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E ARLY C HILDHOOD M USIC E DUCATION Express Class, Summer 2013 Annina Rintakumpu.

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Presentation on theme: "E ARLY C HILDHOOD M USIC E DUCATION Express Class, Summer 2013 Annina Rintakumpu."— Presentation transcript:

1 E ARLY C HILDHOOD M USIC E DUCATION Express Class, Summer 2013 Annina Rintakumpu

2 BASIC IDEA WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? - General music education usually for young children MORE SPECIFICALLY? - Different music playgroups: 1) family groups (kids aged 0-2) 2) ”basic”playgroups (kids aged 3-6) 3) instrumental groups (kids aged 5-8) 4) instrumental training (kids aged 5-8) 5) basics of music and music theory 6) playgroups for children with special needs 7) arts integration groups 8) mama groups (pregnant women) 9) senior groups

3 WHEN? - once a week in the morning, afternoon or evening - a lesson lasts from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the group WHERE? - Music schools (music institutes and conservatories) - Evangelical Lutheran Parishes - The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) - Adult Education Centers

4 HOW THE LEARNING HAPPENS? - Learning by doing - Using Creativity - Experiential learning - Activating process TEACHING METHODS? - Singing and rhyming - Playing instruments - Moving and feeling the rhythm - Listening to music These methods are used to teach each age group the basic elements of music: dynamics, timbre, rhythm, tempo, melody, form, and harmony

5 O NLY SINGING AND PLAYING GAMES ? Is early childhood music education only for fun? Is early childhood music teacher just a lady to take care of the children (babysitter!) when parents want some free time?

6 GOALS Support the development of a child’s personality and self-expression Support the children’s cognitive, emotional, motor, and social development Strengthen the bond between parent and baby (family groups)

7 Learn basic musical skills Introduce the children to the basics of solmisation and musical notation Arouse a life-long love of music

8 WHAT SAYS BRAIN RESEARCH? There’s a lot of evidence and research results that prove the benefits of early childhood music education Music gets the child involved in the process of learning Music activities prepare the brain for more difficult tasks by preparing the brain to work with both hemispheres Music training affects brain development in young children Each component of music affects a different part of the brain Activating the whole brain ensures better retention (=muistissa säilyttäminen) Ability to keep a steady beat is in connection with linguistic development Music and movement can be used to enchance memory skills, retention and language development Crossing the mid-section by cross-lateral movement – necessary for reading and writing

9 S OME E XAMPLES.. arly Childhood Music Education.pptx

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