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Course Selection 2014- 2015 Counseling Staff: Carol Niemann 9 th -12 th grades, last names A - B Caty Broderick 9 th -12 th grades, last names C - El Sarah.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Selection 2014- 2015 Counseling Staff: Carol Niemann 9 th -12 th grades, last names A - B Caty Broderick 9 th -12 th grades, last names C - El Sarah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Selection 2014- 2015 Counseling Staff: Carol Niemann 9 th -12 th grades, last names A - B Caty Broderick 9 th -12 th grades, last names C - El Sarah Mabry (Interim) 9 th -12 th grades, last names Em - Hep Heidi Sauer 9 th -12 th grades, last names Her – Li Jamie Richardson9 th -12 th grades, last names Lo-Oc Andrea Clifton 9 th -12 th grades, last names Od-Sap Kathy Arendt9 th -12 th grades, last names Sar - Va Jeff Pilchiek 9 th -12 th grades, last names Ve - Z Director of Guidance Katie BryantStudent Support Counselor Shelly Blank TLC Counselor This presentation is available at: under Counseling / Counseling Files

2 Agenda Important Dates Graduation Requirements Graduation Plans Course Sequences Four-Year Plans On-line Registration and Choice Sheets

3 Distinguished Achievement Plan Foundation Plan + Multidisciplinary Endorsement English4 Math4 Science4 Social Studies4 World Languages2 Health.5 Physical Education1 Fine Arts1 Electives5.5 Total 26 credits

4 Additional Requirements All students will need to complete 4 AP courses (one in each core area) OR 4 courses listed as advanced on the Course Selection folder.

5 Figuring your Weighted GPA Westlake reports only the weighted GPA on a 100 point scale to colleges. AP and Advanced courses receive 1.2 multiplier. Pre-AP and Honors courses receive 1.1 multiplier. Regular level courses receive the grade earned. The semester grade appears on the transcript without the weight added. The AP/Pre-AP courses are given the weight when figuring the weighted GPA, which appears at the bottom of the transcript.

6 Figuring your Weighted GPA Only semester grades in courses taken during the regular school day of 9 th through 12 th grades are used to figure your GPA This excludes credits earned through: –Middle School –Correspondence –Credit by Exam –Dual Enrollment at ACC –Summer School –Credit Recovery

7 Middle School Courses for High School Credit The classes that you take in middle school for high school credit DO NOT count in the grade point average (GPA); however, the grade you make in the class WILL appear on your high school transcript.

8 Eanes School Board Policy Students are required to take a minimum of four regular level course credits during high school to be used in the calculation for class rank. Students shall complete 3 of the 4 required regular course credits prior to the student’s senior year.

9 Should a Student Sign Up for Regular, Pre-AP, or AP in a Subject? If a student is unsure which level of a course to take, she/he should visit with her/his teacher in that subject. They know a student’s abilities and study habits best. Always consider extra-curricular, athletic and job commitments when making decisions about course load.

10 English Course Sequence (Four years of English are required for graduation) Freshmen : English I or English I Pre-AP Sophomores: English II or English II Pre-AP Juniors: English III or English III AP Seniors: English IV or English IV AP

11 Math Course Sequence Algebra I or Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry or Geometry Pre-AP Algebra II or Algebra II Pre-AP (Four years of math are required for graduation)

12 Math Course Sequence After Algebra II Pre-Calculus or Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Statistics or Statistics AP Calculus or Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Multi-Variable Calculus

13 Acceleration in Math We do not recommend acceleration in mathematics in summer school, online or by correspondence courses. These options do not allow time to fully understand and retain the concepts. If a student did not take Algebra 1 in 8th grade, they could take Geometry and Algebra 2 concurrently to accelerate. This assumes successful completion of Algebra 1 PAP. We believe that a student who takes Algebra 1 through Pre-Calculus at WHS and is successful will be well prepared for any college mathematics they must take.

14 Science Course Sequence Option 1 9 th – Biology 10 th - Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC) 11 th - Chemistry 12 th - Physics

15 Science Course Sequence Option 2 9 th – Biology or Pre-AP Biology 10 th – Chemistry or Pre-AP Chemistry 11 th – Physics or AP Physics 12 th – 4 th Science

16 IPC in Middle School IPC taken in middle school will count as an elective credit and cannot count as one of the 4 required high school science credits.

17 12th Grade Science Options AP Level Options AP Biology II * AP Chemistry II* AP Environmental Science AP Physics I B* AP Physics II C* Scientific Research & Design (Chemistry III)* Pre-AP/Honors Level Options Physiology & Anatomy * Robotics II * Regular Level Options Astronomy Earth and Space Science Advanced Biotechnology Environmental Systems * Prerequisites apply

18 Social Studies Course Sequence (Four years of social studies are required for graduation.) World Geography or World Geography Pre-AP World History or World History AP U.S. History or U.S. History AP U.S. Government or AND Economics or U.S. Government AP Economics AP(1/2 credit) (Macro-Eco. Is recommended)

19 World Languages Course Sequence Choices Distinguished Achievement Plan Foundation Program + Multidisciplinary Endorsement requires 2 years of one of the following choices: American Sign Language (1, 2, 3, 4) French (1, 2, 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP) German (1, 2, 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP) Latin (1, 2, 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP, 5 Adv.) Spanish (1, 2, 3, 4,5 or 1, 2, 3 PreAP, 4 AP, 5 AP) Chinese (1, 2, 3 Pre-AP, 4 AP)

20 Additional Requirements Health:.5 credit Fine Arts (performing or visual): 1 credit of same course PE: 1 credit (up to 4 for Athletics)

21 PE and Athletics Students need 1.0 credit for graduation Students may only have 1.0 credit of PE by waiver Students may only take each PE course one year for credit (Foundations, Team and Individual Sports) Each semester of athletics earns PE credit

22 Know the Prerequisites!

23 New Courses for 2014-2015 EL 113 – Methodology for Academic and Personal Success (9-10) – semester or full year class LA 210 – Research and Technical Writing (11-12)- 1.1 multiplier; semester class LA 200 – Humanities (11-12) – 1.2 multiplier; semester class Change – Professional Communications – now 1.1 multiplier(if taken in the regular high school day); dual enrollment if taken in 11 or 12 th grade

24 Course Selection 1-2-3 All Students MUST Complete: 1) Choice Sheet 2) 4 Year Plan 3) Online Skyward Course Selection Deadlines: West Ridge Middle School January 21 Hill Country Middle School January 22

25 CHOICE SHEET Choices indicated on the Choice Sheet should match what has been entered in Skyward. Please include at least 2 alternatives in case we are not able to schedule all your first choices. Remember: What is entered online overrides what is on the paper Choice Sheet.

26 FOUR-YEAR PLAN Every student is required to turn in a completed Four- Year Plan as part of the course selection process. Students know what they have taken, what they are signing up for next year, and any future courses that are required for graduation. Use the Four-Year Plan to help your student realistically decide what courses to take.

27 FOUR-YEAR PLAN It is important to indicate your post-secondary plans and the career clusters you feel most closely relate to your career plans right now. Your course selections in junior and senior year should reflect your chosen career interests! Remember, colleges look for rigor in your schedule. Please fill out the form completely in INK.


29 Online Course Selection Go ONLINE to Scroll to the bottom of the website until you see the “Family and Student Access” image. Click on “Student Access.” Use your login and password to access your “2014- 2015 Course Selection.” Click on the left of the screen on Schedule. Use the “2014- 2015” Course Selection Sheet or the “Available Courses” tab to see all the course choices. Use the “Update Requests” tab to add/delete courses. Update course selection as often as you wish until Friday January 31, 2014. You will not be able to access this site after the Friday deadline.

30 Students are required to enter two alternate elective choices in rank order when registering in Skyward. If students do not enter alternates, alternates will be chosen for them. Choose Alternate Electives

31 Participation Fees For 2013-14, there was a $275 participation fee for: UIL AthleticsCheerleading Marching Band Robotics 2 & Advanced HylineTech Theater 2 & Advanced Color Guard For 2013-14, there was a $200 participation fee for: Winter GuardOrchestra 2 & Advanced Choir 2 & Advanced The Eanes School Board has not yet set fees for the next school year, but we anticipate fees will be due by June 1, 2014. Once you receive a bill, payments may be made online at or in person to Mary Nolan, WHS bookkeeper. At this time, the fee does not include Athletic Trainers, Jazz Band, or Starsteppers.

32 Top Ten Percent Westlake High School is a non-ranking school. Only students in the top 10% will be identified by position. Top 10% students will have the option of releasing their position to schools with a “Certificate of Rank.”

33 Eanes ISD Summer School 1st Semester – June 9-27, 2014 2nd Semester – July 7-25, 2014 Sessions are 3 weeks long 8 AM – 1:30 PM most weekdays Specific information will be available in March at: Click on Summer School 2014

34 Westlake Career Clusters Art, A/V Technology and Communications Business, Management, and Administration Education and Training Finance Health Science Human Services Information Technology Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)


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