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Padma Angmo, Deputy Secretary, Election Commission of India.

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Presentation on theme: "Padma Angmo, Deputy Secretary, Election Commission of India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Padma Angmo, Deputy Secretary, Election Commission of India

2  Increase in voter turnout in identified low turnout polling stations  Increase of atleast 10-15% in turnout over 2009 LS  Bridge gender gap in enrolment and turnout  Inclusion of left out groups/communities in electoral roll and voting  Informed, ethical and inducement free voting  Increase in postal ballot voting

3  Identification of 10% lowest turnout PS in each district in LS 2009 and reasons thereof  Identification of lowest turnout Parliamentary Constituencies and reason thereof  Identification of reasons for drop in turnout (if any) between last AE and last LS election  Identification of left out groups, communities at each Polling Station, if any

4  Targeted interventions to bridge major gaps like Women, Urban, Youth, weaker sections, Physically challenged etc  Targeted interventions at polling station level  Innovations to reach the target  IMF : Information, Motivation, Facilitation

5  State SVEEP Core Committee headed by CEO to supervise implementation of the SVEEP Plan; Committee with members from various department, agencies and organisations  District Core Committee chaired by DEO/CEO(ZP) to supervise the implementation of the SVEEP Plan in the district.  Nodal Officer incharge of SVEEP at each district  Network of partnership be developed at State and District level  Frameworks of partnerships issued by the Commission in relation to CSOs, PSU/Corporates and Media

6  Forms made available at prominent places including Banks and Post Offices besides Colleges and Universities  Special registration camps in weekly haats, festivals and through mobile vans  Factories and Corporates roped in to ensure registration of their employees  Mass mobilization activities close to elections  Communication campaigns through mass media, folk media and other media  Inter-personal communication and direct people-to-people contact  EVM familarisation camps; NOTA and VVPAT

7  Archive of approved material available on the ECI website  Inventory Building on Voters’ Information and Awareness software for the state level  Expert Committee at State level for quality check and control of content comprising of Heads of AIR & DD among others  Survey findings to be utilized for designing material and deciding the media vehicles for dissemination  Use National Icons; Regional / local icons may be identified  Approval of Commission on the content created by State

8  Material on voter awareness to be shared with partner CSOs/ media houses for wider dissemination.  Under ECI-NLMA MoU, Sakshar Bharat workers (NLMA) shall carry out electoral literacy programmes besides helping BLOs for enrolment  All messages used in the elections requires approval of the Commission

9  Name search facility on website and SMS  Locating PS through internet  Voter Facilitation Centres to be set up at strategic locations  VFCs to be supplied education and awareness material in good quantity  Prompt issue of duplicate EPICs  Registration of left-out Voters to continue till the last date of filing of nominations of candidates

10  EROs and AEROs are to ensure that EPIC are issued to all enrolled  Ensure that Voters’ Slips are distributed on time  Adequate early publicity to alternative identity document  Provision of drinking water, sheds, toilets for women, ramps at Polling Stations  Setting up of model polling stations equipped with necessary facilities

11  Mid period review and constant monitoring of SVEEP in the district by DEO  Regular Video Conferences by CEO with all DEOs for review of implementation  The programme shall be reviewed at the national level by the Commission.  A reporting format has been circulated

12  DEOs to submit a report to the CEO based on:  analysis of the overall turnout  analysis of the registration ahead of polls  analysis of the comparative turnout among women, urban voters and youth  analysis of the turnout of the identified excluded groups/communities at specific polling stations  analysis of the comparative turnout in the identified 10% of the lowest turnout polling stations  CEO shall submit a report to the Commission within two months of closure of polls.

13  Government Colleges and Universities to have Campus Ambassadors  Campus Ambassador/s from among a list provided by the Head of the College/University; due weightage to girl students  In co-educational college two Campus Ambassadors (M/F)  Each Campus Ambassador to be in position for one Academic year; can be renewed on a yearly basis  CEO /DEO to brief the Campus ambassadors immediately on their appointment about their roles and responsibilities  EROs office to support Campus Ambassadors for facilitating registration  A quarterly meeting of the Campus Ambassadors by the CEO

14  Identifying students, teachers and staff not registered in the electoral roll; facilitating their registration  With the help of CEO/DEO office, special camps for registration  Educating about registration, correction of errors, transposition of names, voting process and ethical voting  Including Voter Education in various co-curricular activities of the Campus  Creating core team of students to work as Volunteers for the SVEEP activities in the campus  Organizing National Voters’ Day programmes

15  NLMA  State Departments  Educational Institutions  CSOs/NGOs  Media Houses  Corporate Houses  Organisations like NYKS, NSS etc

16  VE material by NLMA to be disseminated through existing mechanism i.e. AWCs, Health Centres etc  States to extend support for the training of NLMA’s Master Trainers and Preraks  Radio spots and jingles prepared by NLMA to be suitably inserted in All India Radio and private FM radio channels during the election period  The electoral literacy material prepared under MoU can be shared with other partners








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