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California Condor Gymnogyps californianus By: Joel Fiedler

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1 California Condor Gymnogyps californianus By: Joel Fiedler
Birds of Prey California Condor Gymnogyps californianus By: Joel Fiedler

2 Characteristics of a bird of prey.
A hooked beak. It catches food with talons.

3 Diet Deer, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, cougars, bears, or cattle and sometimes rabbits, coyotes, whales, sea lions, salmon. They also were said to eat mega fauna. Mega fauna

4 Physical characteristics
Wingspan up 10 feet 47 in. long

5 D.D.T. D.D.T. Stands for dichlorodiphnyltrichloroethane

6 Habitat California shores.

7 population Right now there are 300 or more California condors

8 Behavior The California condor loves to bath in mountain streams and then likes to dry off in the hot sun.

9 Extra facts Japan calls the California condor a flying garbage can

10 Video

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