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The Mouth Roof- covered by _____________ membranes – Front part is a _________ portion= ________ palate – __________ ________ part= _______ palate Purpose:

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Presentation on theme: "The Mouth Roof- covered by _____________ membranes – Front part is a _________ portion= ________ palate – __________ ________ part= _______ palate Purpose:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mouth Roof- covered by _____________ membranes – Front part is a _________ portion= ________ palate – __________ ________ part= _______ palate Purpose: – the _______ palate divides the __________ and the __________ passages above – the __________ palate acts as a curtain between the __________ and the __________


3 Tongue Made up of many different muscles Needed for: – Chewing – Swallowing – Talking

4 Papillae Upper surface is covered by ____________ (containing __________ buds) – sweet, salty, sour & bitter __________ ___________

5 Papilla- Cone Shaped Protuberance


7 Salivary Glands Three pairs – Saliva contains a ___________ __________ called _____________ Amylase breaks down __________ 1. __________ Gland 2. __________ Gland 3. __________ Gland

8 Lips Covered w/ ________ on the outside & _________ _______on the inside Major lip muscle = ___________ _______ Inside portion of both lips are connected to the ___________ Orbicularis Oris

9 Teeth! _________ Teeth__________ Teeth Also known as baby teeth, ______teeth, or ___________ teeth Children have ____ Adult or ____________ teeth Adults have _____ permanent teeth

10 Types of Teeth 1.________- chisel shaped to ______ into food 2.___________- “cusp” means _________; next to incisors; ________ food 3.______________- tear and _______; total of _____ 4.___________ - grind and mash food; have ______ cusps; ______total

11 Incisors Canine/ Cuspid Bicuspid/ Premolar Molars

12 Wisdom Teeth (aka third molars) May grow ___________, partially emerging from the gum – If partially erupted, _________ grow around the tooth opening  infection – Embedded= _____________

13 Tissue of the Teeth 1._______ - blood ________/ __________; ______ 2._____________ - ____________ tissue surrounding the pulp 3.___________ - non-living _________ ______________ and ______________ surrounding the dentin


15 Teeth Security _____________- tooth socket _____________- mucosal tissue covering the alveolar processes ______________ ligaments- attaches tooth to the ___________ ________; __________ teeth

16 _____________ - the __________ part of a tooth. ___________ - soft tissue surrounding the base of the teeth. ___________ – anchor extending to the ___________ (range= 1-4)

17 Periodontal Disease def: the ____________________ of periodontal ligaments, gingiva, & alveolar bone Affects: – Gums & bones supporting the teeth

18 Cont… Cause: – ______________ _________  tarter buildup – Result of inadequate ___________ & ______________ Most common disease= ____________ – Gingivitis  Periodontal Disease

19 Gingivitis- ______________ of the gums caused by bacteria in plaque

20 Moderate Periodontal Disease- Low grade _____________ of the gums Periodontal pocket (5mm)Tartar Buildup

21 Advanced Periodontal Disease- destroys the ___________ ___________ that holds the teeth Periodontal pocket (+6 mm)

22 Cavities Cause: – _____________ & food particles stick to teeth  _____________ – Bacteria digests _______ in food  _______ w/o treatment: – Destroys __________ & decay progresses to ____________ Treatment: – filling, root canal, capping, removal

23 Plaque


25 Malocclusion The failure of the teeth to _________ properly – Ie. overbite, underbite, and crowding Treatment: Braces

26 Halitosis (aka ______ breath) Cause: – ____________ produced when bacteria break down food – Smoking, ___________ ___________or gum ______________, diet or ___________ mouth – _____________or ____________ failure


28 Beyond the Mouth… -Food down the ___________ -Down the ___________ -To the Stomach

29 Anatomy Gastroesophageal/ _____________ Opening- opening of ____________ into ____________ Lower Esophageal Sphincter/___________ ____________- muscle surrounding the cardiac opening Cardiac Sphincter Cardiac Opening

30 Fundus- left of & _________ to cardiac _________ Body- largest ______ – Greater Curvature – Lesser Curvature Fundus Body Greater Curvature Lesser Curvature

31 Pyloric Part – Pyloric Antrum= wider part of funnel – Pyloric Canal-=narrow part of funnel Pyloric __________= where pyloric canal opens into ________ ____________ Pyloric Sphincter (Pylorus)= ring of __________ _________(regulates gastric movement into small intestine) Pyloric Sphincter Pyloric Orifice Pyloric Antrum Pyloric Canal

32 Histology ___________- outermost layer of the stomach – ___________ ___________epithelium & inner CT _____________ – Three layers: longitudinal, circular, inner oblique Submucosa & Mucosa – ___________- large folds that allow the mucosa & submucosa to _____________ Lined w/ simple columnar epithelium Epithelium forms tube-like gastric pits= openings for gastric glands

33 Epithelial Cells (5 types) – Surface Mucous Cells: produce mucous on cell surface; lines gastric pit – In the gastric gland: Mucous Neck Cells: produce _____________ (protects stomach wall from chyme and pepsin) Parietal Cells: produce ________ (breaks down protein and food microbes) & ___________ _________(absorption of vitamins) Chief Cells: produce ____________ (activated by HCl which becomes pepsin which breaks down protein) Endocrine Cells: produce regulatory _______________ Surface Mucous Cells Mucous Neck Cells Parietal Cells Endocrine Cell Chief Cells


35 Stomach Functions: – Storage – Mixing & Propulsion – Digestion – Absorption Not so much

36 Mixing & Storage Chyme- mixture of _________ & ___________ secretion Stomach Secretions= mucus, hydrochloric acid, gastrin, histamine, intrinsic factor, & pepsinogen

37 Stomach Movement Food Enters Rugae flatten & volume increases Mixing waves & Peristaltic Contractions Peristaltic waves- force chyme near pyloric sphincter Food is mixed w/ secretions= chyme Peristaltic contractions force chyme through pyloric opening Chyme enters the duodenum

38 Waves ____________ Waves- contractions occurring every ______ s, proceeding from the body to the pyloric sphincter. _____________ Waves- occur less frequently, more powerful, force ____________ towards the pyloric sphincter.

39 Heartburn (Pyrosis) Painful/burning sensation in the chest – Reflux of __________ into the esophagus Pain may be confused w/ an ulcer or heart attack Cause: overeating _________ foods, ___________ down after a meal, too much ____________ or ___________, & _______________

40 Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer) Cause: – Destruction of the ____________ lining of the stomach by ______ Symptoms: – Burning/gnawing feeling in the stomach (30 min- 3 hrs.) May be interpreted as heartburn, indigestion or hunger – Relieved by drinking ___________, ___________, resting, or ______________ – _________ stool, vomiting, ___________ in the stool, anemia



43 The Small Intestine Three Parts: – _________________ (25 cm) – _________________ (2.5m) – _________________ (3.5m) Two _______________ Glands – Liver – Pancreas Associated w/ _______________ Where the greatest amount of __________ and ____________ occur!

44 Duodenum Anatomy Curves within the _____________ cavity – Head of ___________ is within the ______ Beginning: _________/_________ part exiting the ___________ of the stomach Ending: sharp bend joining the ____________

45 Two mounds within the __________ (2/3 the way down) – Ducts from the _________ &/or the __________ open here

46 Other Digestive Organs Pancreas- helps control __________ sugar levels Liver- produces _________ to break down ________ Gallbladder- stores __________

47 Villi- projections of the ___________ _____________of the intestine Covered by ____________ ________________ epithelium


49 Microvilli ___________________ extensions of _______ Increase _________ _____________ _______________- combined microvilli of the epithelial surface

50 Jejunum & Ileum Structure similar to duodenum – Gradual ______________ in __________, intestinal wall ____________, & _____ of villi Jejunum- major site of __________________ Illeum- some ________________

51 Digestion in the Small Intestine  Pancreatic ___________ play the major _______________ function  Complete digestion of __________ into simple sugars(___________ __________)  Carry out about ______ of all ___________ ____________ (__________, ___________)  Responsible for ______ digestion (_______)  Digest _________ ________(___________)  Alkaline content ____________ acidic _______

52 Large Intestine

53 Functions of the Large Intestine  Absorption of __________  Eliminates ____________ ________ from the body as _________  Does not ___________ in digestion of food  ____________ cells produce mucus to act as a _______________

54 Structures of the Large Intestine  Cecum – ____________ _________ part of the large intestine  Appendix  Accumulation of __________ tissue that sometimes becomes ___________(_________________)  Hangs from the ______________

55 Structures of the Large Intestine  Colon  _________________  Rectum  Anus – external body opening

56 Food Breakdown and Absorption in the Large Intestine  No digestive enzymes are ____________  Resident bacteria digest remaining __________  Produce some _____________________  Release _____________  Water and vitamins K and B are absorbed  Remaining materials are eliminated via _____________

57 Propulsion in the Large Intestine  Sluggish ______________  ___________ movements  ________, _____________ movements  Occur _______ to _______ times per day  Presence of feces in the rectum causes a _____________ __________  ___________ ________ _________is relaxed  Defecation occurs with relaxation of the ____________ (__________) anal sphincter

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