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Finding Your Way in the PHHS Library. If your book is fiction, head to the Fiction Room. Books are arranged in alphabetical order by the authors’ last.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Your Way in the PHHS Library. If your book is fiction, head to the Fiction Room. Books are arranged in alphabetical order by the authors’ last."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Your Way in the PHHS Library

2 If your book is fiction, head to the Fiction Room. Books are arranged in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names. The A’s start inside the door on the left.

3 If your book is non-fiction, look on the shelves along the walls starting in the back right-hand corner of the library. Books are arranged in numerical order starting with the lowest numbers. The 000’s start in the back right hand corner of the library. 356 CLA 356 GER 356.1 ABE 356.1 LAU 356.14 SIM

4 REFERENCE BOOKS Located on low shelves throughout the library Located on the back wall near the computers Labeled REF on the spine Checked out overnight only

5 Desperate for the Latest Gossip? Browse our periodicals (magazines) located on racks on the floor at the end of reference shelves.

6 Can’t find that book you just have to read?? Go to (or the icon) on any computer (home or school) and search for the title, author, or subject. Then go FIND that book!

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