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WSIS Thematic Meeting Measuring the information society Geneva, 7-9 February 2005 SCAN-ICT Experience ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA.

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Presentation on theme: "WSIS Thematic Meeting Measuring the information society Geneva, 7-9 February 2005 SCAN-ICT Experience ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA."— Presentation transcript:

1 WSIS Thematic Meeting Measuring the information society Geneva, 7-9 February 2005 SCAN-ICT Experience ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA

2 Challenges Developing reliable and valid indicators for monitoring of analysis and reporting to policy makers (Implementation of e- strategies and WSIS Action Plan…) Valid and reliable monitoring of economic and social impact of ICT4D

3 ECA’s role in Statistics on the Information Society Strategy development in the Framework of AISI Methodological work (nomenclatures, definitions, specific studies) Co-ordination with Member States’ National Statistical Offices Co-ordination with International Organizations and UN Regional Commissions Creation of harmonized statistics

4 SCAN-ICT Project Organizational Framework Methodology Data collection Data Processing Data Diffusion Scan-ict Utilization Conclusions

5 Organizational Framework Partners : ECA, IDRC, NORAD, EU, FINLAND National network for SCAN-ICT - To avoid duplication of efforts - To allow a continuous update of data

6 Methodology - Regional harmonized Framework and dictionary of Indicators - Local Adaptations: Sectors Questionnaires

7 Scan ICT Methodology: The Matrix AISI Themes –Learning Component Infrastru- cture Strategic Planning Capacity Development Sectoral Applications Governance and the Information Society Information Economy ICT Status Indicators & Benchmarks Sources of ICT Knowledge Case Studies ICT Policy Research Recommend- ations & Actions

8 Data Collection Surveys Interviews Secondary Sources

9 Data Processing - Database: Indicators Projects Sources of Knowledge

10 Data diffusion SCAN-ICT Outputs National level studies Over 600 pages of data and analysis! National level web sites Pan African Studies Baseline Study of school networking in Africa (Schoolnet Africa) Innovative indicators and mapping

11 Data diffusion (Continue) All: Ethiopia: Ghana: Morocco:http// Mozambique: Senegal: Uganda:

12 SCAN-ICT Utilizations - e-readiness - Benchmarking

13 Pilot Phase  Ethiopia  Ghana  Morocco  Mozambique  Senegal  Uganda SCAN-ICT Review Workshop (17 – 18 February 2004)

14 Second Phase of SCAN-ICT Launched at the ECA/ITU Regional workshop on ICT indicators, Gaborone Botswana, 26- 29 October 2004 - Adopted the Core list of indicators - Discussed the second phase of SCAN-ICT with NSO involvement and coordination at the national level

15 Recommendation of the Regional Workshop Creation of a Regional Task Force on ICT indicators, to be composed of representatives from the 5 sub-regions (Senegal – Chair – Mauritius – Rapporteur - Morocco, Uganda, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo) Use of SCAN ICT phase 2 project as a framework for information society indicators and measurement in the continent

16 List of participating Countries Botswana Gambia Mauritius Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sudan Tanzania Tunisia  Ethiopia  Ghana  Morocco  Mozambique  Senegal  Uganda New SCAN countries Continuation from Phase 1

17 Content of the second phase of the Project Pilot phase (Implemented by Research Institutions ) ICT Indicators Projects Sources of ICT Information and Knowledge Next Phase (To be Implemented by NSOs) Benchmarks Case Studies and Best Practices ICT Policy Research MDG/ Gender

18 The second Regional preparatory conference for WSIS, Accra Ghana, 28 January - 4 February 2005 From the recommendations on SCAN-ICT, Core List of ICT indicators, and indicators for monitoring the implementation of the WSIS GPA - Indicators: a specific set of basic indicators should be established and used to evaluate progress in the process - To assess the implementation of the information society, a Composite indicators should also be developed to reflect the trends - Stock-taking: African countries are invited to establish an information gathering mechanism at the national level with the involvement of all concerned parties.

19 Conclusion SCAN-ICT/International Partnership Will be adapted during the second phase to take into consideration the Core List of Indicators

20 Thank you for additional information Email: Development Information Services Division Tel: + 251 1 51 14 08 - Fax: + 251 1 51 05 12

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