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Convened business, labor, and enviro coalition Initiated the discussions that led to Measure R –January, ‘08, conference catalyst for Measure R. Advocate.

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2 Convened business, labor, and enviro coalition Initiated the discussions that led to Measure R –January, ‘08, conference catalyst for Measure R. Advocate acceleration of Measure R projects MOVE LA

3 Environment Labor Academia and Students Communities Business A COALITION OF LEADERS

4 RESULTS Measure R Press Conference, November 5, 2008

5 Economic Development Affordable Housing Job Growth Environmental Justice Environmental Sustainability Energy Quality of Life Personal Health Business Vitality Healthy Communities TRANSPORTATION

6 Enhanced transit & Reduced congestion Reduced emissions More walkable communities More jobs & better access to jobs Enhanced position in the global economy Future of LA County LA County Today Worsening congestion, economic inefficiency Increasing smog and greenhouse gases Enormous projected population growth Housing / employment imbalance MEASURE R WILL TRANSFORM LA COUNTY

7 Rail riders: 38-42% previously drove a car Date Rail Track Miles* Avg Daily Riders 199110 mi.10,000 200979 mi.275,000 LA County Rail Transit Before Measure R in 2008 * Excludes 14 mi. BRT

8 MEASURE R RAIL TRANSIT Adds 76 miles of new rail transit

9 Accelerating Measure R transit program: 30/10 Plan 12 Measure R Transit Projects Complete or Underway SFV West Orange Line Ext Exposition LRT (Phase 2) Gold Line Foothill LRT Crenshaw LRT SFV East North-South To Be Accelerated Regional Connector LRT Green Line LRT – LAX Green Line LRT - South Bay Gold Line Eastside LRT ext West Santa Ana LRT Westside Subway SFV I-405

10 30/10 Initiative TIFIA: Federal Low Interest Master Credit Agreement + Measure J: 30-year extension on Measure R this November


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