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Uniform Questionnaire Results Years 7-11. Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “To represent the school” “To make us all look the same” “School looks smart, well.

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Presentation on theme: "Uniform Questionnaire Results Years 7-11. Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “To represent the school” “To make us all look the same” “School looks smart, well."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uniform Questionnaire Results Years 7-11

2 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “To represent the school” “To make us all look the same” “School looks smart, well presented” “So everyone looks smart and the same.” “To show where you are from” “Stops discrimination” “It unites us”“To know that we belong to Heath Park” “Shows what school you belong to”

3 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Yes71%45%72% No18%34%28% Other11%21%

4 Year 7-8 Year 9-10 Year 11 Yes92%95%100% No6%5%0% Other 2%0% Year 7-8 Year 9-10 Year 11 Yes19%28%0% No76%63%100% Other 5%9%0% Do you agree with this price?

5 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “To show what school you go to” “Smart wear that is distinct” “To bond together” “So that there’s no bullying about clothes” “You can identify who is in the school” “To be an equal” “None”“No bullying”“To stop bullying”

6 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “Own clothes”“Wear own clothes” “Better Quality” “Jumper for boys and cardigan for girls” “Clip on tie” “Option to wear jumpers/ cardigans” “Change the style of the school logo” “Jumper under blazer for winter” “Back to black”

7 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Yes26%30%7% No64%70%93% Other10%0%

8 Homework! Questionnaire Results Years 7-11

9 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Too little6%13%0% Too much61%53%43% Just enough33%20%43% Other0%15%14%

10 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Yes61%50%0% No39%48%100% Other0%2%0%

11 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Yes53%35%36% No22%30%14% Other (sometimes) 25%35%50%

12 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 “To expand your learning so you get good grades and teachers know where you’re at” “Learn independently” “Homework acts as a reminder” “It’s a waste of time because you’re learning the same things in class” “Not much just a recap except you get a C3 for not doing it” “Shows the teacher what grade we are working at” “Home should be a break from school” “It reminds me of everything I've done in the last lesson” “Completes the learning”

13 Year 7-8Year 9-10Year 11 Yes54%53%17% No23%38%50% Other18%9%33%

14  Positives:  Majority of students are happy with uniform  Students are very informed as to the reasons why they wear a uniform, and see it as a good thing  Year 7 and 8 students are very well informed on homework policies  Most students feel their homework is marked in a constructive way

15  Work to do:  A majority of students think uniform is too expensive.  All years requested that jumpers/cardigans should be an option either under or instead of blazers.  Homework policies in Key Stage 4 need to be made more explicit. Could we publish this on Frog for example?  Student to student homework mentoring sessions were seen as a very positive thing by year 7-10. Could we start a formal program in the library for this?

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