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1 Payment Process Within Primary Care Contracting and Finance 30 th January 2015

2 1Types of Payments and processes 2Payment Timetable Contents

3 Types of Payments GMS /PMS /APMS contracts Enhanced Services QoF Premises Additional Practice Payments Other - syringes

4 GMS: Global sum based on weighted capitation - £73.56 Less OOH opt out £4.02 MPIG Payment for some Practices but this is being phased out over 7 years from 1 April 2014 and reinvested in GMS Global sum PMS payments according to contracts agreed- price per capitation varies across Surrey and Sussex APMS contracts generally paid by invoice/ separate arrangements List size adjustments applied quarterly (manually PMS/APMS) Types of Payments : GMS/PMS/ APMS Contracts

5 Types of Payments : Enhanced Services :DES’s Enhanced Services Payment schedule 2014/15 ServicePayment frequency Payment method CostPayment deadline Available on CQRS Extended HoursQuarterlyPCSS£1.90 per pt n/a PPGAnnualPCSS0.36 per pt n/a Unplanned Admissions Component 1QuarterlyCQRS£1.29 per pt31st July 2014 Component 2QuarterlyCQRS£0.57 per pt 30th November 15 Component 3QuarterlyCQRS£0.29 per pt 28th February 15 Component 4QuarterlyCQRS£0.29 per pt31st May 2015 Component 5QuarterlyCQRS£0.43 per pt31st May 2015 Dementia Component 1 Up front PaymentPCSS£0.37 per pt n/a Component 2Final paymentCQRS/PCSSTBC AlcoholAnnualCQRS£2.38 per count Learning DisabilitiesQuarterlyCQRS £116.00 each count YES

6 Types of Payments : Enhanced Services Enhanced Services Payment schedule 2014-15 ServicePayment frequency /datePayment method CostAvailable on CQRS Retired Enhanced Services Improving on line Access Second and final payment in June 2014PCSS n/a Remote Care monitoring Second and final payment in July 2014PCSS n/a Risk Profiling and Care management Second and final payment in July 2014PCSS n/a Other Dispensing Quality SchemeAnnual (paid in June/July)PCSS £2.58/ dispensing patientn/a Violent patientsinvoiceSBS n/a

7 Types of Payments : Enhanced Services Public Health - Enhanced Services 2014-15 ServicePayment method (quarterly) Currently Available on CQRS Seasonal Influenza CQRS Seasonal Pneumococcal CQRS Rotavirus CQRSYES Shingles CQRS MMR CQRSYES Men C Adolescent Claim formn/a Hep B CQRSYES Childrens Influenza CQRS Men C Freshers CQRSYES Pertussis Claim formn/a HPV Claim formn/a Child Pneu (3 vaccs) Claim formn/a Child immunisations:Practices submit data directly to PCSS (paid quarterly)

8 70% Aspiration payment paid monthly 30% Achievement paid after end financial year (usually June/ July) PMS calculation adjustment: deduction £13,050 for average Practice Practices input data using CQRS Commissioning team review and approve Payment processed by PCSS Types of Payments : QoF

9 Rent: Notional/ Cost Rents require completion on CMR1 and CMR2 forms every 3 yrs- send form and returned to PCSS PCSS instruct District Valuer (DV) PCSS notifies Surgery of revaluation and calculation of new rate, recovery / arrears (cc commissioner) Monthly payments with standard GMS/ PMS payment Leasehold rents Landlord instigates rent review and tenant and landlord agree: rent review memorandum required. Commissioners instruct DV: if rent greater then tenant to pay difference PCSS instructed by commissioners to calculate for arrears etc and pay new amounts Paid quarterly unless exception (generally a standing order) Types of Payments :Premises Rent, Rates, water and clinical waste

10 Business rates : Copies of Practice DDRs and their annual/ other invoices to PCSS Generally Reimbursed in line with Practice payment schedule ie (10 mths /12 mths DDRs or annually ) Water rates : Can reimburse on evidence of DDR for the year If paid by BACs- require invoice (original) and proof of payment (bank statements/ BACs or receipt) Clinical Waste: Area team commission contracts directly and process invoices Types of Payments :Premises Rent, Rates, water and clinical waste

11 Seniority - paid Quarterly (PCSS ) Practice provides GP details on joining Practice to PCSS Payments cease 31 March 2020,(15% reduction each year) and no new entrants from 1 April 2014 Locums Maternity/ Paternity/ Sickness etc Application form completed by Practices and submitted with relevant certificate of evidence to Primary Care Commissioning team Form forwarded to PCSS (who calculate and make payments) Contact: Laura Fernandez-Keynes (West Sussex) Marian Ryland (East Sussex) Helen Snelling (Surrey ) Types of Payments :Additional Practice Payments/ Other

12 PADM / Dispensing fees (2 months in arrears) Surgery sends data to PPA (Prescription pricing authority) for processing PPA informs PCSS of payments to make to Practices Note: dispensing drugs are through CCG Syringes : PCSS buy syringes and issue to Practices. Invoices received directly from Supplier and PCSS process charges in NHSE ledger Types of Payments :Additional Practice Payments/ Other

13 Payment Timetable : Surrey Date Information required by PCSS (Surbiton) in order to be included in next PMS/GMS payment- Surrey Practices PMS2014-15GMS Cut off dates for paymentsPayment Date Cut off dates for paymentsPayment Date April4th April 201415th April 2014 14th April 201425th April 2014 May6th May 201415th May 2014 14th May 201423rd May 2014 June4th June 201413th June 2014 17th June 201426th June 2014 July4th July 201415th July 2014 16th July 201425th July 2014 August6th August 201415th August 2014 14th August 201426th August 2014 September4th September 201415th September 2014 17th September 201426th September 2014 October6th October 201415th October 2014 24th October 2014 November5th November 201414th November 2014 17th November 201426th November 2014 December4th December 201415th December 2014 24th December 2014 January6th January 201515th January 2015 26th January 2015 February4th February 201513th February 2015 17th February 201526th February 2015 March4th March 201513th March 2015 17th March 201526th March 2015 Registrars and Drugs before end of month, Ophthalmic- 24 th

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