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Ohio Department of Transportation John R. Kasich, Governor Jerry Wray, Director Project Development Process November 28, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Department of Transportation John R. Kasich, Governor Jerry Wray, Director Project Development Process November 28, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Department of Transportation John R. Kasich, Governor Jerry Wray, Director Project Development Process November 28, 2011

2 2 Scoping Training Agenda Purpose of PDP Updates Overview of PDP Phases/Paths New Deliverables Scoping Task List Project Initiation Package Scoping Projects Consultant Roll-out Development of Web-Based Tool Future Training Question and Answer Session Project Development Process

3 3 Questions may be sent to Central Office via e-mail during the webinar Please send e-mail to: Questions will be taken at the end of each section Webinar Questions Project Development Process

4 4 Get Ready… for the New PDP Project Development Process It’s time to make the transition Pilot projects have been proven successful Projects in January 2012 Programmatic scoped with new PDP Ensure statewide consistency and application of process

5 5 PDP Scoping Training Jim Barna, Assistant Director Project Development Process

6 6 Get Ready… for the New PDP Implementing efficiencies FHWA’s Every Day Counts allowed for new intpretation, giving more flexibility to DOTs in defining Detailed Design Project Managers take more aggressive role in life cycle of project Utilize success measures to evaluate and deliver program Project Development Process

7 7 Get Ready… for the New PDP Expedite project delivery Improved scoping with PDP Tools (Use Project Initiation Package for scoping consultants) Balancing risk Reduction of unnecessary work and studies Making solid decisions faster and cheaper Project Development Process

8 8 PDP Scoping Training Tim Hill, OES Administrator, Project Development Process

9 9 PDP… “Building in the Air” Development and Implementation happening concurrently Process complete, supporting documentation being finalized Some projects already underway All new projects must be scoped with PDP Hang on….. Project Development Process

10 10Project Development Process

11 11 Why is the PDP Important? PDP is framework for projects Establishes scope of work and deliverables Integrated, multi-disciplined decision- making process Provides for safe and efficient transportation system Forms basis for legally defensible actions Project Development Process

12 12 Why is the PDP being updated? Minimize project processing time Current process –up to 10 years for complex projects Reduce costs Finance projection – future years lack of state match Overall, cost is high… Balance Risks Did the PDP swing too far to one side of the risk spectrum? Project Development Process

13 13 PDP Goals Improve Scoping Better education and flexibility with the process Only necessary worked gets scoped Reduction of studies and a quicker process for early alternatives consideration Faster Preferred Alternative determination Further advancement of design during NEPA Project Development Process

14 14 PDP Phased Approach Project Development Process Major, Minor and Minimal Process is retired Streamlined to meet the objectives of ODOT’s core program Allows for more flexibility between phases Pulls Stage 1 and Stage 2 Engineering into PE and EE Redefines how alternatives are developed Proactive merger of Design and NEPA

15 15 PDP Paths Project Development Process Click a path below to view the tasks for that path or Click Here to see other task view options:Click Here

16 16 PDP Project Paths Path #1 These projects are defined as “simple” transportation improvements generated by traditional maintenance and preventative maintenance. They involve minor structure and roadway work with no ROW/utility impacts. These are typically NEPA exempt or CE Level 1 NEPA documents. Path #2 These are also simple projects (similar to Path 1- minor structure and minor roadway work), however, these jobs can involve ROW/utility impacts limited to strip takes. These jobs are typically CE Level 1 documents. Project Development Process

17 17 PDP Project Paths Path #3 These projects involve a higher level of complexity than projects in Path 1 or 2. They involve projects such as: moderate roadway and structure work, intersection and minor interchange upgrades, minor realignments, reconstruction, median widenings, etc. They can involve utility and ROW impacts including relocations. Project Development Process

18 18 PDP Project Paths Path #4 These projects involve complex roadway and structure work that may add capacity such as: highway widening, new alignments in suburban or rural settings, reconstruction, access management, complex bridge replacement and/or multiple intersection/interchange alternatives. They may have high utility and/or ROW relocations/impacts. These are typically CE Level 3 or higher level NEPA documents. Project Development Process

19 19 PDP Project Paths Path #5 These projects have the highest complexity and involve projects like: new capacity-adding alignments in complex urban centers, major highway widenings, reconstructed interchange or new interchange. These projects will have high ROW relocations/impacts, complex utility issues, multiple alternatives and access management issues. These projects are typically higher level NEPA documents and will require additional scoping reviews before acceptance. Project Development Process

20 20 Project Initiation Package – Early Planning document used to identify issues of concern prior to preparation of project scope. This document should be prepared by the District and used to scope the consultant. PDP Definitions Project Development Process

21 21 Feasibility Study – This study is completed during Preliminary Engineering and will focus on narrowing of alternatives or establishing preferred alternative. PDP Definitions Project Development Process

22 22 Alternative Evaluation Report – This study will discuss environmental and design issues then recommend a Preliminary Preferred Alternative. Once a preferred alternative is chosen, Stage 1 and Stage 2 can begin concurrently with NEPA studies and permits. PDP Definitions Project Development Process

23 23 PDP Scoping Training Mike Wawszkiewicz, PDP Team Project Development Process

24 24 PDP Milestones What’s changed? What are typical milestones for a project? Is there flexibility? Project Development Process

25 25 PDP Milestones What’s changed? Preliminary Engineering - FHWA interpretation Engineering/Design can be advanced through the end of Stage 2. Critical Path Management Project Development Process

26 26 PDP Milestones What’s changed? Replaced Red Flag Summary CAS AFA Preliminary Engineering Report PAVR Project Development Process

27 27 PDP Milestones What’s changed? Additions Project Initiation Package Feasibility Study Alternative Evaluation Report Project Development Process

28 28 PDP Milestones Typical Milestones PDP Web Site provides typical milestones for each project path Milestones should be evaluated and determined at scoping Flexibility is needed on a project specific basis Project Development Process

29 29 PDP Milestones Project Development Process Typical Deliverables

30 30 PDP Task List Task List Used to establish Project tasks that need to be completed Used to establish Project Scope for consultants Format Sharepoint Web Site Microsoft Excel Project Development Process

31 31 PDP Task List Notable Changes in the Task List – Planning Project Initiation Package Based on Red Flag Summary Secondary source information and site visit Project Development Process

32 32 PDP Task List Notable Changes in the Task List – Planning Feasibility Study – Click HereClick Here Path 1-3: Establish Preferred Path 4-5: Narrow to 2 to 3 alternatives Alternative Evaluation Report – Click HereClick Here Further refinement of feasible alternatives Recommend Preferred Project Development Process

33 33 PDP Task List Notable Changes in the Task List – Design Geotechnical Exploration Timing Structure Type Study Pavement Design Coordinate Design Exceptions and other critical items early, if possible Project Development Process

34 34 PDP Task List Notable Changes in the Task List – Right of Way Right of Way Plans Preliminary Right of Way submittal includes legal descriptions to allow County review and avoid delays prior to acquisition Final Right of Way Plans combined with Right of Way Tracings Project Development Process

35 35 PDP Task List Sharepoint Web Site Task Numbers and Names Descriptions Typical need Responsible Office References Project Development Process

36 36 PDP Task List Sharepoint Web Site Overview of Site – Click HereClick Here Project Development Process

37 37 PDP Task List Combined Submittals when possible Stage 1 activities (no Stage 1 submittal) still performed when only Stage 2 submittal is required Cost and schedule savings Risk Management Project Development Process

38 38 PDP Task List Move/Add Submittals when appropriate Example Right of Way is critical path Need to meet schedule date Move up NEPA clearance and any other necessary tasks (field studies, etc.) to obtain NEPA clearance prior to Stage 2 Allows Federal dollars to be spent on Right of Way Project specific - Cannot be addressed through typical list Project Development Process

39 39 PDP Task List Design Manual Updates Manual updates will begin in the near future to address new PDP tasks and sequencing Project Development Process

40 40 Project Initiation Package Project Initiation Package – Click HereClick Here Based on Red Flag Summary Secondary source information and Site Visit Need this information to properly scope a project Prepared by District Project Development Process

41 41 Project Initiation Package Notable Changes Removed many questions focused on same information addressed in bridge/culvert inspection reports Removed repetitive information included scope of services Attach inspection reports Removed “Yes/No/Possible” Coordinate with County Manager Project Development Process

42 42 PDP Scoping Training Mat Mauger, PDP Team Project Development Process

43 43 PDP Scoping How do I put a Scope of Services together? Project Development Process

44 44 Changes needed in CSS (target to be complete 12/15/11): Request to use a Consultant Project Development Process

45 45 Know what you are scoping. Typical “Scope/ Proposal/Agreement” Phase Groupings per Path: Keep Federal Authorization in mind when grouping. Path 1Path 2Path 3Path 4Path 5 FEPE PL PE thru EE PL thru AER FE PE thru Stage 1 On-going Services during Constructi on Stage 2 thru EE FE On-going Services during Constructi on PDP Scoping Project Development Process

46 46 Complete the “Initiation Package” and other Planning tasks as appropriate for the project or “Path” Start by using the template excel file in determining “Tasks” needed \\itcfs007\odrive\OTHER\CONTRACT\CONSULT\Scope of Service Docs\PDP\New Task Template.xls \\itcfs007\odrive\OTHER\CONTRACT\CONSULT\Scope Use the word scope template to create the scope form. The excel file done above will be an attachment to the word scope doc O:\OTHER\CONTRACT\CONSULT\Scope of Service Docs\PDP PDP Scoping Project Development Process

47 47 Consultant Training is scheduled for January 5, 2012 PDP Scoping Project Development Process

48 48 PDP Scoping Training Andrea Stevenson, PDP Team Project Development Process

49 49 PDP Tool Transition Task List to web-based tool Access available to project sponsors and consultants Vendor to be hired soon Six month development Complete in mid-2012 Project Development Process

50 50 Support Materials PDP Manual complete and on-line by January 2012 Sample Gantt Charts Review Matrices Various Templates Examples of Deliverables Project Development Process

51 51 Training Consultants to receive Scoping Training on January 5, 2012 District Training will start in January 2012, LPAs should be invited Consultants trained February 2012 Project Development Process

52 52 Questions and Answers Project Development Process Please e-mail any questions you have to

53 53 Thank you for your participation today. Project Development Process

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