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Founded in 1995 by the National Association of Community Health Centers, Community HealthCorps is the largest health-focused, national AmeriCorps program.

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Presentation on theme: "Founded in 1995 by the National Association of Community Health Centers, Community HealthCorps is the largest health-focused, national AmeriCorps program."— Presentation transcript:


2 Founded in 1995 by the National Association of Community Health Centers, Community HealthCorps is the largest health-focused, national AmeriCorps program that promotes healthcare for America’s underserved, while developing tomorrow’s healthcare workforce.

3 The mission of Community HealthCorps is to improve healthcare access and enhance workforce development for community health centers through national service programs. The vision of Community HealthCorps is to become a national service pipeline for careers in community health centers that is improving access to necessary primary and preventative care services for the medically underserved.

4 For further information about Community HealthCorps, visit

5 Timesheet Approvals and Financial Reimbursement

6 Timesheet Approvals and Financial Reimbursements Financial Reimbursements Approval Timeline Program Coordinator Responsibilities NACHC Responsibilities Timesheet Unlocking Deadlines Reporting and Reimbursement Schedule Timesheet Approval Process

7 Approval Timeline 5 th of the Month – Member submits completed timesheets to Supervisor(s) for approval 10 th of the Month – Supervisor(s) approve timesheets and submit to Program Coordinators for approval 15 th of the Month – Program Coordinator approves all members timesheets

8 Program Site Coordinator Responsibilities Timesheet Approval Process Completely review every members timesheet before approving and certifying and attesting, under the penalties of perjury, that the information below as reported in the timesheets is accurate and true. As per the Sub-Grantee Agreement if any items reported are found to be inaccurate or falsified, the organization (sub-grantee) could be liable to pay back funds received to NACHC and CNCS, with interest and penalties, which may include fines and/or imprisonment under Section 1001 of Title 18, U.S.C., exclusion from participation in federal programs, and forfeiture of benefits received as a result of enrollment of a member, or other actions as authorized by the Civil Fraud Remedies Act (31 U.S.C. 3801-3812). The hours served do not include any lunches or breaks (unless there is a periodically approved working lunch) or prohibited activities Appropriate supervisor(s) selected Appropriate categories selected Independent coursework/service documentation verified/approved Comment box used if “other” category is checked

9  Member Name and Start Date Reflected in Egrants  First Hours coincide with OnCorps start date  Program Coordinator or Designee selected  Appropriate Categories selected  Lunches/Breaks Recorded Correctly  Member used Comment Box if “Other” is selected  No Issues with Member Activities: prohibited activities, etc.  Member Exited Program  Member exited from Egrants within 30 days (Note: Members must be exited from Egrants within 30 calendar days their last day of service, the last days hours were earned as documented on their timesheets.)  Member exit date updated in OnCorps / Does it coincide with the Egrants exit date  Comments – Use this box to explain cells with N=No or any other additional information about the Member Initial Timesheet Review Process Initial Timesheet Review: The initial timesheet review process must be completed within the first month of the program/member(s) start date(s), and returned to NACHC no later than November 15th. For members who start later in the program year, their initial timesheet review must be completed within the first month of the member(s)start date. All Certified Initial Timesheet Review Tools must be completed and submitted to NACHC. A sample of at least two timesheet periods from August - October must be reviewed for ALL Members who serve in your program. To include: Program Site Coordinator Responsibilities

10 Mid-Year Timesheet Review Process Program Site Coordinator Responsibilities Mid-Year Timesheet Review: The mid-year timesheet review process must be completed in February - March depending on your program’s start date (the earlier the start date, the earlier the review date). All Certified Mid Year Timesheet Review Tools must be completed and submitted to NACHC no later than April 15th. A sample of at least two timesheet periods from December - February must be reviewed for ALL Members who serve in your program. To include:  Final Timesheet Approval by the 15th of the month following service period  Program Coordinator or Designee Selected  Appropriate Categories Selected (Note: For example, check to make sure that service categories were not used to categorize training or fundraising activities.)  Independent Coursework Documentation Verified  Lunches/Breaks Recorded Correctly  Member used Comment Box if “Other” is selected  No Issues with Member Activities: prohibited activities, etc.  Member's Activities aligned with Member Assignment Description (Note: Check to make sure that the activities described by the member in his or her timesheet are aligned with the expectations outlined in the Member Assignment Description.)  Member Exited Program  Member exited from eGrants within 30 days (Note: Members must be exited from eGrants within 30 calendar days their last day of service, the last days hours were earned as documented on their timesheets.)  Member exit date updated in OnCorps / Does it coincide with the eGrants exit date  Did the Member receive an education award  Comments – Use this box to explain cells with N=No or any other additional information about the Member

11 Timesheet Monitoring Process NACHC Responsibilities Initial and Mid-Year Timesheet Monitoring – NACHC will review each program sites initial Timesheet Review Tool for accuracy and notify program site if re-submission is required. NACHC will spot check one timesheet reviewed by program site and one random timesheet. If no errors are found NACHC will send a close out letter to program sites indicating no errors. If errors are found, NACHC will send notification to program site on corrective actions. The program site is responsible for submitting a response letter to NACHC. Once corrective actions are resolved, NACHC will send a close out letter. If corrective actions are unresolvable, NACHC will send a letter to program site with unresolvable issues. If there are help desk request for unlocking, NACHC will unlock timesheets for specific reasons as stated on the timesheet unlocking request page.

12 Timesheet Unlocking Request Timesheet Unlocking Request for Unlocking Timesheets will only be approved for inaccurate time reported (understated or overstated service hours). Examples include:  Unrecorded lunches  Unrecorded service hours missed reporting like independent course work, group service, independent service, team days, and training events  Member recorded hours prior to contract start date or recorded hours after contract end date  Member recorded hours prior to NSOPW and initiation of the criminal history check  Member recorded unallowable hours involving prohibited activities Process for Requesting Unlocking Timesheets: All unlocking requests must go through the Community HealthCorps Help Desk. The request must include name of the Member, reason for request and date of timesheet to unlock. All requests should be made to Manager of Grants Administration.

13 Financial Reimbursement Process Reporting Deadlines Reimbursements are done on a quarterly basis All hours for all members must be approved by the 15 th of the month following the reporting period end. If there are pending hours, sites Reimbursement Request Forms (RRFs) will be delayed. RRFs are generated by NACHC within 30 days from the time all members hours are approved for the quarterly reimbursement period and sent to program sites for certification. RRFs should be certified by the Program Coordinator to include signature, date, printed name and title. Certification should be done within a 7-day period from receipt and sent to the Manager of Grants Administration for processing (payroll registers for Members who served during that period should also be attached).

14 RRF Reimbursement Schedule Reimbursement periods 5 and 6 are for programs who have a start date later than August 1 and whose members serve past the July 31 program end date. Additionally, if any dates fall on a weekend, the due date is the next business day. Reimbursement Period Reporting Period Dates Approval of Timesheets Due RRFs Sent to Sites RRFs Due to NACHC 108/1 -10/3111/1512/1512/22 211/01 -01/3102/1503/153/22 302/01- 04/3005/1506/156/22 405/0 - 07/3108/1509/159/22 508/01 - 10/3111/1512/1512/22 611/01 - 01/3102/1503/153/22

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