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Warm-Up: INFO CARD On the front: Last Name, First Name

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: INFO CARD On the front: Last Name, First Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: INFO CARD On the front: Last Name, First Name
(Name you go by if different) Your Address Your Birthday Parent/Guardian Name(s) P/G Phone Number(s) P/G Address(es) On the back: Please list three goals you have for this semester. Please make sure at least two of them are related to this class and/or your academics in general. Write in complete sentences!

2 Name Game Describe yourself in one word, using alliteration. Ms. Yeganegi’s example: Affectionate Alex

3 SUMMER READING Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Nazario
2 ANNOTATIONS PER PAGE Thoughts Questions Comments Connections Vocabulary NOT just underlining/highlighting FINAL, FOREVER, ABSOLUTE DUE DATE = Thursday, January 8

4 The 411 Mr. Heggie & Ms. Yeganegi - learn how to spell our names!
Best way to contact is via – To send documents, me here – Make the blog your new best friend: Remind101: to

5 The 411 Yeganegi - learn how to spell it!
Best way to contact me is via – To send documents, me here – Make the blog your new best friend: Remind101: to

6 The 411 Tutoring/Extra Help Schedule: Monday, 3:30-4:15 pm
Wednesday, 7:30-8:10 am *If those dates/times don’t work for you, please let me know – BUT please be aware that I am coaching right now, and so most afternoons will not work.

7 Supplies you need 1-inch 3-ring binder with 5 tabs
Lots of notebook paper Pens/pencils – BRING ONE EVERY DAY! Suggested: Colored Pencils/Markers, Highlighter, Glue Stick American Born Chinese by Gene Yang (you will need this by Monday, March 2)

8 Class Rules

9 CLASS RULES Be respectful – of your teacher, peers, classroom, and yourself. Be responsible – for your own learning. Comply with all the school rules.

10 School Rules apply! Respectful Behavior Dress Code
NO HATS or headgear! No HEADPHONES, cell phones, iPods, iPads, or any other electronic devices unless we are using them for INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES. Tardies – Get a pass. No exceptions. No food and drink in the classrooms. Food = Bugs. Ewwwww.

11 CONSEQUENCES Warning – Name on the board, verbal warning, tap on your desk, etc. Possibilities, depending on the problem…. Student/Teacher Conference Detention* Parent/Teacher Conference/Phone Call Time-Out Referral – Occurs for blatant disrespect, constant disregard of school rules, and/or multiple steps on #2 with no improvement *Detention: You will serve detention on Monday afternoon or Wednesday morning. If you come, behave as requested while here, and understand the problem that led to detention, I will tear up your sheet and you have clean slate. If you fail to serve and/or are a problem when here, it will lead to a referral.

12 Beginning of class Come to the door. Say hello. Smile. Sit down.
Take out your stuff. Read the board. Read the warm-up. Begin the warm-up. Stay in your seat. Work quietly. Get tickets!*

13 TIckets Tickets = Bonus Points/Privileges Earn a ticket for….
Completing your warm-up immediately and without being asked to do so. Answering a review question. Asking a meaningful question. Participating in class discussions/activities. Exceptional leadership/behavior. Other things at your teacher’s discretion.

14 DURING Class Raise your hand when you have a question. *Chances are – if you have the question, someone else probably has it too. Please do NOT interrupt instruction to ask for bathroom, passes, etc. You need to wait for independent work time for that. Work diligently every day, and you will be fine.

15 END OF CLASS I know you want to leave! I do, too. BUT - You are not dismissed until I dismiss you! We will pick up the classroom EVERY DAY if you can’t do it yourself. You will complete your exit slip/summarizer/final instructions/whatever. Pet Peeve: PLEASE DO NOT GATHER AT THE DOOR!

16 Other things Can I pick my own seat? Can I pick my groups or work alone when I want to? Do I have homework? Can I eat? Can I go….? Can you write me a pass to…?

17 What is this class? What will we learn? - This is ENGLISH class. We will read. We will write. We will speak. We will learn vocab. We will do projects.

18 Would you rather…? For each statement, move to the side of the room that best describes you. Be prepared to introduce yourself and explain!

19 Welcome To World Lit! Time for your first assignment (and grade)!
Read the letter from your teachers (one side is from Mr. Heggie, one side is from Ms. Yeganegi). On notebook paper, write a letter back to us (minimum four paragraphs). Here is a guide to help you: Tell us all the basic info about you I need to know. Your age, grade, family background, languages spoken, etc. Tell us about your interests and hobbies. What do you do outside of school? Do you work? What do you love? Tell us about you as a student. What is your favorite/least favorite subject? How have you done in English in the past? What are your strengths/weaknesses? What do you need in a teacher? Do you have any learning or medical needs we should know about? What are your pet peeves? Are there any other details you would like us to know about you?

20 Welcome To World Lit! Time for your first assignment (and grade)!
Read the letter from your teacher. On notebook paper, write a letter back to me (minimum four paragraphs). Here is a guide to help you: Tell me all the basic info about you I need to know. Your age, grade, family background, languages spoken, etc. Tell me about your interests and hobbies. What do you do outside of school? Do you work? What do you love? Tell me about you as a student. What is your favorite/least favorite subject? How have you done in English in the past? What are your strengths/weaknesses? What do you need in a teacher? Do you have any learning or medical needs I should know about? What are your pet peeves? Are there any other details you would like me to know about you?

21 CLosING On your sticky note, please write one question, comment, or concern that you have at this time. Put your name on it if it requires me to answer you / otherwise, you can leave it anonymous. HOMEWORK: FINISH YOUR LETTER!!!

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