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Baby’s developing brain. Left and Right Brain – Don’t write this  The human brain is divided into two hemispheres—the right brain and the left brain.

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Presentation on theme: "Baby’s developing brain. Left and Right Brain – Don’t write this  The human brain is divided into two hemispheres—the right brain and the left brain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baby’s developing brain

2 Left and Right Brain – Don’t write this  The human brain is divided into two hemispheres—the right brain and the left brain  Research shows that each half functions differently 2

3 3 The two brain hemispheres work together, supporting each other and producing results that neither could attain on its own.

4  The human brain is the most functional and best organized three pounds of matter in the universe.  The brain is part of the central nervous system. It controls many bodily functions: voluntary activities (such as, walking and speaking) and involuntary activities, (such as blinking and breathing ).

5  We are born with over 100 billion brain cells.  These cells connect through electrochemical structures. The connectors are called synapses. These architectural structures let us become who we are and will be. Most synapses generate after birth as a result of environmental stimuli.  In other words, a baby’s brain is shaped and developed by the external environment. The synapses or connections __ rapidly increase during the first year.  Synapses are not initially long lasting. Without continued and proper stimulation these connections (or synapses) will not become permanent.

6  Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy.  Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity.

7 The Right Brain  The right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:  It controls the left side of your body.  Recognizing faces  Expressing emotions  Music  Reading emotions  Color  Images  Intuition  Creativity

8 The Left Brain  The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often described as being better at:  It controls the right side of your body  Language  Logic  Critical thinking  Numbers  Reasoning

9  Between 10 and 18 months, a baby's emotional intelligence begins to be wired, and this emotional arousal is closely linked with long term memory.  Particular situations are tied with emotional reactions and makes some memories long lasting. The more vivid the memory, the stronger is the imprint in the brain.  Emotional responses can interfere with decision making. Children learn to trust if trust is nurtured, then it will become a part of the child's nature.

10  Neglect on the other hand during childhood could cause behavioral and learning problems later on in life.  It has also been reported that prolonged exposure to severe stress can actually change the physiological development of a child's brain.

11 Nervous System and the Brain

12 Brain Development Conclusions  (1) Brain changes throughout development both structurally and functionally  (2) Developmental changes occur through and interaction of genes and experience.

13 Nature-Nurture Issue Nature – traits, abilities, and capabilities inherited from one’s parents Nature = Genetic Nurture – environmental influences that shape behavior Nurture = Environment

14 Bonding  Forming Emotional ties between parents and child.  Bonding helps a baby’s brain development.  Simple bonding interactions such as holding, rocking, or singing to a baby help strengthen the development of the baby’s brain.

15  The areas of the brain that control emotions mature early in life and are very sensitive to a parent's feedback.  Your patience, attention and understanding are key to helping your baby develop a healthy way to handle emotions.  Holding and comforting your child when he cries, especially in the first year of life, go a long way toward helping him develop the ability to calm himself later on.

16 Four abilities that show their growing intellectual abilities:  Remembering experiences  First few months  Making associations  Understanding cause and effect  One action causes another action  Paying attention  Bright babies have a short attention span.

17 Baby stimulation 

18  Brain development

19 Questions  What are some things that a parent can do to stimulate brain development?  What types of toys should be provided to a baby?

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