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Scientific Method Biology. What is Science?  The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Biology. What is Science?  The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Biology

2 What is Science?  The goal of science is to investigate and understand the natural world, to explain events in the natural world, and to use those explanations to make useful predictions.  In other words…science is an organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world.

3 Thinking like a Scientist:  Observation: Process of gathering information.  Data: The information gathered from the observation.  Inference: Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge or experience. AKA: educated guess.  Hypothesis: Proposed scientific explanation of observations.

4 Thinking like a Scientist (cont.)  Test: Set up an experiment to test your hypothesis.  Analyze: Think about your observation and draw a conclusion.

5 Hypothesis  If…then… statement.  Examples: If you drink coffee before going to bed, then it will take longer to fall asleep. If you cover a wound with a bandage, then it will heal with less scarring. If I chose not to participate in Mr. MacDonald’s class…then I will receive a bad grade.

6 Other Key Terms:  VARIABLE: A Variable is a logical set of attributes such as measurable quantities, categories such as gender, numbers, or words.  INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: or manipulated variable, is a factor that’s intentionally varied by the experimenter. The researcher changes this variable, it is under their control. E.g. changing temperature, water quantities, etc.

7 Other Key Terms (cont.):  DEPENDENT VARIABLES: or responding variable (responds to the independent variable – “dependent” on the independent), is the factor that may change as a result of changes made in the independent variable. E.g. Plant growth, cell growth etc.  CONTROL GROUP: In a scientific experiment, the control is the group that serves as the standard of comparison. The control group may be a “no treatment" or an “experimenter selected” group.

8 MythBusters Modern Day Scientists “I reject your reality and substitute my own.” –Adam Savage

9 Example experiment: Flying Penny

10 Scientific Method Song  If you have trouble remembering the scientific method…just sing this song.  20WhKS4 20WhKS4

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