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Sir Isaac Newton Joni Jaeger Science, Technology and Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Sir Isaac Newton Joni Jaeger Science, Technology and Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sir Isaac Newton Joni Jaeger Science, Technology and Society

2 Background Born: Dec 25, 1642 Lincolnshire, England
Father died shortly before birth Mother remarried a rich clergyman Never married Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, studied mathematics

3 Accomplishments 1687- Newton wrote Book 1 of Principia, which included the definitions and the laws of motion

4 1st Law of Motion A body continues in a state of rest or to move with a steady velocity in a straight line if it is not acted upon by forces

5 2nd Law of Motion When a force acts on a body it produces an acceleration which is proportional to the magnitude of the force

6 3rd Law of Motion If body A exerts a force on body B, body B always exerts an equal and opposite force on body A

7 1696 Knighted Sir Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton had been appointed Warden of the British Mint. As a result of his work at the Mint he was knighted by Queen Anne

8 1704 He wrote the Optics Newton observed that white light could be separated by a prism into a spectrum of different colors

9 Inventions 1668 Newton made his first public scientific achievement with the invention and construction of a reflecting telescope. 1699 Newton invented the Sextant

10 Death Sir Isaac Newton died at the age of 85. Kensington, England
March 20, 1727

11 Any Questions ??

12 Bibliography Isaac Newton by Michael Fowler Physics Dept., U Va Sir Isaac Newton: Motion and Gravity Sir Isaac Newton: The Nature of Light Sir Isaac Newton ( )

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