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RFID Enabling your OpenEdge® Application David Lund Sr. Training Program Manager, Progress.

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1 RFID Enabling your OpenEdge® Application David Lund Sr. Training Program Manager, Progress

2 2© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Session Goals n Present an architecture for integrating RFID event capture into your OpenEdge applications –Shipping & receiving docks, –Packing stations, –Conveyor systems, … n Introduce the OpenEdge RFID Library and how it can help you meet your application RFID demands

3 3© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Events n Signal the placement or removal of a tagged item in or from the detection field of an RFID reader n Event attributes –Time –Tag ID (EPC) –Reader ID –Action (Add or Delete) n May trigger a business event

4 4© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Business Events n Events derived from low level RFID events and other inputs. Puts events into a business context n Event attributes –Business action (pack, ship, receive, …) –Location (DC 23, Dock 9, …) –Tag IDs (EPCs) –Time n Input to business apps Invoice xxxx xxx xxx √ √ √ √

5 5© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Event Processing Goals n Insulate applications from high volume, “noisy” RFID event streams n Insulate applications from specifics of readers to allow reader replacement n Process events on the edge to minimize load on back-end systems n Automate generation of business events from low level events n Store events to allow audit and analysis of performance of business processes

6 6© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Architecture for RFID Event Capture

7 7© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application The Event Layer n RFID middleware (ALE) –“Application Level Event” –First line of defense against RFID noise –Aggregates and filters RFID events –Common API, independent of reader type n RFID repository (RFID-Accelerator) –Event history for audit and analysis –Event buffer for store/forward, offline, … n RFID readers and sensors –Physical devices on docks, conveyors, …

8 8© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application The Application Layer n OpenEdge application –Standalone, –AppServer, … n OpenEdge RFID Library –4GL API for accessing ALE and RFID-A event data –Hides details of ALE and RFID-A web service interfaces

9 9© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Event Flow Middleware (ALE) RFID Reader OpenEdge Application RFID Events Query Event History Query RFID Reader

10 10© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application ALE Middleware n Aggregates and filters RFID events n Abstraction layer above readers n Web-service interface for querying RFID events (ECSpecs & ECReports) n Query/Reply model and subscriptions (HTTP post, JMS, …) n Answers question: “what is at reader X now”

11 11© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Accelerator n Collection and storage of RFID event streams (keep out of ERP/WMS DB) n Edge data store, buffering, track/trace, … n Greater “noise” reduction above ALE n Web-service interface for querying RFID event history (EHSpecs & EHReports) n Query/Reply model n Answers questions such as: “What passed through dock 5 yesterday between 9:00 and 11:00 AM?”

12 12© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application What are Specs & Reports? n Specs define “queries” –ECSpec: Event Cycle Spec for ALE –EHSpec: Event History Spec for RFID-A n Reports are the results of “queries” –ECReport: Event Cycle Report from ALE –EHReport: Event History Report from RFID-A n XML documents passed via web service interface

13 13© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Sample ECSpec dock_1a dock_1b 20000 3000

14 14© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Sample ECReport urn:epc:tag:gid-64-i:10.50.1000 urn:epc:tag:gid-64-i:10.50.1001 2 3

15 15© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application OpenEdge RFID Library Overview n OpenEdge library for integrating the processing of RFID events into OpenEdge applications n Supports retrieval of RFID events from any ALE middleware (either query/reply or subscriptions) n Supports retrieval of RFID event history from RFID-A

16 16© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application OpenEdge RFID Library Features n Easy to use API provides a procedural approach to creating and issuing queries – No need to know details EC/EHSpecs n Event data presented as ProDataSets and TempTables makes it easy to process data in 4GL –No need to know details EC/EHReports n No need to know details of web services or SOAP

17 17© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Example 1: Receiving Dock Monitor n Receives asynchronous reports from ALE as pallets of goods move through the dock n As each report is received OpenEdge RFID Library creates a temp-table of tags which moved through dock and calls user procedure to process the tags n Same concepts apply to other RFID situations; shipping, packing, conveyor...)

18 18© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Sample API Usage RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

19 19© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Load OpenEdge RFID Library Procedure Library RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

20 20© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Create an ALE Client RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

21 21© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Create an ECSpec RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

22 22© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Set ECSpec Attributes RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

23 23© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Create an ECReport Spec RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

24 24© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Add ECReportSpec to ECSpec RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

25 25© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Poll the ALE RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

26 26© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Iterate Through Results RUN rfid/rfidlib.p PERSISTENT SET hrfidlib. RUN createALEClient IN hrfidlib (INPUT url, OUTPUT hALEClient). RUN createECSpec IN hrfidlib (OUTPUT hECSpec). RUN setLogicalReaders IN hECSpec (INPUT “DockDoor1”). RUN setDuration IN hECSpec (INPUT duration).... RUN createECReportSpec in hrfidlib (INPUT name, OUTPUT hECReportSpec).RUN addIncludePattern in hECReportSpec (INPUT filter). RUN addECReportSpec in hECSpec (INPUT hECReportSpec). RUN immediate IN hALEClient (INPUT hECSpec, OUTPUT DATASET dsECReport). FOR EACH ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECGroup OF ttECReport: FOR EACH ttECMember OF TTECGroup: DISPLAY ttECMember.epc. END. END. END.

27 27© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Example 2: Receiving Dock Analysis n Queries RFID-A to determine goods received at a dock door over some time period n For each report OpenEdge RFID Library creates a temp-table of tags which moved through dock door in that time period and the temp table is then processed by the application n Same concepts apply to other RFID situations; track & trace, auditing, performance analysis, …

28 28© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application OpenEdge RFID Library APIs for ALE & RFID-A n The ALE and RFID-A APIs in OpenEdge RFID Library are very similar. If you learn one you know the other. n Primary difference is for RFID-A you specify a date/time range of events to be retrieved; for ALE you specify event cycle boundaries.

29 29© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application OpenEdge RFID Library Prerequisites n OpenEdge 10.0B02 n RFID-A 3.1 n RFID Middleware Compliant with EPCglobal ALE 1.0 specification –ConnecTerra RFTagAware –Others to be announced

30 30© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application What’s Missing in OpenEdge RFID Library n Tag writing –Not necessary if using 3’rd party writing/labeling software. Here OpenEdge is a simply source of tag data n Tag killing –Will provide API for tag writing/killing when added to ALE standard

31 31© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Data Management Strategy n Comprehensive Data Management Strategy –What data is relevant? –Where must the data be digested? –How does a tag read relate to other reads? –What context is required to provide understanding? –What reporting/sharing is required by internal users? By each trading partner?

32 32© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application EPC-IS: A Proposed Data Management Standard n New architecture proposed by EPCglobal –Standard definition occurring amongst its working groups n Goal is standardize the functionality and roles of an EPC repository –Capture of low level events –Transformation –Application of business context –Data sharing with trading partners

33 33© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID Event Management n RFID events are being processed at the edge –Where the events occur n Frequently morphing into existing transaction formats n Upstream relay of events into enterprise –Must allow for reporting/monitoring –Must enable higher level events to be triggered from multiple edge-based event streams

34 34© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Enterprise Edge RFID Event Information Architecture n RFID reads combine with other sensing feeds Readers ALESensorsIndicators EPC Capture/Transform Application Messaging Query Server EPC Action Repository Messaging Business App Local ONS n Intelligence to drive higher level updates n Repository builds a history of events, actions, associations & derivations n Subscribe or trigger based reporting

35 35© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application 7 Principles of RFID Data Management 1. Digest Data Close to the Source 2. Turn Simple Events into Meaningful Events 3. Buffer Event Streams 4. Cache Context 5. Federate Data Distribution in Real Time 6. Age RFID Data Gracefully 7. Automate Exception Handling

36 36© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application #2: Turn Simple Events into Meaningful Events Complex Event Query When a truck tag is read by reader 20… Simple EventsMeaningful Events …followed by pallet tag scanned at reader 7… …followed by 50 case tag scans… …Meaningful information emerges Receipt of 50 Plasma TVs against ASN 123

37 37© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application RFID ESP Example IF ASN unloaded_from_truck AND location=destination FOLLOWED-BY INSPECT “damaged” VALIDATE “agreed” ACTION ASN bill_customer FOLLOWED-BY TRUCK permission-to-leave ACTION stop_truck time VALIDATE INSPECT ASN Event Stream Processing Multiple streams of events Optimized for time & cause Identify patterns ESP results in actions Requires massively parallel event processing in real time ! Has the right set of plasma TVs been unloaded? ! Plasma TV Inspection OK ! Inspection validated Bill the customer

38 38© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Questions? n Andrew McCarthy –Progress OpenEdge Division – n John Trigg –Progress Real Time Division –

39 39© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application Thank you for your time!

40 40© 2005 Progress Software Corporation RFID Enabling your OpenEdge Application

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