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Giannis Combe Danilo Delgado Sara Patino FIU DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Miami, FL.

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Presentation on theme: "Giannis Combe Danilo Delgado Sara Patino FIU DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Miami, FL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giannis Combe Danilo Delgado Sara Patino FIU DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Miami, FL

2 Outline  Problem Statement  Project Description  Motivation  Objectives  Literature Survey  Global Learning  Survey of Related Standards  Alternative Designs  Gantt Chart & Subdivision of Responsibilities  Conclusion and Future Work

3 Problem Statement  Design test fixture for sensor applications corresponding to temperature and pressure  Validate results

4 Motivation  Provide HeartWare validity for their sensors to be used in the medical field  Provide a design that could be used by other companies  Ensure accuracy in closed-loop sensor systems

5  Design Test Rig for Sensor of cylindrical shape  Diameter: 7mm  Length: 2mm  Collect experimental data at different:  Pressures  Temperatures  Create calibration table for air and liquid mediums  Pressure range: -10 to 200mm Hg  Temperature range: 20 to 60 ◦ C  Support results with computational calculations  Cost Analysis Objective

6 Temperature Measurement Thermocouple Resistance Temperature Detector DAQ Results

7 Temperature Sensors MEMS Sensors Sensor Calibration Resistance Temperature Sensors Sensors

8 Pressure Measurement Potentiometric Resonant Wire Results

9 Survey of Related Standards  "Selection and Characterizing Weathering Reference Materials“ ASTM G156, 2009 Weathering piece of reference material Procedure taken inside Laboratory  “Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Dynamic Mechanical” ASTM E1867, 2013 Temperature Calibration of Dynamic Analyzers from 150 deg. To 300 deg. Celsius  “Reporting Uncertainty of Test Results and Use of term Measurement Uncertainty” ASTM E2655, 2014 Importance of Uncertainty in Quantitative Results Methods of expressing Test Result Uncertainty

10 Global Learning  Material Compatibility in Multinational levels o Languages  Dimensions and Specifications to be converted to international measurement systems o SI/ English Units  Environmental Aspects o Hazardous Waste o Assurance of No Leakage o Equipment Materials

11 Gantt Chart Task JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSeptOctNovDec Selection of Project Problem definition Consideration of Alterative Designs Selection of final design Manufacturing of Design Testing Production Calibration Table Simulation Evaluation Final report

12 Subdivision of Responsibilities TaskSara PatinoGiannis CombeDanilo Delgado Problem Definition Time Management Alternative Designs Manufacturing Testing Solidworks Simulation MatLab Simulation Cost Analysis Calibration Table

13 Alternative Designs

14 Alternative #1 Dual Sensing Elements Sensor Sheath Transmitter

15  Pressure Testing: Hydrostatic testing  Heartware Sensor  Pressure Gauge [4] Alternative #2

16 Alternative #3 Water circulation system Variable pressure/ temperature testing Self-adjusting

17 Conclusion and Future Work  Experimental analysis for optimization of best design  Manufacturing of Test Rig  Generation of calibration table for temperature and pressure ranges  MatLab Simulation  Solidworks Simulation o Thermal Analysis o Static Analysis o Flow Analysis

18 Giannis Combe Sara Patino Danilo Delgado Problem Statement  Design a test fixture to calibrate sensors using a closed-loop system with input variables Motivation  Heartware will utilize the test fixture in various sensor applications  The closed-loop system allows for pressure and temperature values to be entered and outputs reveal conclusions Design Parameters  Work with sensor of Cylindrical shape with 2mm height and 7mm diameter  Must test efficiently under air and liquid mediums Advisor: Nathalie Nunez Design Objectives  Create a test fixture for pressure and temperature sensor applications  Develop a calibration table for a pressure range of -10mm Hg to 200mm Hg and temperature range of 20˚C to 40˚C  Perform simulation and computational analysis of test fixture functionality Advisor: Dr. Sabri Tosunoglu

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