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 NEW PRODUCT –The Dual Polymer System  Why Treat?  EPA’s (ELG)  Active Treatment  Semi-Active Treatment  Passive Treatment.

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4  NEW PRODUCT –The Dual Polymer System  Why Treat?  EPA’s (ELG)  Active Treatment  Semi-Active Treatment  Passive Treatment

5  Not Polyacrylamide  Natural Biopolymer  Crabs  Shrimp  Bio-degradable  Recycled  Food Grade

6  Filtration: Pools, Aquariums, Stormwater  Fungicide for Agricultural Applications: boosts plants natural resistance  Hemostatic Products: Gauze  Industrial Coatings  Vitamins & Supplements

7  Natural Biopolymer  Food Grade - Thickener  High Anionic charge  Used in conjunction with LiquiFloc and GelFloc products  Extremely large flocks can be formed to aid in greater settling velocity and solids reduction  RESIDUAL TESTING in the field

8  Challenge you to find a soil in this country that it will not work on  No need to send soil samples for testing  Does require on-site jar test to determine optimum dose  Organics  Metal Reduction  Oil & Grease Reduction

9  Erosion prevention BMP’s don’t completely prevent sedimentation  Clays, silts and colloidal matter can take years to hundreds of years to settle due to charge-to-charge repulsion  Silt fence, wattles, filter bags don’t capture fine particulates

10  Sediment can settle out in natural water bodies covering habitat  Can cause problems for migratory fish  Reduced oxygen concentration for eggs, especially important for salmon and trout  Reproduction levels can be affected  Can cause abrasions to gills  Turbidity can increase water temperatures  Nutrient loading and warmer temperatures can lead higher algae blooms and potentially to stages of eutrophication

11  LC 50 for Trout  Dual Biopolymer System – 168 mg/L  Anionic Polyacrylamide – 200 mg/L  Dose rate  Dual Biopolymer System – 1.5 to 5.0 mg/L  Anionic Polyacrylamide – 1.0 to 2.0 mg/L  Both rates below NOEL  NC DENR Approved

12  280 NTU NUMERIC LIMIT  This is just the ceiling  2yr 24hr event – average over 24 hrs  EPA Estimates 100,000+ sites  Phase In Time As Follows… 20+ Acres Disturbed – August 1, 2011 10+ 20 Acres Disturbed – February 2, 2014

13  Surface outlets required  7-14 days after grading (depending on slope) requires groundcover  Spill containment for any chemicals  Minimize exposure of any building materials

14  Active Treatment Systems  Semi-Active Treatment  Passive Treatment Systems

15  Very high quality water results  Typically less than 10 – 20 NTUs  Secondary remediation options (ie. GAC)  Proven track record of billions of gallons treated – guaranteed results  Use of StormKlear Biopolymers allow for flow through treatment  Minimize storage demands  Can be fully automated



18 Jute covered rip rap w/ dry anionic PAM were used in the check dam prior to the settling pond

19 A PAM log was attached to the rope in the inlet to the settling pond with little effect




23  Medium to medium/high quality water results  Typical 20 to 50 NTUs  Uses course filtration to save cost  Proven track record of hundreds of millions of gallons treated  Incorporates New Dual Polymer System in dry form: 5.5’ 1kg segmented socks

24 Several stormwater detention ponds One was used to test a new BMP using natural biopolymers with a geotextile filter bag




28  Inlet water – 598 NTU  StormKlear polymer treatment only – 117 NTU  Polymer & Hanes filter bag (initial sample) – 58.8 NTU  Polymer & filter bag (~15 min sample) – 23.7 NTU  Polymer & filter bag (~30 min sample) – 10.5 NTU

29  Memphis, TN (TDOT)  ~1200 NTU influent  200 gpm - 2.5 mg/L: 20 NTU  Jacksonville, NC  ~300 NTU influent (discharge to marsh)  300 gpm - 2.0 mg/L: 15 NTU  Birmingham, AL  ~1500 NTU influent  600 gpm – 3.0 mg/L 20 NTU

30  Medium quality water results  Typical 50 to 250 NTUs  Uses natural filtration to save cost  Incorporates New Dual Polymer System in dry form: 5.5’ 1kg segmented socks  Most cost effective model for meeting EPA Effluent Limitation Guidelines






36  Annual rainfall average – 45 inches  163,350 CF per acre  80% runoff: ~980,100 gallons per acre  Dual Polymer System: 6-10 pairs of 1kg dry socks  $2470 per acre, per year (150K gallons)  $3725 per acre, per year (100K gallons)  Excel calculator available


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