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Performance Indicators Business Management AOS 1: LSOs in Context.

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1 Performance Indicators Business Management AOS 1: LSOs in Context

2 LSO’s Definition Characteristics (how to identify them) Typical management functions How to distinguish between various kinds of LSO’s (ownership, focus, activity) Mission and vision statements Environments of businesses Positive/ negative contributions of LSO’s What are stakeholders Interests and conflicts of stakeholders How they relate to environments Internal and external environment Internal, operating and macro environment Where to next: KPI’s How do we evaluate the performance of businesses What is efficiency/effective ness What are some specific indicators to assess performance Where to next: Further on LSOs The SMART way of objectives Hierarchy and types of objectives Typical management functions (more depth) LSO Economic Contributions (more depth) AREA OF STUDY 1 – LSOs In Context  ☐ ☐☐

3 Performance Indicator Terms Efficiency – The way the organisation uses its available resources to achieve its goals and objectives. - Examine inputs/resources and how they are turned into outputs. Productivity – is a quantitative measure of efficiency, measuring the relationship between inputs and outputs. Effectiveness – The ability of an organisation to achieve its goals and objectives KPIs – are criteria used to measure the performance of the organisation in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. They can be financial or non-financial.

4 VCE Performance Indicators you need to know: Percentage of market share Net profit figures Rate of productivity growth Number of sales, Results of a staff and/or customer satisfaction survey Level of staff turnover Level of wastage Number of customer complaints Number of workplace accidents

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