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Museum Project By: Cecilia Tzintzun. Mona Lisa “Mona Lisa” hangs in the Louvre Museum on Paris, France.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Project By: Cecilia Tzintzun. Mona Lisa “Mona Lisa” hangs in the Louvre Museum on Paris, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Project By: Cecilia Tzintzun

2 Mona Lisa “Mona Lisa” hangs in the Louvre Museum on Paris, France

3 Painter Leonardo da Vinci

4 Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy Concerned with science and nature which greatly inspired his work as a painter, sculpture, inventor and draftsman Occupations were mathematician, artist, inventor, musician, and writer His best known paintings were “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper.” He died on May 2, 1502 in Amboise, France

5 “close reading" Mona Lisa is known to be completed from 1505 and 1507 People believe the painting is a picture of “Lisa Gioconda” wife of Francesco del Giocondoor or that it’s a self-portrait of himself as a woman “Mona” in Italian is similar to “my lady” in English The painting was never delivered to its commissioner so it is unknown when he began painting it, or how long it took Leonardo da Vinci kept the painting with him until his death

6 “close reading” The veil covering Mona Lisa’s hair is considered a morning veil. Veils like this were commonly known as a mark of virtue. None of her clothing show signs of aristocratic status Her smile is known to show a sign of innocence and calm Eyes silently meet the gaze of the observer bringing the viewer to her eye line

7 “close reading” Everything around Mona Lisa’s face is dark bringing more attention to her face. The curves of her hair and her clothing are put into waves of the landscape and steady hills behind her The landscape of the painting has been painted out as the first instance of a portrait on landscape

8 Virgin of the Rocks The Last Supper

9 Scholar Summary Donald Sasson points out that the paintings “content” is simple and the identity of the woman is unknown. It is the best known work of art around the world. There has always been something special about the painting and its impact on the public. The Mona Lisa is everywhere now and it can mean anything and everything to its viewer.

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