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R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine A CLIL lesson can be made reading a simple topic ( maximum four pages ), translating it, explaining it. In chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine A CLIL lesson can be made reading a simple topic ( maximum four pages ), translating it, explaining it. In chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine A CLIL lesson can be made reading a simple topic ( maximum four pages ), translating it, explaining it. In chemistry a topic could be, as an example, the atomic structure. This activity can take one or two hours and is very similar to a traditional “ frontal lesson”. An other kind of activity can be made by pupils, in small groups, expanding a given theme, as an example Energy, or Environment. In such a situation the teacher gives materials, suggestions, in other words he acts as a tutor, a coordinator. The work is made part in the classroom and part as homework; it is a sort of brainstorming and it can be for pupils (for the teacher as well) more interesting, stimulating, useful. This activity can take ten hours in the classroom (three weeks) and can be the starting point for another class. The following slides could be the starting materials for a work on ENERGY.

2 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine ENERGY How (near) all forms of energy are related

3 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine Planning the work This is a long term work Pupils have to find connections among the different forms of energy The product will be a big concept map (or a set of maps) The teacher suggests how to start the map The teacher suggests words and phrases The pupils will look for other words and phrases


5 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine THE SUN Here, in the core, a nuclear fusion occurs. Only dark gamma rays are produced But the sunlight is not dark. And then, what happens here?

6 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine The nuclear fusion can be written: 4H => He + Energy (it’s not a chemical reaction) Gamma rays, x-rays, visible light are electromagnetic radiations. When they interact with hydrogen and helium atoms in the Sun, they are converted into lower frequency radiations. In such a way the Sun produces visible light together with other radiations.

7 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine The radiations travel through the space and after 150000000 km they hit OUR PLANET The solar constant at the top of the atmosphere is equal to 1368 W/sq m Can we calculate the power of the Sun?

8 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine E = MC 2 If you have calculated the power of the Sun you can calculate how much hydrogen per second is converted into helium E stands for energy expressed in Joules M stands for mass expressed in kg C is the speed of light expressed in m /s

9 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine Where we live The space The atmosphere The ocean The land Solar radiation

10 R.Carmassi I.T.I. Malignani - Udine In the former slide we have to put Plants Animals The water cycle The carbon cycle Human activities Fossil fuels …………………………………….?

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