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What Species (Engelmann Spruce or Subalpine Fir) Has the Most Important Value Based On the Aspect Of the Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern slope.

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Presentation on theme: "What Species (Engelmann Spruce or Subalpine Fir) Has the Most Important Value Based On the Aspect Of the Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern slope."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Species (Engelmann Spruce or Subalpine Fir) Has the Most Important Value Based On the Aspect Of the Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern slope Of the Subalpine Region? Ben Tracy Vegetation Ecology, 2013, Mountain Research Station

2 Introduction: Does slope aspect make a difference on Subalpine Fir and Engelmann Spurce? Hypothesis: The relative density/dominance/frequency of the Subalpine Fir >Western/Southern slope, while Engelmann Spruce> Eastern/Northern slope. “Density, frequency, dominance are important aspects of the plant community which can be measured by quadrat sampling.” (matthew, 1976)

3 Introduction: The Subalpine region elevated at 3,000m to 3500m have the Engelmann Spruce and Subalpine Fir which belong to the Pinaceae family. “Species size differ in their response to site conditions, volume growth of the Fir is correlated with potential radiation absorption,” (Kaufman, 1986). “The Subalpine Fir and Engelmann Spruce show greater basal area on Southern slope then the Northern” (Stage, 1976) Eastern slopes are usually Wetter then Western. Northern Slopes receive less sun then the Southern.

4 Method: Point-Center Quarter (plotless) Pseudoreplication, random (4 sites) (7 plots per site) (10m between plots) Location: Subalpine Forest 3255m, 10% slope Niwot Ridge (S&E) & 15 % slope Rainbow Lake (N&W) Parameters obtained: (species, density, diameter, frequency)

5 Results: Spruce was more frequent on the Eastern/Western and Southern while the Fir was more frequent on the Northern side.

6 Results: Spruce> rel. density on the Western and Southern slope. Fir> rel. density on Eastern and Northern slope.

7 Results: Spruce> basal area on the Western/Southern slope Fir> basal area on the Eastern/Northern Slope

8 Discussion: What does this all mean? (Important Value) East slope: Spruce (158), Fir (159) West slope: Spruce (219), Fir (81) North slope: Spruce (135), Fir (185) South slope: Spruce (164), Fir (134)

9 Conclusion: Overall message, some species dominate other species by the slope aspect. Questions?

10 Citation: Fidelibus, Matthew, and Robert Aller. "Method For Plot Sampling." Restoration in the Colorado Desert: Management Notes. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 July 2013. Kaufmann, MR. "Physiographic, stand, and environmental effects on individual tree growth and growth efficiency in subalpine forests." Tree Pyschology 2: 47-59. Print.

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