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Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies American Society of Criminology November 16, 2011.

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1 Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies American Society of Criminology November 16, 2011

2 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 2  Test an organizational improvement strategy (i.e., Local Change Team and Facilitator) to bring about improvements in the quality of assessment and case planning procedures.  Target population: Offenders with substance-use disorders transitioning to community supervision and treatment.

3 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 3 1 - Assessment is made to identify treatment needs 2 - Case plan for treatment services is developed from assessment 3 - At discharge, client is referred to community treatment program 4 - Case plan is transmitted to community treatment program 5 - Client receives services for needs identified in case plan 6 - Client problems and progress are recorded and transmitted as needed

4 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 4 Measurement & Instrumentation Concerned with the breadth and quality of the screening and assessment processes that correctional agencies use to identify strengths, weaknesses, and service needs of offenders. Integration with the Case Plan Concerned with the extent to which the case plan developed by the correctional agency explicitly addresses the needs identified in the assessments by recommending treatment or services. Conveyance & UtilityConcerned with the extent to which the correctional agency shares the assessment and the case plan with community-based treatment programs and the extent to which these programs find the case plan useful. Service Activation & Provision Concerned with the extent to which community-based treatment programs provide the services to offenders that were identified or recommended in the case plans.

5 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 5  Local Change Team (LCT)  Local Change Team Leader  Facilitator  Note taker  Research staff

6 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 6 PhasePrimary Outcome(s)Duration (in months) 1. Start-up Local Change Team (LCT) is formed and the project is introduced to them at the Kick-Off Meeting. 1-2 2. Needs Assessment LCT completes a Needs Assessment that identifies the relative strengths & weaknesses in the agency’s current assessment and case planning processes. 3-4 3. Process Improvement Planning LCT develops a Process Improvement Plan that identifies goals and objectives for improvement in one or more of the four dimensions of the assessment continuum. 3-4 4.Implementation LCT works to implement the goals and objectives of the Process Improvement Plan. 6 5. Follow-Up LCT assesses the sustainability of the process improvement goals achieved and the LCT method for facilitating process improvements. 6

7 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 7 Improvements in: ▪ Congruence between assessments and case plans ▪ Presence of accepted principles of case plan development ▪ Conveyance of case plans from correctional agencies to community treatment programs ▪ Utility of case plans for community treatment programs ▪ Staff perceptions of the assessment-case planning process...will occur after the introduction of the OPII.

8 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 8  A multi-site, randomized, delayed-onset design.  Each Research Center partners with two criminal justice agencies, and each agency partners with one or more community treatment programs to which they refer clients.  Within each Research Center, the agencies are randomly assigned to an Early-Start condition or a Delayed-Start condition. (Delay of 10-12 months.)

9 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 9 Assessment & Case Planning Implementation Study Research Design June 2010 July 2010 Aug 2010- July 2011 Aug 2011- Jan 2012 July 2011- July 2012 Facilitator Training (Initial 2-day face-to-face meeting & regular conf calls) Baseline Data Collection: Early & Delayed-Start BSOC Surveys Study-specific surveys Case Plan Ratings Early Start Sites OPII Intervention activities Follow-up Data Collection: Early Start Study-specific surveys Staff Interviews Case Plan Ratings Early Start Sites No Intervention 5. Follow-up Delay Start Sites Randomization Delay Start Sites OPII Intervention activities

10 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 10  Primary hypotheses will be tested using data from the Early-Start sites and the Delayed-Start sites during the comparison period.  Delayed-Start site will benefit from any changes in the intervention.  Repeated organizational measures and interviews will examine how the assessment and case planning process changes in response to the intervention.

11 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 11  Data Collection  CJDATS organizational surveys  Study-specific surveys  Assessment and Recommendations for Treatment Rating Form  Staff interviews  Cost data

12 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 12 Selected Baseline Variables TX (Early-Start Sites)Ctrl (Delayed-Start Sites) VariableN Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) Climate for Change (Correctional Staff)116 3.19 (0.52) 179 3.31 (0.50) Climate for Change (Treatment Staff)146 3.22 (0.61) 91 3.11 (0.59) Attitude toward Evidence-Based Practices (Correctional Staff )* 114 2.70 (0.58 176 2.85 (0.51) Attitude toward Evidence-Based Practices (Treatment Staff) 145 2.51 (0.53) 91 2.54 (0.49) Goal Commitment (Change Team)121 2.74 (0.31) -- Likert scale: 1 (Low) to 5 (High) * p <.05

13 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 13 Project Status  Study was in the field July 2010.  Currently: Early-Start Sites Needs Assessment Phase: 2 Planning Phase: 5 Implementation Phase: 2 Delayed-Start Sites Needs Assessment Phase: 3

14 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 14 Examples of Goals Measurement and Instrumentation Use an evidenced-based assessment of offender motivation and readiness for treatment to prioritize treatment admissions to community treatment. Integration With Case Plan Develop an electronic offender case plan to link data from substance abuse assessment and treatment needs with other offender needs (e.g., education, mental health, HIV services).

15 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 15 Examples of Goals Conveyance and Utility Develop an electronic data sharing system for case plan information that can be accessed by community correctional and treatment agencies immediately upon release of the offender from prison. Service Activation and Provision Adopt an evidenced-based curriculum for HIV education and prevention for use in the existing in-prison and community- based substance abuse treatment programs.

16 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 16 Challenges Timeline Staff turnover Comparability across sites

17 CJ-DATS is funded by NIDA in collaboration with SAMHSA and BJA. 17 Thank You Questions?

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