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Goal and Incident Tracking TicTapTech, LLC Leigh Anne Amber & Tricia

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Presentation on theme: "Goal and Incident Tracking TicTapTech, LLC Leigh Anne Amber & Tricia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal and Incident Tracking TicTapTech, LLC Leigh Anne Amber & Tricia
Employee Manager Goal and Incident Tracking TicTapTech, LLC Leigh Anne Amber & Tricia

2 Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. Price: $2.99

3 Employee Manager makes keeping employee records fast and simple
Employee Manager makes keeping employee records fast and simple! This is a fantastic tool for busy managers! Because it only takes few seconds to record incidents, set goals, and log meetings with this app, you will be keeping better employee records than you ever have before. Description

4 Let’s you keep track of employee incidents, both positive and negative!
Keep track of employee goals! Able to have documentation at your fingertips! Was designed by an experienced manager!

5 Add employees manually or quickly import with easy to follow step- by-step instructions

6 Have All of your Employee Information
Have employee information at your fingertips including: birthdays, employment anniversary's, employee contact information, and emergency contacts. Have All of your Employee Information

7 Easily get the excel template emailed to you

8 Look how easy it is!

9 Log an employee incident with a few taps of your device
Log an employee incident with a few taps of your device. It will include the incident type, the action taken and the date. You can add extra comments if necessary. Attach a photo to an incident for extra documentation Log your Incidents

10 Keep track of employees goals including target dates and completion status. Easily the goals to each employee, HR, or upper management Employee Goals

11 Manage incident types and actions taken by easily adding the incidents the occur most often among your employees. This app is customizable to fit your specific business. Employee history makes it easy for you to notice and have records of patterns of behaviour. This comes in handy when making decisions about bonuses, merit increases, or layoffs and filling out performance reviews. Manage your Incidents

12 Be ready for your Meetings!
Log meetings with employees. Easily see what incidents and goals need to be discussed at the meeting. meeting summary to employees from the app.

13 Launch a phone call, text, or directly from the app without having to search elsewhere for employee contact information.

14 Quickly export incident history and goals by email in a
Quickly export incident history and goals by in a .csv file that can be opened in Excel, Numbers or other spreadsheet application so that you can print a record, save to files on your computer, or provide records for your employees or upper management.

15 Enable the "Passcode Protection" to add additional security to Employee Manager

16 Easily set date ranges for your review periods
Easily set date ranges for your review periods. This allows you to easily filter your records for a given time period when meeting with employees, filling out employee reviews, or providing information to upper management or HR.

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