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SARAH MITCHELL BIRDS Click to begin!. TEACHER’S PAGE Objectives: Given a beak type, students will be able to identify what food the bird eats with complete.

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Presentation on theme: "SARAH MITCHELL BIRDS Click to begin!. TEACHER’S PAGE Objectives: Given a beak type, students will be able to identify what food the bird eats with complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 SARAH MITCHELL BIRDS Click to begin!

2 TEACHER’S PAGE Objectives: Given a beak type, students will be able to identify what food the bird eats with complete accuracy. Given a foot type, the student will be able to identify what habitat in which the bird lives. Given a habitat, students will be able to identify the correct possible food sources for the bird. Audience: 4 th grade, mainstream students Learning Environment: Must have: a computer lab, paper, and pencil

3 WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? They are important to learn about for a few reasons: Birds are a great example of diversity. Birds can help kids learn about geography. Birds help kids learn about food chains.

4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Beak Types Foot Types Birds’ Homes Review Quiz References

5 BEAK TYPES A bird’s beak determines it’s function. There are 8 different beak types, but we will focus on 5: cracking, spear, hooked, chisel, and tubular. Image found at:

6 BEAK TYPES Cracking Type: Eats small seeds. Finches, like in the picture, have a cracking beak type. ns2820452module154401172photo_1346852216a___a_00.jpg

7 BEAK TYPES Spear Type: Used to spear fish. Herons, like in the picture, have this beak type.

8 BEAK TYPES Hooked Type: Used to catch prey, such as mice and rats. Owls, like the picture, have this beak type.

9 BEAK TYPES Chisel Type: Used for drilling for insects. Woodpeckers, like in the picture, have this beak type. wks-and-head-banging-mother-natures.html

10 BEAK TYPES Tubular Type: Used to suck nectar. Hummingbirds, like in the picture, have this beak type. ing_beaks_key_to_hummingbird_feeding/

11 FOOT TYPES Foot type helps birds climb, walk, catch prey, grasp branches, etc. What type of feet they have can help us determine where they might live. different-types-of.html

12 FOOT TYPES Some birds have 2 toes in back and 2 toes in front for climbing. An example of a bird with this type of foot are Woodpeckers. ek070215.html

13 FOOT TYPES Some birds have 3 toes in front and 1 in back. They have long, curved claws for catching their prey. An example of a bird with this type of foot is a Bald Eagle.

14 FOOT TYPES Some birds have 3 toes in front and 1 in back to grasp branches. An example of a bird with this type of foot is a Sparrow. http ://

15 FOOT TYPES Some birds have 3 toes in front and 1 in back. They are webbed and used for swimming and walking. An example of this type of bird is a Duck.


17 Think about it: Birds living near your home could have what food source? A)Seeds B)Insects C)Fish ardinal.html

18 BIRDS’ HOMES Think about it: Birds living near your home could have what food source? A)Seeds B)Insects C)Fish Correct Answer: Near homes, birds tend to eat seeds. That is why homes usually use seed to attract the birds.

19 REMEMBER: There are different kinds of beak shapes that help them to eat their specific food source. They have different feet that help them to move around in their specific environment. Their environment can help us to figure out their food source. Press next for the practice quiz!

20 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 1 What does a cracking type beak do? A)Scoops fish A)Sucks nectar A)Opens seeds A)Drills for insects A) D) B) C)

21 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 1 What does a cracking type beak do? The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

22 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 1 What does a cracking type beak do? Correct! A cracking type beak is used to open seeds. Next Question

23 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 2 How do webbed feet help birds? It helps them to: A)Hold on to branches A)Catch their prey A)Swim A)Climb A) B) C) D)

24 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 2 How do webbed feet help birds? The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

25 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 2 How do webbed feet help birds? Correct! Webbed feet help birds to be able to swim. Next Question

26 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 3 Birds living near a forest would most likely eat what? A)Small rodents A)Seeds A)Fish B) C) A)

27 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 3 Birds living near a forest most likely what? The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Try the question again

28 PRACTICE QUIZ: QUESTION 3 Birds living near a forest most likely eat what? Correct! Birds living near a forest would have more access to food sources like small rodents than they would to fish or seeds. Next Question

29 QUIZ: QUESTION 1 What does a chisel shaped beak help the bird do? A)Scoop fish B) Spear fish C) Drill for insects D) Suck nectar A) B) C) D)

30 QUIZ: QUESTION 1 The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

31 QUIZ: QUESTION 1 Correct! A chisel shaped beak type is used to drill for insects. Next Question

32 QUIZ: QUESTION 2 How do long talons help birds? They help them to: A)Walk in water A)Catch prey A)Climb A) B) C)

33 QUIZ: QUESTION 2 The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

34 QUIZ: QUESTION 2 Correct! Long talons help birds to catch their prey. Next Question

35 QUIZ: QUESTION 3 Watch a short clip of the following video and choose which beak shape applies to this bird:

36 QUIZ: QUESTION 3 The bird from the video has which type of beak type? A)Cracking A)Spear A)Tubular A)Hooked A) B) D) C)

37 QUIZ: QUESTION 3 The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

38 QUIZ: QUESTION 3 Correct! The bird in the video, a Hummingbird, has a tubular beak, which is used to suck nectar. Next Question

39 QUIZ: QUESTION 4 Birds living near ponds are most likely to eat which of the following: A)Algae, fish A)Seeds A)Insects A)Small rodents C) B) D) A)

40 QUIZ: QUESTION 4 The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

41 QUIZ: QUESTION 4 Correct! Birds living near ponds would have easiest access to a food source of algae or fish. Next Question

42 QUIZ: QUESTION 5 Look at the picture and determine what the feet type is made to do.

43 QUIZ: QUESTION 5 As seen in the picture, a parrot’s feet has 3 toes in front and 1 in back. What does their feet most likely help them do? A)Swim A)Grasp branches A)Catch prey A) C) B)

44 QUIZ: QUESTION 5 The answer you have chosen is incorrect. Please try again. Try the question again

45 QUIZ: QUESTION 5 Correct! A parrot’s feet helps them be able to grasp branches with ease. Back to the beginning

46 REFERENCES Utah Education Network. “Birds will be birds.” Video: “Hummingbird feeder action.”.

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