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V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Staff Cost FMP – Staff Cost Account Clerk School Principal FMP Common Setup Budgeting Bookkeeping Staff Cost Capital.

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Presentation on theme: "V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Staff Cost FMP – Staff Cost Account Clerk School Principal FMP Common Setup Budgeting Bookkeeping Staff Cost Capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 V 03.02.01Slide 1V 1.0Slide 1 FMP/Staff Cost FMP – Staff Cost Account Clerk School Principal FMP Common Setup Budgeting Bookkeeping Staff Cost Capital Asset Register Sales & Stock Other Registers 1. Setup 2. Staff Master 3. Payroll 4. P Fund Register 5. Tax Return 6. Enquiry 7. Report 1.Setup

2 V 03.02.01Slide 2V 1.0Slide 2 Setup Setup Overview Staff Cost Setup is the fundamental step before users to prepare: staff master payroll provident fund contributions tax return. Users have to define: the calculation method and rate of provident fund schemes payroll items and reimbursement items to be available for payroll of different staff types payroll items for provident fund contribution and taxation account codes for contribution of different provident fund schemes. employer’s tax return information autopay setting of staff payroll payment.

3 V 03.02.01Slide 3V 1.0Slide 3 Provident Fund Setup Three provident fund schemes supported by the system: Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme for Teaching Staff ORSO Scheme for Non-teaching Staff Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme for Non-teaching Staff User need to define the following two settings under every scheme: General Setting Fund Rate Setting

4 V 03.02.01Slide 4V 1.0Slide 4 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – General Setting User need to define General Setting to calculate Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund contribution for teaching staff in Payroll: Employee’s Contribution Contra Account Code Rounding Method Decimal Place To update Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting, no payroll should be under preparation.

5 V 03.02.01Slide 5V 1.0Slide 5 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Provident Fund Setup] tab. Step 3. Click [Grant/Subsidized Schools PF Scheme] hyperlink. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

6 V 03.02.01Slide 6V 1.0Slide 6 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

7 V 03.02.01Slide 7V 1.0Slide 7 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 4. Fill in General Setting. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

8 V 03.02.01Slide 8V 1.0Slide 8 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 4a. For updating the account code, User can enter an account code directly or click the (Select Account Code icon) next to Account Code textbox to search for account code from the pop-up screen. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

9 V 03.02.01Slide 9V 1.0Slide 9 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 4b. Fill in / select appropriate Income Account Code and then click [Copy] or [Select] button to copy the code back to the original page. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

10 V 03.02.01Slide 10V 1.0Slide 10 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 5. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme General Setting

11 V 03.02.01Slide 11V 1.0Slide 11 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – General Setting Calculation of employee and employer provident fund contributions will follow the change made in the updated general setting thereafter. The change will take effect in the next payroll entry captured. All the previous captured staff payroll entries will not be affected.

12 V 03.02.01Slide 12V 1.0Slide 12 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – Fund Rate Setting To create a new set of Fund Rate Setting / update or delete existing fund rate setting for teaching staff who participate in Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme. Fund rate setting: Effective Date of the fund rate setting Stages of contribution percentage of employee and employer Fund rate setting is used when calculating the contribution amount in the payroll of staff who participate in Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme. If the contribution stage and rate need to be revised while the current fund rate setting is used in Payroll, users may consider to add one or more fund rate settings. In updating / deleting of fund rate setting, staff payroll entries of the payroll month on or after the effective date have not yet been created.

13 V 03.02.01Slide 13V 1.0Slide 13 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Fund Rate Setting Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need.

14 V 03.02.01Slide 14V 1.0Slide 14 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme To update existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

15 V 03.02.01Slide 15V 1.0Slide 15 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 2. If user want to change the effective date, they should fill in the new effective date in Edit Effective Date. Step 3. If user want to change the contribution rate, they should fill in the Employee’s Contribution Rate, Employer’s Contribution Rate and Remarks for the appropriate stages of the fund rate setting. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

16 V 03.02.01Slide 16V 1.0Slide 16 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

17 V 03.02.01Slide 17V 1.0Slide 17 Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – Update Fund Rate Setting The employee’s and employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the updated fund rate setting and effective date for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme

18 V 03.02.01Slide 18V 1.0Slide 18 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme To create a new fund rate setting: Step 1. Click [Add] button. The system will redirect to the Add Provident Fund Rate Setting page. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

19 V 03.02.01Slide 19V 1.0Slide 19 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 2. Fill in the Effective Date. Step 3. Fill in the Employee’s Contribution Rate, Employer’s Contribution Rate and Remarks for the appropriate stages of the fund rate setting. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

20 V 03.02.01Slide 20V 1.0Slide 20 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

21 V 03.02.01Slide 21V 1.0Slide 21 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – Add Fund Rate Setting The employee’s employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the new fund rate setting for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected.

22 V 03.02.01Slide 22V 1.0Slide 22 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme To delete existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

23 V 03.02.01Slide 23V 1.0Slide 23 Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme Step 2. Click [Delete] button. Provident Fund Setup – Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

24 V 03.02.01Slide 24V 1.0Slide 24 Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme – Delete Fund Rate Setting After deletion of fund rate setting, the fund rate setting cannot be retrieved again. Grant / Subsidized Schools PF Scheme

25 V 03.02.01Slide 25V 1.0Slide 25 ORSO Scheme ORSO Scheme – General Setting Users need to define General Setting to calculate ORSO Scheme Provident Fund contribution for non-teaching staff in Payroll: Rounding Method Decimal Place To update ORSO Scheme General Setting, no payroll should be under preparation.

26 V 03.02.01Slide 26V 1.0Slide 26 ORSO Scheme Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Provident Fund Setup] tab. Step 3. Click [ORSO Scheme] hyperlink. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme General Setting

27 V 03.02.01Slide 27V 1.0Slide 27 ORSO Scheme Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme General Setting

28 V 03.02.01Slide 28V 1.0Slide 28 ORSO Scheme Step 4. Fill in General Setting. Step 5. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme General Setting

29 V 03.02.01Slide 29V 1.0Slide 29 ORSO Scheme Calculation of employee and employer provident fund contributions will follow the change made in the updated general setting thereafter. The change will take effect in the next payroll entry captured. All the previous captured staff payroll entries will not be affected. ORSO Scheme – General Setting

30 V 03.02.01Slide 30V 1.0Slide 30 ORSO Scheme To create a new set of Fund Rate Setting / update or delete existing fund rate setting for non-teaching staff who participate in ORSO Scheme. Fund rate setting: Effective Date of the fund rate setting Stages of contribution percentage of employee and employer Fund rate setting is used when calculating the contribution amount in the payroll of staff who participate in ORSO Scheme. If the contribution stage and rate need to be revised while the current fund rate setting is used in Payroll, users may consider to add one or more fund rate settings. In updating / deleting of fund rate setting, staff payroll entries of the payroll month on or after the effective date have not yet been created. ORSO Scheme – Fund Rate Setting

31 V 03.02.01Slide 31V 1.0Slide 31 ORSO Scheme Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Fund Rate Setting

32 V 03.02.01Slide 32V 1.0Slide 32 ORSO Scheme To update existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

33 V 03.02.01Slide 33V 1.0Slide 33 ORSO Scheme Step 2. If user want to change the effective date, they should fill in the new effective date in Edit Effective Date. Step 3. If user want to change the contribution rate, they should fill in the Employee’s Contribution Rate, Employer’s Contribution Rate and Remarks for the appropriate stages of the fund rate setting. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

34 V 03.02.01Slide 34V 1.0Slide 34 ORSO Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

35 V 03.02.01Slide 35V 1.0Slide 35 The employee’s and employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the updated fund rate setting and effective date for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. ORSO Scheme ORSO Scheme – Update Fund Rate Setting

36 V 03.02.01Slide 36V 1.0Slide 36 ORSO Scheme To create a new fund rate setting: Step 1. Click [Add] button. The system will redirect to the Add Provident Fund Rate Setting page. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

37 V 03.02.01Slide 37V 1.0Slide 37 ORSO Scheme Step 2. Fill in the Effective Date. Step 3. Fill in the Employee’s Contribution Rate, Employer’s Contribution Rate and Remarks for the appropriate stages of the fund rate setting. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

38 V 03.02.01Slide 38V 1.0Slide 38 ORSO Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

39 V 03.02.01Slide 39V 1.0Slide 39 ORSO Scheme The employee’s and employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the new fund rate setting for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. ORSO Scheme – Add Fund Rate Setting

40 V 03.02.01Slide 40V 1.0Slide 40 ORSO Scheme To delete existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

41 V 03.02.01Slide 41V 1.0Slide 41 ORSO Scheme Step 2. Click [Delete] button. Provident Fund Setup – ORSO Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

42 V 03.02.01Slide 42V 1.0Slide 42 After deletion of fund rate setting, the fund rate setting cannot be retrieved again. ORSO Scheme ORSO Scheme – Delete Fund Rate Setting

43 V 03.02.01Slide 43V 1.0Slide 43 MPF Scheme Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – General Setting User need to define General Setting to calculate Mandatory Provident Fund Provident Fund contribution for non-teaching staff in Payroll: Rounding Method Decimal Place To update Mandatory Provident Fund Provident Fund Scheme General Setting, no payroll should be under preparation.

44 V 03.02.01Slide 44V 1.0Slide 44 MPF Scheme Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Provident Fund Setup] tab. Step 3. Click [MPF Scheme] hyperlink. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme General Setting

45 V 03.02.01Slide 45V 1.0Slide 45 MPF Scheme Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme General Setting

46 V 03.02.01Slide 46V 1.0Slide 46 MPF Scheme Step 4. Fill in General Setting. Step 5. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme General Setting

47 V 03.02.01Slide 47V 1.0Slide 47 MPF Scheme Calculation of employee and employer provident fund contributions will follow the change made in the updated general setting thereafter. The change will take effect in the next payroll entry captured. All the previous captured staff payroll entries will not be affected. Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – General Setting

48 V 03.02.01Slide 48V 1.0Slide 48 MPF Scheme To create a new set of Fund Rate Setting / update or delete existing fund rate setting for non-teaching staff who participate in Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme. Fund rate setting: Effective Date of the fund rate setting contribution setting according to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Ordinance Fund rate setting is used when calculating the contribution amount in the payroll of staff who participate in Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme. If there is any updating in the MPF Scheme Ordinance, user need to add a new fund rate setting according to the latest requirement of the ordinance. In updating / deleting of fund rate setting, staff payroll entries of the payroll month on or after the effective date have not yet been created. Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – Fund Rate Setting

49 V 03.02.01Slide 49V 1.0Slide 49 MPF Scheme Two sets of Pre-loaded fund rate setting have been input by Education and Manpower Bureau based on the Mandatory Provident Fund Ordinance to suit users’ general need. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Fund Rate Setting

50 V 03.02.01Slide 50V 1.0Slide 50 MPF Scheme To update existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

51 V 03.02.01Slide 51V 1.0Slide 51 MPF Scheme Step 2. If user want to change the effective date, they should fill in the new effective date in Edit Effective Date. Step 3. If user want to change the contribution setting, they should fill in the fund rate setting according to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Ordinance. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

52 V 03.02.01Slide 52V 1.0Slide 52 MPF Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Update Fund Rate Setting

53 V 03.02.01Slide 53V 1.0Slide 53 The employee’s and employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the updated fund rate setting and effective date for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. MPF Scheme Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – Update Fund Rate Setting

54 V 03.02.01Slide 54V 1.0Slide 54 MPF Scheme To create a new fund rate setting: Step 1. Click [Add] button. The system will redirect to the Add Provident Fund Rate Setting page. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

55 V 03.02.01Slide 55V 1.0Slide 55 MPF Scheme Step 2. Fill in the Effective Date. Step 3. Fill in the fund rate setting according to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Ordinance. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

56 V 03.02.01Slide 56V 1.0Slide 56 MPF Scheme Step 4. Click [Save] button. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Add Fund Rate Setting

57 V 03.02.01Slide 57V 1.0Slide 57 MPF Scheme The employee’s and employer’s provident fund contributions in Payroll will adopt the new fund rate setting for calculation. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have changed the fund rate setting will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – Add Fund Rate Setting

58 V 03.02.01Slide 58V 1.0Slide 58 MPF Scheme To delete existing fund rate setting: Step 1. Select an appropriate Effective Date. The corresponding fund rate setting details will be displayed. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

59 V 03.02.01Slide 59V 1.0Slide 59 MPF Scheme Step 2. Click [Delete] button. Provident Fund Setup – MPF Scheme Delete Fund Rate Setting

60 V 03.02.01Slide 60V 1.0Slide 60 After deletion of fund rate setting, the fund rate setting cannot be retrieved again. MPF Scheme Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme – Delete Fund Rate Setting

61 V 03.02.01Slide 61V 1.0Slide 61 Payroll Item Setup To create a new payroll item (e.g. basic salary, allowance, back pay, no pay leave, etc). The setting of earning and deduction payroll item will be used for payroll purpose. To update / delete existing earning and deduction payroll items for payroll purpose. There are twenty pre-loaded payroll items which are classified by staff type. The account code of each of the payroll items has been set by the Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Payroll items with “Active” status will all appear in “Staff Master – Payroll Account Code”. User can select suitable payroll items for individual staff in Staff Master. Account code for each of the payroll items can be changed for different staff in Staff Master.

62 V 03.02.01Slide 62V 1.0Slide 62 Payroll Item Setup Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Payroll Setup] tab. Payroll Item Setup

63 V 03.02.01Slide 63V 1.0Slide 63 Payroll Item Setup Step 3. Click [Payroll Items] hyperlink. Twenty Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need. Payroll Item Setup

64 V 03.02.01Slide 64V 1.0Slide 64 Payroll Item Setup A payroll Item is composed of the following elements: Payroll Items Type - Earning or deduction item Payroll Items Code Description (Eng) Description (Chi) Account Code Taxation Item (IR56B) - Item 11. (a) – (l) in IR56B or Non Taxable Subject to Grant/ Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Calculation Indicaotor Subject to MPF Calculation Indicator Subject to ORSO Calculation Indicator Status – Active or Inactive

65 V 03.02.01Slide 65V 1.0Slide 65 Payroll Item Setup Update Payroll Item Setup Step 4. User can update the details of payroll items. More than one payroll items can be updated at the same time. Step 5. Click [Save] button.

66 V 03.02.01Slide 66V 1.0Slide 66 Payroll Item Setup Item Code cannot be updated. No relevant payroll should be under preparation if users want to update the taxation item (IR56B) mapping, provident fund calculation indicators and active status of the payroll item. The changes will be saved and will be effective at once. Change in payroll item account code, taxation item mapping, provident fund calculation indicators and active status will affect calculation in payroll, provident fund contribution, provident fund register and tax return. Only those new payroll entries which are prepared after users have updated the payroll item will be affected. All the previous staff payroll entries will not be affected. The system will only show payroll item with “Active” status in “Staff Master – Payroll Account Code”. Users can select suitable payroll items for individual staff in Staff Master for payroll arrangement. Update Payroll Item Setup

67 V 03.02.01Slide 67V 1.0Slide 67 Payroll Item Setup Step 1. Click [Add Payroll Item] button. The system will redirect to the Add Payroll Item page. Add Payroll Item Setup

68 V 03.02.01Slide 68V 1.0Slide 68 Payroll Item Setup Step 2. Fill in the payroll item details Add Payroll Item Setup

69 V 03.02.01Slide 69V 1.0Slide 69 Payroll Item Setup Step 2a. For filling the account code, user can enter an account code directly or click the (Select Account Code icon) next to Account Code textbox to search for account code from the pop-up screen. Add Payroll Item Setup

70 V 03.02.01Slide 70V 1.0Slide 70 Payroll Item Setup Step 2b. Fill in / select appropriate Expenditure Account Code and then click [Copy] or [Select] button to copy the code back to the original page. Add Payroll Item Setup

71 V 03.02.01Slide 71V 1.0Slide 71 Payroll Item Setup Step 3. Click [Save] button. Add Payroll Item Setup

72 V 03.02.01Slide 72V 1.0Slide 72 Payroll Item Setup New payroll item is added to the system. The system will show all payroll items with “Active” status in “Staff Master – Payroll Account Code”. Users can select suitable payroll items for individual staff in Staff Master (by default, it is selected for all staff). Selected payroll item will be used in preparing the staff payroll. If “Subject to Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Calculation”, “Subject to Mandatory Provident Fund Calculation” and “Subject to ORSO Calculation” of the payroll item are checked, this payroll item will be subject to calculation of Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Contribution, Mandatory Provident Fund Contribution and ORSO Scheme Contribution in Payroll. Add Payroll Item Setup

73 V 03.02.01Slide 73V 1.0Slide 73 Payroll Item Setup To delete payroll items, Step 1. Select one or more checkboxes next to the Payroll Item Code. Step 2. Click [Delete] button. Delete Payroll Item Setup

74 V 03.02.01Slide 74V 1.0Slide 74 Payroll Item Setup The item will be removed at once. No relevant payroll using this payroll item has been created if user want to delete the payroll item. Delete Payroll Item Setup

75 V 03.02.01Slide 75V 1.0Slide 75 P Fund Account Code Setup To update the Provident Fund contribution (Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund, ORSO and Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes) Account Code. The account codes are used to allocate provident fund contribution amount to different expenditure. This will be used as a default setting for all the staff participated in the relevant provident fund scheme in the system. All staff captured in Staff Cost Module will follow this pre-defined setting. Users are allowed to change the account code for individual staff in Staff Master Account codes for Grant / Subsidized Schools Provident Fund Scheme, ORSO Scheme and Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Fund Rate Setting have already been set up. Provident Fund Account Code Setup

76 V 03.02.01Slide 76V 1.0Slide 76 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Payroll Setup] tab.

77 V 03.02.01Slide 77V 1.0Slide 77 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Step 3. Click [Provident Fund] hyperlink. The system will redirect to Provident Fund Account Code Setup page.

78 V 03.02.01Slide 78V 1.0Slide 78 P Fund Account Code Setup The latest provident fund rate setting is shown on this page. Provident Fund Account Code Setup

79 V 03.02.01Slide 79V 1.0Slide 79 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Pre-loaded data has been input by Education and Manpower Bureau to suit users’ general need.

80 V 03.02.01Slide 80V 1.0Slide 80 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Step 4. Update Account Code if necessary.

81 V 03.02.01Slide 81V 1.0Slide 81 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Step 4a. For filling the account code, user can enter an account code directly or click the (Select Account Code icon) next to Account Code textbox to search for account code from the pop-up screen.

82 V 03.02.01Slide 82V 1.0Slide 82 P Fund Account Code Setup Step 4b. Fill in / select appropriate Expenditure Account Code and then click [Copy] or [Select] button to copy the code back to the original page. Provident Fund Account Code Setup

83 V 03.02.01Slide 83V 1.0Slide 83 P Fund Account Code Setup Provident Fund Account Code Setup Step 5. Click [Save] button.

84 V 03.02.01Slide 84V 1.0Slide 84 P Fund Account Code Setup The change in account code will take effect after saving the records. All the previous staff payroll entries and provident fund contribution already prepared will not be affected. Only those new payroll entries and provident fund contribution which are prepared after users have changed the account code will be affected. Employee’s Contribution may have to be changed according to the salary payment account code of individual staff in Staff Master because the payment account code may vary for different staff. User should change it individually in Staff Master. Provident Fund Account Code Setup

85 V 03.02.01Slide 85V 1.0Slide 85 Reimbursement Item Setup To create a new reimbursement item (e.g. Traveling Expenses). To update or delete existing reimbursement items. Reimbursement item is not subject to any provident fund contribution and will not be considered as relevant income in tax return. The system can process reimbursement for individual staff together with other payroll items during the course of preparing payroll. Reimbursement items with “Active” status will all appear in “Staff Master - Maintain Staff Reimbursement Item Setting”. User can select appropriate reimbursement item to individual staff in each accounting year together with payroll payment to staff. This is an optional setting. If user does not handle reimbursement of school expenses to staff through payroll process, there is no need to setup reimbursement item. Reimbursement Item Setup

86 V 03.02.01Slide 86V 1.0Slide 86 Reimbursement Item Setup Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Payroll Setup] tab.

87 V 03.02.01Slide 87V 1.0Slide 87 Reimbursement Item Setup Step 3. Click [Reimbursement Items] hyperlink. The system will redirect to Reimbursement Item Setup page. Reimbursement Item Setup

88 V 03.02.01Slide 88V 1.0Slide 88 Reimbursement Item Setup By default, no reimbursement item has been defined. Step 4. Click [Add Reimbursement Item] button. The system will redirect to Add Reimbursement Item page. Add Reimbursement Item Setup

89 V 03.02.01Slide 89V 1.0Slide 89 Step 5. Fill in the reimbursement item details Step 6. Click [Save] button. Reimbursement Item Setup Add Reimbursement Item Setup

90 V 03.02.01Slide 90V 1.0Slide 90 Reimbursement Item Setup Reimbursement item is created. Reimbursement item with “Active” status will be shown in “Staff Master - Maintain Staff Reimbursement Item Setting” Add Reimbursement Item Setup

91 V 03.02.01Slide 91V 1.0Slide 91 Reimbursement Item Setup To update reimbursement items: Step 1. update the details of reimbursement items. More than one items can be update at the same time. Step 2. Click [Save] button. Update Reimbursement Item Setup

92 V 03.02.01Slide 92V 1.0Slide 92 Reimbursement Item Setup the changes will be saved and will be effective at once. No relevant payroll should be under preparation if users want to update the active status of the reimbursement item. When Active Indicator is checked, the reimbursement item will be shown in “Staff Master - Maintain Staff Reimbursement Item Setting” Update Reimbursement Item Setup

93 V 03.02.01Slide 93V 1.0Slide 93 Reimbursement Item Setup To delete reimbursement items, Step 1. Select one or more checkboxes next to the Reimbursement Item Code. Step 2. Click [Delete] button. Delete Reimbursement Item Setup

94 V 03.02.01Slide 94V 1.0Slide 94 Reimbursement Item Setup The item will be removed at once. No relevant payroll has been created if users want to delete reimbursement item. Delete Reimbursement Item Setup

95 V 03.02.01Slide 95V 1.0Slide 95 Tax Information Setup To maintain the school employer’s information for tax return purpose. This is an optional setting. If the school chooses not to prepare Tax Return via WebSAMS, there is no need to fill in the information in this setup. Appropriate tax information must provide for Tax Return. If the school has maintained the school employer’s information for tax return purpose in SAMS and choose to convert FMP data, data will be converted over to WebSAMS through Data Conversion Process automatically. If the school employer’s information is changed, users have to update the latest one manually. Employer’s File Number is assigned by Inland and Revenue Department. Schools who have not received an employer's return should contact Inland Revenue Department. Tax Information Setup

96 V 03.02.01Slide 96V 1.0Slide 96 Tax Information Setup Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Tax Information Setup] tab. The system will redirect to Tax Information Setup page.

97 V 03.02.01Slide 97V 1.0Slide 97 Tax Information Setup Step 3. Fill in Taxation Information. Step 4. Click [Save] button.

98 V 03.02.01Slide 98V 1.0Slide 98 Updated setting will be used to generate both softcopy and hardcopy of tax return IR56B. Tax Information Setup

99 V 03.02.01Slide 99V 1.0Slide 99 Autopay Setup To maintain autopay basic setting of following three pre-defined banks’ autopay service: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (MRI) Hang Seng Bank (MRI) Bank of East Asia (MAS (Payroll)) Autopay is a build-in function in the system. The function is tailor- made for the three selected banks: Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Hang Seng Bank and Bank of East Asia. Other banks are not supported by the system. This is an optional setting. If the school chooses not to prepare payroll autopay file via WebSAMS, there is no need to fill in the information for this setup. Appropriate autopay information must provide for autopay file generation. The school must first of all subscribe an autopay service with one of the three banks supported by the system. Autopay Setup

100 V 03.02.01Slide 100V 1.0Slide 100 Autopay Setup Step 1. Click [Staff Cost]  [Setup] from the left menu. Step 2. Click [Autopay Setup] tab. The system will redirect to Autopay Setup page.

101 V 03.02.01Slide 101V 1.0Slide 101 Autopay Setup Step 3. Select a Autopay Plan.

102 V 03.02.01Slide 102V 1.0Slide 102 Autopay Setup For Hong Kong and Shanghai Ban Autopay (MRI): Step 4. Update the autopay basic setting if necessary. Step 5. Click [Save] button.

103 V 03.02.01Slide 103V 1.0Slide 103 Autopay Setup For Hang Seng Ban Autopay (MRI): Step 4. Update the autopay basic setting if necessary. Step 5. Click [Save] button.

104 V 03.02.01Slide 104V 1.0Slide 104 Autopay Setup For Bank of East Asia: Step 4. Update the autopay basic setting if necessary. Step 5. Click [Save] button.

105 V 03.02.01Slide 105V 1.0Slide 105 Autopay Setup Autopay setting will be used in generating autopay file in Payroll. When generating autopay file of a payroll voucher, the corresponding autopay setting of the bank mapped to the selected bank ledger will be loaded. User need to follow the instruction given by their banks to fill in autopay data in this function. If user do not set autopay data properly in this function, they can still generate the autopay file but the generated file may not be able to be imported or read by the program provided by the banks. Autopay Setup

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