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International Alliance for Interoperability

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1 International Alliance for Interoperability
National Institute of Building Sciences April '03 Copyright IAI

2 It’s all about the Data! Our world is now data-centric, and fast becoming more-so. Managing the data improves efficiency. Effectively using the data improves efficiency even more! It removes the “stove-pipes”. It enables better decision-making throughout the enterprise. Paraphrasing from a former President – “It’s the Data Stupid!” The perennial “stove-pipe” problem gets addressed because the need for data exchange forces communication between people who never used to talk to each other – but should have been! April '03 Copyright IAI

3 Overview What is the IAI? What is interoperability? What are IFC’s?
What is the status of the IFC Model? April '03 Copyright IAI

4 What is the IAI? …a voluntary organization, created in 1995, to represent the public and private sectors in an effort to facilitate the exchange of dynamic information among members of the building community. April '03 Copyright IAI

5 Global Scope (11 IAI Chapters)
NEW CHAPTERS: ITALIAN The IAI started in the United States but quickly spread around the world. The Iberian Chapter is the newest global member organization. The Italian chapter is still in the formation stage. IBERIAN April '03 Copyright IAI

6 IAI Objectives to develop and recommend practices for the uniform transmission and sharing of information and data to provide a forum to promote the use of the recommended standards of information sharing to develop a process for certifying compliance with the recommended standards to implement and foster use of those standards Most industries are use information technology to improve communication and efficiency. But these efforts are always based on the creation of data standards and models. April '03 Copyright IAI

7 What is interoperability?
…the dynamic exchange of information among all applications and platforms serving the entire building community throughout the life-cycle of facilities. April '03 Copyright IAI

8 Must deal with Lifecycle
As the name implies IAI began with the concept of data exchange or “interoperability” but its greatest value will be as a comprehensive data standard encompassing the entire lifecycle of facilities. The objective is to input data only once! Capture data the first time it is available and to then share that information whenever it is needed later. The IAI concept was born at the “design stage” with CADD but it now encompasses the entire life-cycle. This includes Demand for facilities from the enterprise, Acquisition of facilities, and Use of them. April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Gerald Davis, ICF

9 Construction is losing ground
The construction industry is losing efficiency. Over the last decade construction lost considerable ground compared to all other non-farming industries. April '03 Copyright IAI

10 Top three OECD Countries in Labor Productivity by Industry
ISIC sector description . TOTAL United States United States United States Canada Netherlands Netherlands Australia Belgium France 1 Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Fishing United States United States Netherlands Canada Netherlands United States Australia Belgium Belgium 3 Manufacturing United States United States United States Canada Belgium Belgium Australia France Italy 4 Electricity, gas and water Italy Italy Italy United States United States Japan Japan Japan United States 5 Construction United States Canada Canada United Kingdom United States Belgium Canada Australia United States 8 Finance, insurance and real estate and business services United States Japan Japan Netherlands United States France France France United States Data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development tells the same sad story over the last three decades. Construction is steadily losing ground relative to our international competitors. April '03 Copyright IAI

11 Same sad story! Productivity Index of US Sectors
The Construction Industry has enormous potential for increasing efficiency and productivity. Productivity Index of US Sectors April '03 Copyright IAI

12 What are IFC’s? …a way of specifying “things” occurring in the built environment…standard, object-oriented, data structure to assemble shared information models. - Tangible items like doors, windows, fans, ceilings, actors etc. - Abstract concepts like schedule activity, spaces, organization, etc.. “IFC” stands for Industry Foundation Classes. “foundation class” is a programmer’s term.These are the objects upon which the whole model is based. IFCs name all the elements (called objects), classes of objects, relationships and dependencies, and rules of behavior of objects. For example, object definitions contain the information to fully describe a construction component, such as a window. This enables a window manufacturer to define its product in such a way that it can simply be inserted into a CADD design program. This “intelligent” window object brings with it data about its properties, such as dimensions, materials, strength, energy performance, finishing, code compliance, applicability, cost, availability, and source. April '03 Copyright IAI

13 History of IFC Development
current IFC model new functionality software development implemented certified certification starts Q4/2002 The scope of coverage of the IFC model has increased dramatically since the release of Version 1.0 in IFC 2X is the current version. IFC2X2 will be released on May 14th of this year in Alexandria, Virginia at the IAI Industry Day. You may register for this symposium on the IAI website The IFC model is maturing and fast approaching a critical mass so that it may serve as a full lifecycle facility data standard. Then comes the process to get the building sectors (especially owners and manufacturers) to use it. April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

14 IFC2x Platform Frozen IFC 2x Platform Expanding -projects- Frozen part
File compatibility Domain Extension 2x, 2nd Ed Future Domain Extension Domain Extension 2x Expanding -projects- Software companies implementing IFCs complained that versions were coming too frequently forcing them to constantly rewrite their programming. The decision was made to freeze the basic 2X platform and to attach extensions without reorganizing the fundamental structure of the IFC model. The first three-year freeze period has already been extended for two additional years. (Dave - I’m not absolutely certain about these numbers!!) Frozen part -platform- Frozen Platform April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

15 Current capabilities: IFC 2x
Shape (explicit) Spaces, Space Structure space, storey, part, building, site Compartmentation fire, workstation Shape (extrusions) beams, pipes, ducts, walls etc. Grids Shape (topology) line representations for pipe, duct, etc. Building Elements wall, door, window, roof, stairs, etc. Equipment chillers, fans, pumps, etc. Furniture inc. system furniture Relations Between Elements holes, chases, voids, zones April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

16 Current capabilities: IFC 2x
30 Actors people, organizations, addresses External Data Classification OCCS Uniclass £ $ Costing cost planning, estimates, budgets Associated Documents Work Plans and Schedules inc. nested schedules, resource allocation Move Management Orders work orders, change orders, purchase orders Asset Identification Maintenance History, Inventories April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

17 IFC 2x2 The IFC model is created using the progamming language called EXPRESS-G. This is an Express-G diagram of the model. What is really of interest today is the round circles at the top of the diagram. The red objects on the right side clearly show the magnitude of coverage being added with the release of IFC2x2.

18 What IFC 2x2 adds? New or expanded capabilties for:
General Facilities Architectural Building Services Structural Analysis Facility Management On the next few slides we will work our way through which elements are new and which are expansions. April '03 Copyright IAI

19 What IFC 2x2 adds: General facilities
NEW - Use of type specification and occurrences of type Allows the definition of information once and its reuse by referencing at each point that an object of a given type occurs. Similar in concept to the way that a CAD system uses symbols. ++ Improved description of connections The capability for describing connections between pipes, ducts, cables, cable carriers etc. has been extensively improved. Includes For extended ability to specify joint types as a realization of the connection. NEW - Inclusion of ability to ‘realize’ relationships A new general purpose capability that enables a relationship between objects to be further specified. Used for builders work, control, connection and various other requirements April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

20 What IFC 2x2 adds: Architectural
++ Extended compartmentation Provides support for rising ducts and multi-level compartments e.g. for local electrical distribution and switches in NEW - Support for lift/elevator shafts Vertical compartmentation extended to support lift shafts with structural requirements NEW - Provision for disabled access Inclusion of parameters that enable checking of disabled Access according to building codes As you see, the alphabet soup can get to be quite extensive. ++ Extended space capability Space provision extended to support more detailed exchange of external space requirements including parking NEW - Harmonization with ISO TC184/SC4 standards Provision of specifications for mapping structures of the ‘stable core of the IFC model to standards including STEP, POSC/Caesar, PLIB within this ISO group NEW - Harmonisation with ISO Part 3 Providing particular capabilities that enables the ongoing IFC model development to use dictionaries created according to this language neutral specification as a development resource NEW - Provision for 2D drawings As well as being able to exchange complete models, a specific capability to handle 2D drawing information including layers, text, line style and weight, annotation and dimensioning Is being included April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

21 What IFC 2x2 adds: Building Services
NEW - Time Series Time related events ++ Extended range of elements Many new components, including controls, to meet wider building services needs and to support ideas of simulation and code checking NEW - Holes and Bases Enables builders work information to be specified Including holes, sleeves, packing, framing, upstands, isolation NEW - Fire Protection Elements Sprinklers, hose reels, hydrants, wet/dry rising mains NEW - Brackets and Fasteners Brackets, drop rods, steel sections, bracket assemblies, screws, bolts etc. NEW ++ Electrical Model Provision of switches, switchgear, power and communication outlets, transformers, generators, motors, conductors, protective devices, distribution centres, light fittings ….. NEW ++ Plumbing services WC’s, urinals, basins, baths, sinks, traps, drainage lines, manholes and chambers. April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

22 What IFC 2x2 adds: Structural Analysis
NEW - Material independent structural analysis model, including: structural members, boundary conditions, connections supports, loads, load combinations NEW - Steel structures Members, profiles, properties, joints, features, surfaces NEW - Steel fabrication Handover to NC processing and production preparation NEW - Reinforced concrete structures RC members, rebars, joints, properties NEW - Reinforced concrete foundation design Including footings and piling April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

23 What IFC 2x2 adds:Facility Management
++ Improved asset definition Improved allocation of time, cost and work order data NEW - Service Life Data Inclusion of capabilities for service life capture and management including reference and expected service life and ISO based service life factors. ++ Simplified order provision Improved allocation of time and cost data NEW - Environmental impact Capture of environmental impact data for objects allowing impact assessment to be carried out in support of sustainable working. ++ Extended cost model Enables costing of any object, with any type of cost, at any and all points in the lifecycle, total lifecycle cost capture, budgets, estimates, cost roll up NEW - Permits Allocation of permits for access, security, work The last item is the product of the NIBS Facility Maintenance and Operations Committee. OMSI or Operations and Maintenance Support Information is the U.S. Navy Guide Specification – created for the paper-based world. It is now moving into the electronic realm. NEW - Condition Monitoring Captures condition data including both measured (by Instrumentation) and assessed (by visual inspection). NEW - Operating and Maintenance information Provision of capability to capture operating and maintenance instruction information based on the US Navy/Dept of Health developed OMSI XML standards NEW - Request Capture Captures ad hoc requests made for operating and maintenance work and allocation of requests to work orders. April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

24 IFC Architecture getting leaner
Attributes versus Property Sets Attributes have universal applicability Hardwired into the IFC Model Property Sets may be attached to the Model Operate exactly the same as Attributes Allow for regional variations around the globe Examples of Property Sets U.S. National CAD Standard Building Codes (or Model Building Codes) Classification and Terminology Systems, e.g., OmniClass in U.S., UniClass in UK JCCS – Japan Construction Classification System Nordic – BarBi, Lexicon – European project “Attribute” is the customary term for the elements that define the capabilities and characteristics of “intelligent programming objects”. Many attributes, such as dimension, material, color, may be assigned specific values. Attributes and Property Sets are synonymous terms. But the IAI distinguishes between by including Attributes within the model structure and keeping Property Sets external to the model. This keeps the basic model much smaller, and leaner. It also allows accommodation of long-established national and regional variations within the global construction industry. You probably expected the BarBi to be from Australia – not Scandanavia! April '03 Copyright IAI

25 IAI/IFC Achievements IAI has become a truly global effort
IFC has become the most recognized standard for building models IFC is supported by most global CAD software vendors IFC is supported by many downstream applications April '03 Copyright IAI

26 Software support for IFCs
April '03 Copyright IAI Graphics from Jeffrey Wix, AEC3

27 IAI Status Critical Juncture U.S. has a major leadership position
Model is maturing Implementation has not yet “crossed the chasm” Some frustration from over-expectations Great need for pilot projects U.S. has a major leadership position Chair of International Council IAI International Technical Coordinator ISO Representative for Metadata Standards “Crossing the Chasm” is an excellent book by Geoffrey Moore that describes how new technologies work their way through the marketplace; from the “Early adopters” into the “Mainstream market”. Many start-up companies have floundered because they failed to recognize how very differently these markets think and select new technology. The mainstream market wants all the bugs worked out and they need recommendations from colleagues they trust before they spend their money. “metadata” is data about data. It allows you to know what’s in a file without having to open it to find out. As data volume proliferates metadata standards will become increasingly important. April '03 Copyright IAI

28 IAI’s Organization Structure
Board Of Direction IAI Domains Architecture Building Services Facility Management Project Management Libraries Codes and Standards aecXML Architecture domain is initiating two new projects. AR-5 “Early Design” – Joint project with FM-9, great start. Ceiling plenum/shaft services coordination Building Systems – BS-8 project completed, successfully pushing software implementation Facilities Management – new FM-9 Project – PAMPeR – Portfolio and Asset Management; Performance Requirements. FM just completed FM8 – CAFE – Cost and Financial Elements. Libraries Domain – OCCS “Omniclass” Project is creating 13 separate classification tables to name all elements in the construction industry. Project Management – completed PM-3 project; “Material Selection, Specification, and Procurement”. Codes and Standards - Pursuing NCS/BCS Electronic Building Plan proposal aecXML – OMSI – Operations and Maintenance Support Information April '03 Copyright IAI

29 IAI’s Parent Organization
National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS’ Board of Directors NIBS’ Councils NIBS’ Programs April '03 Copyright IAI

30 NIBS Enabling Legislation
Public Law , Sect. 809 (1974) April '03 Copyright IAI

31 Congressional Rationale
no authoritative source of advice on science and technology a serious and widespread lack of uniformity in building criteria unnecessary barriers against the use of innovative building systems Some may think that “Congressional rationale” is an oxymoron! April '03 Copyright IAI

32 NIBS Responsibilities
development, promulgation, and maintenance of performance criteria, standards, and other technical provisions evaluation and prequalification of building technology conduct needed investigations assembly, storage and dissemination of technical information IAI is most directly related to the last bullet. Twenty-six years ago, who knew what this would mean? April '03 Copyright IAI

33 NIBS Activities Board of Directors Consultative Council
Building Envelope Thermal and Environmental Council Building Seismic Safety Council Construction Metrication Council Facility Information Council Multihazard Mitigation Council Facility Maintenance and Operations Committee National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities Construction Criteria Base/Whole Building Design Guide International Alliance for Interoperability(IAI) April '03 Copyright IAI

34 More Information
April '03 Copyright IAI

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