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Thank you so much for your purchase! This lesson is very versatile and can be used numerous ways. In high school, I generally use this 90 minute lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you so much for your purchase! This lesson is very versatile and can be used numerous ways. In high school, I generally use this 90 minute lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you so much for your purchase! This lesson is very versatile and can be used numerous ways. In high school, I generally use this 90 minute lesson in the following way: Bell Ringer- Pair students up and give them a few sticky notes. Ask them to come up with as many things as they can about Islam or Muslims. On my white board I draw 3 columns, “For Sure,” “Pretty Sure,” “Not Sure”. Have the students place their sticky’s under the appropriate heading. Then (if time allows) you can read through the columns, or simply check the “For Sure” column for right answers. Explain to students that by the end of the lesson, they will gain many things that can be placed under the “For Sure” column. PowerPoint and Notes Fill-Ins Covers all basic information about Islam. Individual Reflection papers. Depending on time and what direction you want the lesson to go, you may or may not have students complete the back. Video Analysis. You can use the clip I included; I also like both of these YouTube videos: I have students take a few notes during the video(s) in order to prepare them for a class discussion, or Socratic Circle. Closure: Socratic Circle. In my room we have space to circle up as a large group and start discussing what we learned. In high school, I try to let the kids drive the conversation. A great way to start is by asking them to share what they wrote down in response to the Individual Reflection questions, and ask if the videos changed their minds at all. Usually kids jump right in to this and my direction is not needed!

2 Objectives: Describe major features of the Islamic religion Contrast Islam from Radical Islam

3 Did You Know… About 42 countries in the world are completely Islamic

4 Did You Know… There are about 1 billion Muslims in the world

5 Did You Know… Only 20% of the world’s Muslims live in the Middle East…. But 90% of Arabs are Muslim

6 The Middle East BEFORE Islam Arabian Peninsula inhabited by warring nomad tribes Most Arab people worshiped idols Some Jews & Christians lived here Islam was founded 610 AD

7 Birth of Muhammad Born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) in 570 The family business was caravanning He met Jews and Christians on his travels; learned stories from the Bible Married a wealthy widow in 595 Freed from the life of a traveling merchant

8 Start of Islam In 610 AD, Gabriel appeared to Muhammad and told him to “recite” (qur’an in Arabic) everything he said. -These were the first alleged revelations from Allah (God) -His messages attacked idolatry & sinful living 622 AD- his followers were forced to leave Mecca -Relocated in Medina (200 mi north of Mecca)

9 Height of Islam 630- Muslims increased; return to Mecca; establish Islam as the official religion 632 Muhammad died suddenly before appointing a new leader Arguments still persist over who can lead Muslims split over Imams Imam- Muslim religious leader Shia- Muslims that believe only a relative of Muhammad can be imam Sunni- Muslims that do not believe an imam must be related to Muhammad

10 Spread of Islam Islam spread throughout the Middle East Drove out/ murdered other religions Lost battles to the European Christians What made Islam appealing? -Became cultural norm -Arabs were traders; wise for non-Muslims to convert for business purposes -Muslim armies were good at desert fighting

11 Basics of Islam Qur’an Qur’an is holy book (literally means “recitation”) -allegedly the words of Allah -also the story of Muhammad’s life as an example live by “Islam” The word “Islam” means “submission” “Muslim” -a “Muslim” is “one who submits” Ramadan Major holiday is Ramadan (Sep.)- the month the Qur’an “came down”

12 Basics of Islam- 5 Pillars 5 basics acts in Islam considered to be mandatory for believers 1. Shahada- Declaration of faith in Allah and Muhammad 2. Salat- Prayer 5 times per day 3. Sawm- Fasting during Ramadan 4. Zakat- Giving 2.5% of income to charity 5. Hajj- Making the trip to Mecca


14 Sharia Law- conservative interpretations Sharia Law- Laws based on conservative interpretations of the Qur’an Harsh Punishments for crimes (lashings, removal of extremities, acid, even death) Crimes: Drinking, adultery, theft, inappropriate dress, leaving the faith of Islam [apostasy] Polygamy Ability for a Muslim man to have up to 4 wives Treatment of women Harsher punishments and restrictions on women Murder of “infidels” or apostates Murder those who do not believe or leave the Islamic faith Hatred of Western culture Radicals feel Western culture is satanic and must be destroyed Jihad and Terrorism 109 Qur’anic verses support Jihad (holy war), esp. by decapitation -Muhammad himself killed those unwilling to convert

15 Famous Muslims Malcolm X

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