COORDINATION & MONITORING A State Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary, Haryana has been constituted with the administrative secretaries of the Revenue, Agriculture, Public Works & Architecture, Cooperation, Health, Urban Development, Power, Education, Renewable Energy, Panchayats & Rural Dev., Industries, Town & Country Planning, Public Relations, Environment Departments as its members and the Director, Renewable Energy/HAREDA as its Member-Secretary to monitor the implementation of the energy conservation measures and the Energy Conservation Act, 2001.

8 8 Powers of the State Govt. in EC Act 2001 Chapter-VI 15.The State Government may, by notification, in consultation with the Bureau - (a) amend the energy conservation building codes to suit the regional and local climatic conditions; (b) direct every owner or occupier of a building or building complex being a designated consumer to comply with ECBC; (c) designate any agency as designated agency to coordinate, regulate and enforce provisions of this Act within the State; (d) take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation; (e) take steps to encourage preferential treatment for use of energy efficient equipment or appliances;

9 9 Powers of the State Govt. in EC Act 2001 Chapter-VI 16.The State Government shall constitute the State Energy Conservation Fund for promotion of efficient use of energy in the State. 17.(1) The designated agency may appoint, after the expiry of five years from the date of commencement of the Act, as many inspecting officers as may be necessary for the purpose of ensuring compliance under the Act. (2) Subject to any rules made under this Act, an inspecting officer shall have power to inspect any operation carried on or in connection with the equipment or appliance specified under the Act and enter any place of designated consumer at which the energy is used for any activity. 18.The Act empowers the Central & State Governments to issue such directions in writing as it deems fit for the purposes of this Act to any person, officer, authority or any designated consumer and such person, officer or authority or any designated consumer shall be bound to comply with such directions.

10 10 DESIGNATED CONSUMERS Commercial buildings having connected load of 500 kW or contract demand of 600 kVA or more will be under the purview of Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC) for efficient use of energy and its conservation. Energy intensive industries declared DCs under the Act: 1.Thermal Power Station – 30000 metric tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE) per year and above. 2.Fertilizer – 30000 MTOE per year and above. 3.Cement - 30000 MTOE per year and above 4.Iron & steel - 30000 MTOE per year and above 5.Chlor-Alkali-12000 MTOE per year and above. 6.Aluminum - 7500 MTOE per year and above 7.Railways workshop - 30000 MTOE per year and above 8.Textile - 3000 MTOE per year and above 9.Pulp & paper - 30000 MTOE per year and above 10.Transport 11.Chemicals 12.Sugar Industry

11 11 PROVISIONS UNDER THE EC ACT & SECTORAL STRATEGIES I.INDUSTRIAL SECTOR a)Provisions in the EC Act Notify energy intensive industries and other establishments as designated consumers Establish and prescribe energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers Direct designated consumers and energy intensive industries specified in the Schedule to get an energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and intervals. Direct designated consumers to furnish information with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor to the designated agency Direct designated consumers to designate or appoint certified energy manager for efficient use of energy and its conservation. Direct designated consumers to comply with energy consumption norms and standards.

12 12 Contd.. b) Approach Mandatory for designated consumers, voluntary for others c)Sectoral Strategy To study the Energy Consumption pattern and establish reference energy intensity for various processes in different industrial categories and develop data base for energy consumption through electricity and heat. To prepare and issue Govt. notifications on procedures for monitoring the implementation of EC Act in the designated industrial consumers falling under the Act. To advise the designated consumers to appoint Energy Auditors & Managers. To initiate energy efficiency improvement pilot demonstration projects. To advise the designated consumers to submit their Energy Audit Reports as per bye laws and implement their Energy Conservation Management Plans.

13 13 Contd.. To support the implementation of Pilot EC Demonstration Projects. To set up a State Institute for Energy Conservation for providing testing and Training Facilities. To formulate and implement the Energy Conservation Award Programme for medium and small industries. To design and start industrial EC awareness programme. To implement the National Standards and Labeling Programme. To develop and print best practices EC guides and manuals for the various industrial processes and equipments. To develop and implement the verification and monitoring mechanism. Departments concerned Industry & Commerce, HSIDC, Power, DRE

14 14 PROVISIONS UNDER THE EC ACT & SECTORAL STRATEGIES II.POWER, AGRICULTURE & TRANSPORT SECTORS a)Provisions in the Energy Conservation Act The provisions in the Energy Conservation Act regarding Designated Consumers are applicable here also as electricity distribution companies are listed as one of the designated consumers in the Schedule to the Act. b)Approach DSM activities are required to be undertaken in the power, & agriculture sector, municipal water pumping, power factor correction, water pumping in high rise building, domestic lighting etc.

15 15 Contd.. c) SECTORAL STRATEGIES i)POWER SECTOR Setting up of DSM cell, its capacity building & training in electric utilities. Preparation of investment grade feasibility reports for implementation of DSM projects, municipal water pumping and domestic lighting preferably through private sector participation. To develop and implement the verification and monitoring mechanism. Monitoring and impact analysis of implemented projects. Documentation and dissemination of results. To take all steps for compliance of provisions of Energy Conservation Act, 2001( appoint Energy Auditors, Energy Managers and submit Energy Conservation Management Plan). Departments concerned: Power, Utilities, DRE

16 16 Contd…. ii)AGRICULTURE SECTOR To study the energy consumption pattern and create database in agriculture sector (water pumps / tractors / combine harvesters / water supply / lift irrigation schemes etc.). To issue Govt. regulation on use of energy efficient motors & pumpsets / agriculture implements / tractors / combine harvesters. Institute fiscal and financial incentives scheme (capital grant for rectification / replacement / installation of energy efficient motors and pumps). To implement programme on use of energy efficient pump sets (old rectification and new) in agriculture sector. To support the implementation of Pilot EC Demonstration Projects for use of alternative technologies. To develop and print best practices EC guidelines / manuals for the agriculture sector in local language. Departments concerned: Agriculture, Power, DRE

17 17 Contd… iii)TRANSPORT SECTOR To issue Govt. notification for declaring transport sector as designated consumer. To study the fuel consumption pattern and potential of Energy Conservation in Govt. owned transportation system & create Data base. To establish bench mark for fuel consumption in various transport vehicles. To appoint Energy Auditor & Manager and submit its Energy Audit Report and Energy Conservation Management Plan and ensure its implementation as per the EC Act.,2001 To support the implementation of Pilot EC Demonstration Programme (use of CNG / Electric / Hybrid / Bio-diesel based fuels). To promote the use of energy efficient vehicles. To design and start transport EC Awareness Programme. To develop and print best practices EC guides and manuals for the transportation sector. Departments concerned: Transport & DRE

18 18 STANDARDS AND LABELLING PROGRAMME FOR APPLIANCES a)Background Standards and Labelling (S&L) Programme is the most cost effective programme implemented all over the world. The S&L Programme in USA has resulted in avoided capacity of over 10, 000 MW. Over 35 countries have implemented such programmes. b) Provisions of the Act Notifying specified equipment and appliances for the purposes of the Act. Directing mandatory display of label on notified equipment and appliances. Specifying energy consumption standards for notified equipment and appliances not confirming to standards. Prohibiting manufacture, sale, purchase and import of notified equipment and appliances. Developing testing and certification procedures and promote testing facilities for certification and testing of energy consumption of equipment and appliances.

19 19 Contd… c)Approach Most of the commonly used equipments and appliances are proposed to be covered under the programme. A participatory approach will be followed in interaction with the manufacturers and their associations to develop on their own programme design, processes and procedures implementation & enforcement mechanisms. d)Sectoral Strategy Setting up institutional mechanism for administration of standards and labeling programme; constituting steering committee and Technical Committee for notified equipment and appliances. Testing of appliances for determining their energy performance. Analysis of test results and label setting. Preparation of consumer awareness and education programme. Departments concerned: Industry & Commerce, CEI, DRE

20 20 ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDING SECTOR a)Provisions in the Act Defining building having connected load of 500 KW or contract demand of 600 KVA and above as designated consumer. Direct owners or occupiers of buildings or buildings complexes, being designated consumers, to comply with the provisions of Energy Conservation Buildings Codes (ECBC) launched by the Govt. of India. Direct designated consumers to get energy audit of the building conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and intervals of time. b)Approach Commercial buildings and establishments are included in the list of energy intensive industries and other establishments specified as designated consumers in the Schedule to the Act. Hence, all mandatory requirements for designated consumers, as given earlier, would be applicable.

21 21 Contd… c)Sectoral Strategy To issue Govt. notification on ECBC for its compliance voluntary/ mandatory by designated consumers as required under the Energy Conservation Act. To create awareness for voluntary adoption of the same in the beginning. To promote energy efficient equipments / appliances / materials in building and building construction. To design and organize capacity building programme for various stakeholders (Building Contractors, Architects, Engineers, Masons, Plumbers & Owners etc.) Conduct investment grade energy audit to fix energy consumption baseline and establish energy savings potential. Preparation of model performance contract and model monitoring and verification protocol. Invite energy service companies (ESCOs) to take up implementation on performance contract basis. To develop and implement third party verification and monitoring mechanism. Departments concerned: Town & Country, HSIDC, Industrial Safety, PWD, Architecture, Housing & DRE

22 22 SCHOOL EDUCATON AND AWARENESS a)Provisions in the Energy Conservation Act. Preparing educational curriculum on efficient use of energy and its conservation for educational institutions, boards, universities or autonomous bodies and coordinate with them for inclusion of such curriculum in their syllabus. b)Approach Material would be developed for inclusion in the educational curriculum / syllabus and would initially be introduced and tested in selected schools, which would also involve training and sensitization of school teachers and principals. Participatory and interactive approach with Schools & Education Department is proposed for this activity. c)Sectoral strategy Preparation of material on energy efficiency for inclusion in school curriculum/ syllabus Training of teachers and sensitization of school principals Awareness building among school children and teachers Designing of interactive website and its launching. Departments concerned: Secondary & Higher Education, Universities, DRE

23 23 SALIENT FEATURES OF SDA FIVE YEAR ACTION PLAN It has 19 ‘Deliverables’ which are the basic requirements for the implementation of EC Act. The 19 deliverables include activities on -Policy -Training -Demo projects -Preparation of database( DCs, EAs, EMs, Equipments & appliances) -Dissemination/ awareness -ECBC -Publications

24 24 ACTION PLAN (19 Deliverables) 1)Establishment of Internet Platform for Communication with SDA. 2)Preparation of list of certified energy managers and accredited energy auditors which work or reside in the State. 3)Preparation of list of designated consumers and their energy consumption. 4)Preparation of set of forms concerning communication of data and other information with BEE. 5)Half yearly State level meeting with certified energy managers and accredited energy auditors 6)Annual State level conference of energy intensive industry, as well as certified energy managers and accredited energy auditors with award for all categories (EC Day & Awards)

25 25 ACTION PLAN (19 Deliverables) 7)Half yearly meeting for exchange of information about lessons learned on State Level Implementation of EC Act. 8)Annual meeting of all SDAs to discuss progress and next year’s action plan with BEE. 9)Design and printing of promotional material to be distributed to all stakeholders 10)Conduct mandatory refresher course for certified energy auditors & managers 11) Implement & conduct of Life Long Learning Programme of BEE 12)Training of Designated Consumers for annual reporting of energy data

26 26 ACTION PLAN (19 Deliverables) 13)Collection of data of manufacturing as well as sales of household appliance & equipments falling under EC Act 14)Annual reports on sale of labeled appliances and other equipments 15)Annual Survey & analysis of impact of EC Act, Pilot and demonstration projects on Municipal pumps and Street lights & Cogen, EE in Agri Pumps. 16)Preparation & Publishing of annual year book 17)Survey of buildings at State level which fall under EC Act 18) Preparation of report & analysis of State level incentives 19)Preparation of recommendations for streamlining State level policies.

27 27 BUDGET AND TIME LINE 2007-08 - Rs.153.8 lacs 2008-09-Rs.614.7 lacs 2009-10-Rs.484.1 lacs 2010-11-Rs.285.9 lacs 2011-12-Rs.300.3 lacs ________________ Total Rs.1838.8 lacs ________________

28 28 INITIATIVES TAKEN BY THE DEPARTMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY, HARYANA Haryana is the first State in the country to issue a comprehensive notification dated 29.07.2005 on Energy Conservation Measures. It makes:- Use of solar water heating systems mandatory in industries, Hospitals and Nursing homes, Hotels, Jail Barracks, Housing Complexes, residential buildings built on a plot of size 500 sq.yds and above, all Govt. buildings, Hostels, Tourism Complexes and Universities etc. Use of conventional bulbs in govt. buildings banned CFLs and T-5 tube lights in Govt. buildings made mandatory. Use of ISI marked pump sets and accessories for new tube- well connections made mandatory. Incorporation of energy efficient building design and RE technologies for new Govt. buildings made mandatory. This step has been appreciated by the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India and has circulated it to other States for emulation.

29 29 INITIATIVES TAKEN BY THE DEPARTMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY, HARYANA To promote SWHS, Rebate in electricity bills for domestic users – Rs.1200/- per year for 100 lpd system, Rs.2400/- for 200 lpd system & Rs.3600/- per year for 300 lpd system for three years. Capital subsidy on domestic solar water heater @ Rs.5000/- for 100 lpd & Rs.10000/- for 200 lpd & above for all Haryana residents. Scheme on providing financial incentives on the purchase of ISI marked Pump-sets @ Rs. 400/- per HP of pump with max. ceiling of Rs. 5000/- per farmer. Purchase of energy efficient 4 to 5 star rated products has been made mandatory for all Govt. Departments / Corporations.

30 30 ENERGY CONSERVATION IN BUILDINGS A new scheme on energy audit of Govt. buildings launched. Energy Audit of 10 Govt. buildings completed. Energy Audit of the Haryana Raj Bhawan & Chief Minister residence completed. The Energy audit shows that with a nominal investment a substantial energy can be saved in the govt. buildings. The average investment is about Rs.7 lacs per building with a pay back period of just three years. Broad guidelines circulated to all line departments and the same are available on HAREDA’s website Manual on Sustainable Building Design prepared by HAREDA under Asia Urbs Programme circulated and available on website

31 31 ACHIEVEMENTS In agriculture sector 16000 HP capacity of ISI marked pumpsets installed resulting in saving of 4.8 MU of electricity translating into a saving of Rs.1.92 crores in the electricity bills. In Govt. buildings, 70,000 CFLs and 37,000 T-5 tube lights replaced with an investment of Rs.1.89 crores resulting in annual electricity saving of 21.6 MU & saving in the bills of Rs.8.66 crores. The pay back period is less than three months. With the promotional measures taken by the Haryana Govt., the installation of solar water heating systems increased in 2006-07 (1,61,000 lpd) by 138% over the previous year resulting in a saving of 24.15 MU. 499 villages made as CFL villages leading to electricity saving of 65 MU translating into saving of Rs.26 crores in the electricity bills.

32 32 UNIQUE INITIATIVES OF HARYANA GOVT. Haryana is the first state in the country to have decided to replace conventional lighting fixtures with energy efficient CFLs and T-5 (28 watt) tube lights in all Govt. buildings by 1 st January, 2008. The Department has taken up an innovative project for implementation of energy efficient lighting street lighting in Municipal Committee, Hisar & Panchkula & HUDA Sectors, Panchkula through ESCO mode which shall save about 2-3 MW peak load power with full investment by ESCO. UHBVN has signed MoUs M/s OSRAM Ltd. and with M/s Indo Asian for distributing CFLs at discounted rates under a CDM project. For new electrical connection, use of CFL made mandatory & for BPL Consumers, two 20 Watt CFLs will be provided free of cost at the time of release of connection.

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