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Published byJunior Pearson Modified over 9 years ago
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Office of Science Site Status Report Presented By: Greg Larson Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) UT-Battelle Analytical Services Program 2014 ASP Workshop September 15-18, 2014 Albuquerque, NM
2Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy 3 major operating sites on the Oak Ridge Reservation: – Y-12 National Security Complex Defense Program – East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) D&D to privatize – Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) DOE’s largest and most diversified multi-program national laboratory – Computing and Computational Sciences – Energy and Environmental Studies – Global Security – Neutron Sciences – Nuclear Science and Engineering – Physical Sciences – Science and Technology Partnerships – U.S. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
3Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Pulsed Neutron Source Supercomputer Facility Electron Microscope Laboratory High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Continuous Neutron Source High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Continuous Neutron Source DOE Bioenergy Science Center Oak Ridge Science and Technology Park ORNL’ Central Campus Area ORNL Central Campus Layout/Overview
4Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Waste Services Division (LWSD) Hazardous and Mixed Waste Management Hazardous Material Spill Response Operational Planning and Waste Services Representatives (WSRs) Pollution Prevention Radioactive Waste Management Waste and Materials Disposition Waste Handling and Facilities and Operations Analytical Services Program NOTE:At the end of June, 2014; Environmental Protection and Waste Services Division was split into two divisions – Environmental Protection Services Division (EPSD) and Laboratory Waste Services Division (LWSD).
5Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy FY14 – Contracts under ICPT BOA with several full service laboratories All offsite analytical support provided by BOA laboratories LWS; 3 Offsite Labs under Contract w/ Limited Onsite Lab Need For Special Case Issues (e.g. High Rad; Rad Fecal Coliform, etc.) EPS; 4 Offsite Labs under Contract; More Usage of Onsite Lab Due To Short Analytical Hold Time Requirement Analyses Laboratory selection performed and documented on each sample request (lab justification); dependent upon analytical suite. Lab Justification Factors considered: Cost (# Samples, Analytical Suite, TAT, Deliverable Requested) Past performance (MAPEP, DOECAP Audits, QA/QC Issues w/ Data Reviews, Invoicing; Responsiveness; etc.) Other issues (e.g. Sample Volume, NRC license, Facility Safety Basis, Meeting TAT) Contracting Analytical Support
6Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy IDASP Process Flow Actions 1Sample Request Received 2Analytical Services Coordinator (ASC) Assigned 3Lab Selection/Justification 4 Transportation Request Submitted (ORNL-19 or ORNL-28) 5Transportation Request Approval 6SP Field Hazard Evaluation (SPFHE) 7 Sample Documentation Completed [SPRF, Work Plan (SPFHE), SI, Trans] 8 Sample Requestor Reviews/Approves Sample Documentation 9Sampling Scheduled/Completed 10Samples Shipped Offsite Special Project Sample Requests: The Process Flow SP Field Hazard Evaluation; Safety Aspect Considerations… a)Samplers open waste items and containers; physically contact waste matrix. b)Safety Rep walkdown project with Sampler c)Considerations… Radiation Work Permit; rad conditions (dose rates, contamination, etc.) Lead Beryllium Lock Out/Tag Out; Stored Energy; electrical, pumps, motors, stored energy of any type Chemical Hazards; acids, bases, flammables, shock sensitive, etc.
7Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy 39 Routine Special Project (SP) Sample Requests Processed: 146 Samples w/ 363 Analytical Tests consisting of… 149 - Radiological (Gross Alpha/Gross Beta; Gamma; Alpha Spec; etc.) 124 - RCRA components 51 - PCBs 39 - Misc. analyses (pH, Flashpoint, Boiling Point, etc.) Sample Request Waste Streams Sampled Include: 12 - Used Oil 6 - Glovebox/Hot Cells involving High Rad Contamination 7 - Hazardous Liquids 4 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Dry Active Waste (DAW) 3 - Sewage Treatment Plant 2 - HEPAs 5 - Misc; solids/liquids FY14 LWSD ASP Special Project Sampling
8Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Analytical Data Verification and Validation (V&V): Increased Emphasis on NNSA Disposal in Nevada Waste Services Rep Identifies Candidate Waste Streams 7 SP’s Identified for V&V… 4500N; Facility; Hood Removal RCRA Char 2521; STP Drying Beds; 20 Bxs Dried Sewage Sludge 7935; LLLW Collection Tank; Tank Contents 3025E; Hot Cells; Facility Rad Distribution 7920; 108; Glovebox 7920-108-1 RCRA/TSCA Char 2521; Sewage Water/Sludge Disposal Endpoint Determination Char 3047B; 109; Hot Cells; Rad Char FY14 LWSD ASP SP; V&V Activities
9Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Sampling Activity: 1242 Samples w/ 1916 Analytical Tests consisting of… NPDES Related (Permit; Rad Monitoring; Water Quality; etc.) o 791 samples w/ 1179 analytical tests Surveillance (Food, Groundwater, Air, etc.) o 422 samples w/ 702 analytical tests Carbon Fiber Test Facility (CFTF) Permit o 29 samples w/ 35 analytical tests FY14 EPSD Environmental Sampling
10Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Sampling Improvements… Innovative Sampling Ideas: HEPA Sampling Glovebag: Portable; allows for sampling at location; do not need to locate vent hood for sampling. Metal Punch for Coupon Sampling: Easily produce punchout of up to ½” steel for TCLP RCRA Metals sample.
11Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory FY14 Decade of Waste Generation* * Does not include waste from ARRA Funded Projects.
12Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy 77 waste shipments to off-site TSDFs Zero shipment issues during transport or acceptance at the disposal endpoint. Waste Management software change over from commercial to ORNL developed software. April 8, 2011… First use of “item level certification” FY11… Implemented waste chargeback model [Treatment and Disposal (T&D) cost]. Effective and efficient management of waste inventory. Full waste shipments, small amount of waste in storage. RCRA Permitted Waste Storage Facility at ORNL Provide capability for ORNL to store waste for longer than 90 days (up to 1 year). Improve lab packing efficiency; combine items from different onsite generators into same labpack thereby reducing disposal costs. FY 2014 Waste Management Highlights
13Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy FY 2014 - The Tale of Two Projects… Campus Modernization: New Shipping and Receiving Facility; Site Preparation Old Facility Demolition Bldg. 7005; Lead Shop Bldg. 7018; Bulk Receiving/Stores Facility Characterization Bldg. 7005; Sampling… - 1 Sample Project; 20 samples with 55 analytical tests - Media sampled: Metal I-beams, Concrete, Soil - Contaminates; Uranium (U); K-25 Structural Steel Lead (Pb); Smelting Operations Bldg. 7018; Process Knowledge... No Rad and No Hazardous Facility Demolition Disposition New Facility Site Characterization 1 Sample Project; 37 samples with 51 analytical tests - Media sampled: Soil Corings - Analytes; Gross Alpha/Gross Beta (No Rad Added) TCLP RCRA Metals (include Mercury) TCLP VOAs PCBs
14Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy FY 2014 - The Tale of Two Projects (cont’d)… Sewage Treatment Plant (STP); Disposition Endpoint Determination Disposition Issue: Non-Hazardous Low Levels of Radionuclide Contamination Possible Endpoints Oak Ridge City Sewage Treatment Plant - Digester Outlet; Liquid w/ High Solids Content - Tanker Truck - Sample For OR STP Acceptance Criteria Y-12 Landfill - Fan Press (Centrifuge) Outlet; Solid - Waste Box - ResRad Model to Determine Dose Commitment Acceptability Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility - Dryer Outlet; Pathogen Acceptance Requirement NNSA (Nevada) - Fan Press (Centrifuge) Outlet; Solid - Moisture Content Requirements Sampling Requests 4 Sample Projects; 11 samples with 67 analytical tests - Inlet Water Box Mercury Testing - Digester Outlet/Centrifuge Outlet Scoping Analysis - Fan Press Outlet Moisture Testing; Freeze/Thaw, Shaker, and Oven Drying - Digester Outlet/Fan Press Outlet Full Analytical Suite for Possible Endpoints
15Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy ORNL Cleanup Projects Transuranic Waste Processing Project Building 3026 and Hot Cell Demolition Miscellaneous Facilities Demolition (34 Facilities and Structures on Central Campus Area) Tank W-1A Removal and Melton Valley Wells Building 3038 Legacy Materials Removal and Demolition Preparation Bethel Valley Burial Grounds ORNL Waste Operations (Liquid, Gaseous, and Process Waste Treatment) Building 4500 Stack Removal 2000 Complex Demolition Isotope Row Char and Legacy Material Removal Building 2026 Legacy Material Removal Beta 3 Characterization West Quad Soil Remediation National Priority List Site Boundary ORNL Related ARRA Projects Overview
16Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy FY14 ORNL DOECAP TSDF and Laboratory Auditors 3 DOECAP TSDF auditors qualified in following disciplines: 1 Lead; Non-Rad TSDF 1 Waste Operations 3 Radiological Control 2 Transportation Management 1 DOECAP Laboratory auditor qualified in following discipline: 1 Haz & Rad Material Management FY14 Audit Participation: 2 TSDF Audits supporting following disciplines: 1 – Transportation Management 2 – Radiological Control Lab Audit supporting following discipline: None
17Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Future of ORNL with DOECAP ORNL is committed to: Continue using DOECAP and Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) resources Continue supporting DOECAP on TSDF and Lab Audits LWS Management committed to identify additional potential auditors to support DOECAP
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