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EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN SPAIN Señor Mascari. Educational Goals & Traditions  Goals of education in Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. are the SAME.  Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN SPAIN Señor Mascari. Educational Goals & Traditions  Goals of education in Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. are the SAME.  Educators."— Presentation transcript:


2 Educational Goals & Traditions  Goals of education in Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. are the SAME.  Educators want to foster good citizens.  Traditions of education in Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. are DIFFERENT.  Based on cultural values, needs of country, etc.

3 What are the differences?  Tracking: Secondary education in Spain specifically gears students to individual interests and abilities – either to a university, technical school, or work force.  Students take concentrated courses in these areas, not just general courses.  In Spain there are 6 levels of education.  Families are usually expected to pay for books, transportation, lunch services, extracurricular activities, etc.

4 Educación Infantil  0-3 years: Escuela Infantil  Not free  Similar to daycare  Not required  3-6 years: Escuela Infantil  Start of free education  Primary school  Not required

5 Educación Primaria  6-12 years: Escuela Primaria  Free  Government required  3 cycles of 2 years each  Objective is to give students a common, basic education in culture, oral expression, writing, and arithmetic.  Other personalized classes are social studies, art, physical education, math, Spanish language, and a foreign language (i.e. English).

6 Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (E.S.O.)  12-16 years: Escuela Secundaria  Free  Government required (ends here)  2 cycles of 2 years each  Objective is to build on concepts learned in earlier years – more specialized classes are offered to prepare students for the next level of education.  Next Step: Bachillerato (high school), vocational/technical training, or work force.

7 Bachillerato  16-18 years: High School  Free  Not required, but needed to enter a university  1 cycle of 2 years  Required classes: Castillian (Spanish) language and literature, foreign langauge, philosophy, physical education, science, history of Spain.  Students have the option of studying common classes, specialized classes, or concentration in a certain discipline (i.e. English language).

8 Bachillerato (cont.)  Specialization  Choose 1 of 4 concentrations  Take 3-4 classes per year in area  Example concentration: science/technology Required courses: math, biology, physics, chemistry, geology, technical drawing  Electives  Second foreign language, dance, art, information technology, theater, music

9 La Universidad  University/College  Normally 4 years  Some programs 6 years (i.e. medicine)  Reasonable costs, government contributes  Bachelors: 4 years  Masters: 2 years post-Bachelors education  Doctorate: post-Masters education

10 Formación Profesional de Grado Medio  Completed after secondary education  Type of vocational school  Student will earn Técnico Auxiliar degree  Various areas: nursing, automotive engineering, beautician, electrician, etc.

11 Formación Profesional del Grado Superior  Completed after Bachillerato  Allows student entrance into Escuelas Técnicas Universitarias  Allows student to earn Técnico Superior degree  Various areas: dietician, foreign trade, computing, etc.

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