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Author : Kuzmenkov Ilya Student of Group 32-T Simferopol - 2012.

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2 Author : Kuzmenkov Ilya Student of Group 32-T Simferopol - 2012

3 Poor Best Italy - a country the eternal and the young at a time. Each province has its rich history, but as a unified state Italy there are not so many years. Perhaps this fact can be explained by an extraordinary diversity of Italian cuisine. In different parts of the country has its own particular preparation of certain dishes, the recipes and their traditions. The northern regions of Italy have long been engaged in cattle breeding, so that the main products that have used the Italian lady, was the milk, butter and meat. It was here, in the north, were born thick Italian soups are nourishing, nutritious lasagna, flavorful cheese and the famous Italian ice cream. In the south, where mountains rise up, there was no pasture, but mild climate ensure consistently good yields of fruits and vegetables, and here grew a variety of herbs, which the Italians were added to the food. Mistress of the south of Italy gave the world have discovered and risotto recipes, salads and gourmet Italian sauces. But the question of where the tradition dates back to cooking pasta is to Italians are still relevant. It is now impossible to imagine that the birthplace of this dish could not be Italy. However, the right of the first recipe contest North Africa and even China. The Italians argue that the first thought came to cook the flour mixture into the salt water they. Be that as it may, the pasta in the form in which they are now preparing for the first time began to do in Italy. The Italians were the first to cut the dough into strips, pour cheese and mix with tomatoes. That became the first recipe pasta. Later they were born in abundance. It is believed that the Italian woman should not marry until he learns at least 15 of them.

4 At first glance it may seem that Italian food is calories. Lasagna, pasta, pizza - all flour dishes. And yet, the majority of Italians are in good physical shape, and Italian cuisine, according to nutritionists, is one of the healthiest. This is due primarily to the varieties of flour, from which the prepared pasta or pizza dough. Typically, this meal that not only does not harm the figure, but also supports proper digestion. In Italian cuisine, lots of vegetables and fruits. When cooking is preferred useful olive oil. Italian desserts, most of them are based on the fruit. Of course, in any cafe in Italy may be found, and tiramisu cake and the traditional Italian cookies. But the Italians would never allow himself such a dessert after a hearty lunch. A characteristic feature of Italian cuisine is the love of herbs. Basil and saffron Italians put into their meals more often than any other chef in the world. It is noteworthy that many of the Italian cooking traditions brought not professional cooks, and even housewives, many spent their years at the stove, and people somehow related to architecture. So, first add the saffron in food has become a restorer, before using herbs as a component of their colors. And ice cream, according to legend, invented by an Italian architect. How can we explain this pattern? Perhaps the fact that artists are creative people, never afraid to experiment. As a result of these experiments appeared masterpieces, including cooking. Meat in Italy is not very popular, often it replaces cheese. Dry, two years in the cellars tomivshiysya, Parmesan or the most famous, with blue mold Gorgontsola. Cheese is used in Italy for pizza, pasta and many other dishes, and can be supplied separately. Italian cuisine has absorbed various traditions and mixed them as ordinary food ingredients and presented them on the table a colorful world, like a pizza, unique cuisine. It has become popular far outside Italy, and won the love of housewives and gourmets from all over the world....

5 The word is a consonant to us with Italian motifs and excellent wine, great works of filmmakers and masters of prose. It is served on weekdays for breakfast and is on holiday tables. Its popularity can compete with any dish familiar to us, and know how to cook it in almost every home. Dozens of types of pizzas offer its visitors the menus of restaurants and eateries. A number of pizzerias in our cities often exceeds the number of institutions offering national dishes. But many of us know the history of pizza? And how many know that all your favorite dish is not Italian roots?

6 And really, what is considered usual national Italian dish that once was borrowed from the Greeks. Which, in addition to all known talents, famous also as excellent bakers. They were the first to lay the cheese on flat bread made ​​ of unleavened dough, and invented a dish call "plakuntos." The mass of legends since describes the prototype of modern pizza. In one of which is approved by the fact that with increasing the composition of ingredients "plakuntos" called "plaquette", while they themselves have been modified by the Romans. In another interpretation of the stories referred to the Roman legionaries who on his return from Palestine brought their favorite dish "pitsea", which took the form of flat bread with cheese and vegetables. We find the description of the modern analogues of pizza and an ancient book "Apitsiya." One chapter tells the story of a dish consisting of a test that is hosting the cheese, garlic, olive oil, meat, nuts, pepper and mint.

7 "What about tomatoes?" - You ask. And in truth, imagine a pizza without this ingredient, modern man is very difficult. But do not forget that the tomatoes in Europe there were many later Roman legionaries, and described the dish were added only in the XVII century. During this period, the Neapolitan pizza sailors began their march across Europe. In Italy at that time meal for cakes called "pizza maker" and the food was considered vulgar. Most often it was the dough covered with a layer of tomatoes, watered with olive oil and sprinkled with marjoram. The pinnacle of luxury was considered to "pizza maker" cheese. Street vendors sold them from the metal boxes, which are often worn on the head through the streets of the city, and often gave a loan to local residents. Recognition of the pizza was Italian nobility in 1889, when it was filed on the table, the King of Sicily - Ferdinand I. The term "pizza maker" is preserved in our time, the difference is only that now so called masters who know the secrets of an ancient and such cooking our favorite dish.

8 Many later learned the taste of pizza inhabitants of North America. They brought it to the end of the 19th century, Italian immigrants in Chicago. And in the early 20 th century in New York City has opened the first American pizzeria, which is used fundamentally different from an Italian recipe. American pizza was high and the edge of a large number of fillings. It was popular among the natives, who began to forget the taste of the Italian original. It was only after World War II, soldiers returned home, returned to "pizza maker" to its former glory.

9 1 yeast 2 flour 3 cup vegetable oil 4 cheese 5 sausage 6 tomatoes 7 salt 8 water.

10 1 of this dough, about 1 hour 2 with a rolling pin to roll out 3 Cut the sausage and tomatoes 4 Grate the cheese 5 put all the dough 6 put in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes.


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